I've asked here before I bought this car, and now I'm asking again. It's neat that out of all the places I could seek answers, I feel like I trust the opinions of my Disney people.
Short version: Wreck, hit hard from behind in Equinox, thankful beyond measure that my grandbabies were perfect, but I continue to have neck and back pain. Vehicle had considerable damage, and was 'fixed', but still has some quirks. Want to trade it in for several reasons. Was offered good deal, surprisingly. Only a year old. New Equinox? Maybe. Would love a little more room for my babies. Up for anything. Outside the Chevy box is fine. Came to conclusion today those seats are not comfy shape for my back and shoulders. Sort of caves around, little support. Need gas mileage to be decent--I'm retired. Thoughts, please?....Considering driving for next Disney trip. Would love to make a move before then.