Just back from our stay at POP, 10/5-10/11. Some firsts, first. First time ever to ride trolley car down Main Street! First time eating at Tusker House and Cape May. Loved both! New Star Wars okay. Heard there were 50 versions. First time to see Lion King - awesome! MNSCHP lots of fun, but does not seem like they limit the crowd at all. Though the cast members were very vigilant about guests wearing wrist band. Overall, weather was fine, except for two days when it rained non-stop. Crowds were more than expected. If you aren't a drinker, better to visit EPCOT during day than at night. Something interesting I found out. Many posts are questions about the Dining Plan. We had two TS credits left our last day and I asked what we could do. The desk manager told us we could use them for breakfast at the food court if we told cashier when paying. The manager also said some other counter services would do this, but we had to ask. The cashier in the food cart added that TS could be turned into three snacks if we wanted to do that. Seems to me the policies change from place to place?