Ok, as so many of you are probably used to...people who love to revisit Disney are often persecuted by those who "just don't get it."

Well, my DD16 and I went on a trip this May after a 5 year rest from Disney. We thought this May trip would curb our desire for WDW for a while. We had an awesome time and wanted to head right back! LOL

I wanted to see WDW during Dec for Christmas and when a 40% off Room only pin came my way a week after returning from our May trip...I booked CSR with the hopes of making that happen!

Well, $ is tight but I sold over $2000 from my personal collection of stuff to pay for this trip. These are things I would not have parted with otherwise..but the desire to spend a Christmas trip in WDW with my DD just sounds so wonderful. My DD knows that THIS TRIP is her Christmas present...so not much will be under the tree this year. But she is a Junior is HS and we don't have much time together until she will be off to college.

Here's where I need YOUR help....my DD is also a competitive swimmer. She swims year around 11 months of the year. She swims even when we go out of town and she will be swimming when we go to WDW....we are requesting a room by the lap pool for her to get her practice time in. Her Coach (is a friend of mine...BUT) she is giving me and DD a hard time about this. She knows I am a single mom with very limited means...so she see's the expense of the trip and the fact that we already went once this year as a problem that "we are just trying to escape from the pressures of the real world" and that I am not being responsible as a single parent...and that my DD is missing one day (sunday) in a swim meet that is hurting her swimming for the season.

We both feel pressured but I think it is worse for my DD. I feel like we have every right to blow $2000 frivolously when I am selling my things to pay for it plus giving up Christmas gifts for my DD. Plus, my DD loves going to WDW and even though she wants to do well in her swimming...she wants to have some fun too. Not to mention that she want to do it with her MOM!

PLEASE help us to feel excited and good about this trip. We leave next Saturday the 11th as soon as my DD gets out of the pool from her last event, LOL. We both feel guilty right now and I would say something to her Coach...but I know she would still just keep talking so it would only make it worse. I am just trying to ignore her and teach my daughter that she is going to have to let some people's opinions roll off her like water and not let it ruin it for her. I am pretty sure the rest of my family will think it is dumb too...but none of them are Disney addicts like we are! So it is just us against them in our fight to visit WDW for the second time in one year. I have my cash in hand and we are ready to go!
