Cast members
Me – 33
DH – 34
DD – 8
DS – 4 (first trip)

Monday, Feb. 6th, was the planned Animal Kingdom day. Last night was a super late night and I didn’t expect anyone to be up and going to make EMH at AK this morning. Well, I was awake no problem by about 7. So instead of lying in bed waiting, for the minutes to tick away, I got up, got showered and decided to check out go get the kids their autograph books from the Everything Shop and maybe get some coffee. Holy Mother of all that is good and Holy, is the dining situation in the Classic Hall a mad house! I couldn’t believe how crazy it was. I bobbed and weaved through the crowd, got a coffee (at least that is what they claimed it was) and looked around the shop. Found a couple of items of interest and finally found the autograph books I was looking for. Well, there were three choices and I knew that whatever I chose would be objected to by the kids so I figured we could quickly hop in before getting on the bus to AK, which we ended up doing.

I headed back to the room to get the family up and moving by about 8 or so. The first couple of days we were there it was warm. I heard several cast members make comments how it was warmer than usual for that time of year. Hey, I wasn’t complaining it was 30 degrees back home. As I headed back from the Classic Hall it was clearly shaping up to be a fine day. The sun was shining and it must have been upper 60’s.

I got back to the room and everyone was still asleep. I got DS up first as he’s usually my early riser. We brought a cheap toaster with us since the kids had been on a big toast kick as of late. So it was toast and Pop-Tarts for breakfast this morning, as it was for most mornings. We all had our breakfasts and were heading out to catch the bus to AK shortly thereafter.

I think this was the longest we ever waited for a bus and I think we only waited about 15 minutes. After a quick stop at Blizzard Beach, we were off. We walked through the turnstiles around 9 and headed straight for Everest. The plan was to get Fast passes and then hop in line if it wasn’t too long. Well, as luck would have it the line was nearly a walk on so on we went. I rode with DD on her very first Everest expedition. When we were there with her in 2008 she was just a bit too short. Well she loved it! She informed me after we got off that she kept her eyes closed the whole time. She wasn’t afraid of the drop or the any of that. She was afraid of the non-mobile Yeti that you see for about .2 seconds. Ah well! We get off and since the line was so short, DD and DH decided to get in line too. It was nice to switch off, like this. It gave us the chance to have some one-on-one time with DS, which doesn’t happen too often.

DD and DH come on out and we decide to head over to Dinosaur while we wait for our FP time for Everest. The last time we were there, Dinosaur was the only ride that DD said she didn’t like and wouldn’t do again. She was reluctant this time around, but she was willing to give it another go, I think if for no other reason to look tough to her brother. I thought DS was going to like this ride. He loves dinosaurs. He always wants dinosaur books, toys, shows etc. We even watched a video of the ride on You Tube so he had a generally idea of what it was like. Hah!! I don’t think anything could have prepared him for that ride. The picture at the end was priceless. We were in the front row - the adults on the outsides and kids on the insides of the row. DD is hiding behind DH’s back and DS is grasping my arm for dear life with a look of sheer terror on his face. It was the only ride picture we bought the entire trip.

Now it was time to head over for two more trips up Everest. Again, total blasts! By this time I was really missing my sunglasses. So on our first ride on Buzz the day before, I was going to grab my sunglasses off the top of my head as we were about to get off and they tumbled out of my hand and out of the ride vehicle and right on down the conveyor belt. Luckily they were cheap-o sunglasses. We’ll it was sunny as all get out that day and I was doing lots of squinting. The plan was after riding Everest to head over for a Safari. We’ll the kids just didn’t want to go. I have no idea why because they love animals. I think they thought it was going to be like Dinosaur. So instead of fighting it we decided to head out and hit the pool. On the way out I hit up the shop just outside the park and found some cute and not terribly expensive sunglasses with little silver Mickey’s on the sides. Score!

We hung out at the quiet ‘80’s pool for about a half hour. The kids totally dug it. We never did make it over to the Hippy Dippy, but they didn’t seem to mind. We headed back up to the room to get ready for dinner. Dinner was chosen by DS. When we started planning this trip I asked him what he really wanted to do on his first trip ever to WDW. He looked at me and he said “Eat with Mickey Mouse.” Well, that little buddy, is something I could do. After some advice from the folks here on Intercot, studying the menus and much internal debate, we chose to do dinner at Chef Mickey’s. I was able to get a 5:20 ADR, only one of two we made, and my little guy was going to get his wish.