Quote Originally Posted by mdricks View Post
(Disclaimer: I am a trial lawyer that practices defense law for corporations in cases like this, albeit not this jurisdiction; I know very little about this case and my opinions are without sufficient basis hence I am basically "spouting off" )

A settlement on this sets extremely bad precedent. Knowing that payment will be forthcoming for the acts of uncontrolled third parties will open the flood gates. This isn't a slip and fall, the ramifications for future litigation are fairly high.

If I was advising Mickey (and I'm not) I would tell him to take this to trial. The ruling in the criminal court would be very helpful.

Third party in the perp, pull out the dogs and ponies, and make a very loud and visible lesson regarding this type of behavior both in the parks and in the courtrooms. And hope to god you don't loose.

Don't let your lack of faith in attorneys color your faith in the jury system as a whole. The vast majority of people who sit on juries are interested in doing the right thing. I don't know the Orlando area well but I would presume there to be a strong home court advantage for Mickey here. I could very well be wrong just my two cents as an armchair quarterback.
True, but I think this case is rather unique in terms of the facts. Disney may have had notice of this woman's behavior in the line. I think overall, it's a close case and that Disney will eventually settle out of court for a very nominal sum.