I know someone will come down on me for this question; but rest assured I am just throwing it out there to open a resonable discussion. What are your thoughts on the way Disney handles Handicapped Accessibility? My mother spent the last 6 years of her life in a wheelchair and all she ever asked was to be treated equally...not special or preferentially. Have you noticed that whenever someone in a wheelchair or scooter shows up at an attraction or buss stop; they are magically whisked to the front of the line (alond with their party members)? There have been times when we have stood in line for over 30 minutes, only to have a scooter show up and go to the front of the line. One evening after 12 long hours at the park (and temps had fallen into the 40's), we were waiting in line for a bus to our resort when a scooter showed up and went to the front of the line where they immediately got on a bus. We had to wait for the third bus (what seemed like an eternity...as you know). The large family beind us started discussing the situation and suggested that the next trip they would buy a wheelchair at a yard sale, and take turns being the handicapped person.
Just curious what other opinions are on EVERYONE waiting their turn in line. Like I said, I was my mother's caregiver for 6 years; so I am not some heartless soul.