So did anyone watch last night?

I have to say, I went in with very low expectations for a judge panel with no Simon but I was pleasantly surprised! In fact, I actually think I like this new panel more than the old one! It's nice ... all the old tensions and bickering are gone, the judges aren't trying to be the focus like they were before, and they just keep it about the singing (as it should be).7

Plus, I thought Steven Tyler was a riot, man! He had me openly cracking up a bunch of times. Best line of the night? "Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a child?"

I thought there was some good talent, too. It's become patently evident, though, that whereas they used to set you up with these contestants who were train wrecks and couldn't sing, their new M.O. is to show train wrecks who can sing. DW and I a bunch of times last night were like, "Oh, this isn't going to be good!" only to have them come out and have a really great voice. We stopped falling for it after like the third time.

So what did everyone else think?