Originally posted by Bmwdsny:
Ha Ha, this is a funny topic but very important indeed. This reminds me when my hubby and i were first married, before we had kids, we used to cringed when we see parents with their kids on harness and that we would "never" do that to our kids, since we felt leashes are for dogs NOT children!!!! Well, Never say never!!! My son was very active and curious and i used it few times at WDW and other parks because he was never afraid to talk to strangers and i was scared to death that if i even look away a second, he is off among the crowds!! With crazy people going on in the world, this was the safest bet and i ask GOD to forgave me for making crude comments to all the parents in the very beginning. Remember, children are the most precious creatures on earth and don't let others ever cloud your judgement on something that may be best for your child's safety. have fun!!