I'm not really the resolution type - but this year I would like to resolve to take care of a few items

1) Take off the Hilton Head 10. Since moving - I've been enjoying the 200+ restaurants on this 12x5 mile island and it shows. Healthier eating stats January 2

2) Get back into running. Only ran in two events last year - at Disneyland 10k and Half in January and the Jingle Jingle 5k here a couple weeks back. Running keeps me focused and I need to participate in more events and get back in the habit.

3) Spend less time on social media. Total time **** and a waste of energy.

4) Enjoy where I live more - get out, see the area, day trips etc.

5) Eliminate negativity from my life - online and in person. To many angry people out there that drag everyone down.

How about you? What are your resolutions? Do you make them? Do you keep them?