I live near Green Bay and the story in regards to Brett Favre calling the Lions and offering inside info about the Packers offense is all I have heard about for 24 hours.

Favre is denying anything happened while Jay GLazer from Fox, who broke this story and a very reputable reported, is sticking to his story.

This story if true is really going to tarnish Favre's legacy in GB and amongst it's fans. I realize that when a player leaves his team it is common for him to offer insight to his new team when they play the team the player left. This though is totally different. Favre went out of his way to call an opponent in the same division as the Pack and spent over an hour offering up anything he could do to help the Lions. Favre left the Packers on bab terms but this not only hurts the organization, it hurts the players he played and battled alongside and it hurts the fans who have been very supportive of Favre over the years.

I was a Favre fan from the first game against Cincinati until this past summer. I supported him when he struggled his 2nd season and also after many of his crucial mistakes. But I am getting very tired of his childish behavior and unsportsman like antics.

Today on the local talk radio more fans than not who participated in a poll said that Favre's actions since June have made them not want Favre to be associated with the Packers after he retires. Pretty sad considering just a few months ago he was a living legend to almost all who participated in the poll.