Quote Originally Posted by Gooftroop5 View Post
I am sure they will settle because they will lose a lot more if it goes to court. People tend to award these frivalous cases to the "victim" because they are trying to knock the big companies down a peg or 2. Look at the one that got burned with their coffee because they were an idiot & won the big lawsuit against McDonalds. There are a lot of others out there too. Just look at all the warnings that are common sense but have to put on stuff.

"Warning: Line jumping can be hazardous to your health."
Just for the record the woman at McD's was legit. The employee handed her coffee in one of the regular drink cups instead of the coffee cup. When she put it in her lap the cup desintigrated and she had severe burns to her body. She's had several surgeries and still cannot sit down without some sort of aparatus attached to her with cool water running through it so she can be somewhat comfortable.

On the other hand I think the Mad Hatter lady is just trying to get whatever money she can since the first trial didn't get her as much as she apparently wanted. I wish Disney would fight it, but unfortunately it would take way more money to go to court than to just settle and get it out of their hair. I'm sure they will settle.