It's been 20 years since our youngest was 5 and had her first California Disney trip.
Like most others here, we always head to WDW, considering it's been 60 days without a post on this forum.
I was an adult when WDW opened and all my best childhood memories of Disney were, of course, from Disneyland. I was always in awe of the whole experience. Thanks Mom & Dad!
It is no less crowded than WDW when the decorations are up but it seems a bit smaller now. All things must change and you can't go back except in your mind.
I was a little disappointed when I bought a coffin full of coasters that looked like the tombstone's at HM. My favorite one is no longer in the graveyard in front of the ride or the souvenir coasters.
It simply said "I told you I was Sick".

The best part of being older at the parks is the single rider line. We usually end up in the same car anyway and it's so much quicker than waiting in the Queue if you don't mind missing the pre-ride display's. Sigh. I guess I'm not as patient as I used to be.