”One stormy night long ago, five people stepped in the door of an elevator and into a nightmare. That door is opening once again and this time, it's opening for you."

I confess; I was able to escape the torture of this attraction until my youngest reached the height requirement in March. [img]graemlins/doubleeek.gif[/img]

All I can say is; “Wow!”. I was so dang petrified. [img]graemlins/laughing.gif[/img] I didn’t want to scare Shayne so I kept my anxiety all bottled up. When we reached the bell man at the library...............Whoa! Was he freaky. What a fantastic job this guy did. He had the biggest bug eyes I’ve ever seen. Boy did he take advantage of that asset. (insert heebie-jeebies here!)

I am now a proud survivor of the Tower of Terror. [img]graemlins/silly.gif[/img] Needless to say - once was enough for all of us. My little dude got the T-shirt - when it was Mom that really deserved it. [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img] I felt like such an idiot being so afraid.

I’m glad I went. Of course I should mention my little daredevil can’t wait to venture beyond the deepest, darkest corner of his imagination again in February.

I have a phobia of heights. Hence, my lack of enthusiasm for dropping in this elevator. Did you have to force yourself to take the first plunge?
