Does anyone think that Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is lame?

A friend of mine thinks it is. He was talking about how it's kind of false advertising to someone who wants to ride a roller coaster. Why? Because even though it is a coaster, it lacks many of the fun elements loved by coaster enthusiasts - there is no big drop (even though there IS a big climb). And even though there are some banked turns, the ride is fairly calm -almost like a kiddie coaster in adult size.

I know what he means. I also think, that with a lot of Disney attractions, it too was designed with the theming in mind rather than the thrills associated with coasters ( and I believe Disney also tried to modify this imbalance with Expedition Everest).

But I've never really thought of this: Someone who has never been to the Magic Kingdom before sees the ride from the queue, decides that it looks like a fun roller coaster and then waits a long time in line to ride it - I bet he would come out disappointed. It's definitely not what you'd think it would be just from observation.

What do you think?