A couple of other sites have reported some new safety signs going up at the water parks. The wording on these signs is somewhat un-Disney like and somewhat blunt. I can't post the link to the web-site nor the picture, but they are worded as follows:

  • Don't enter the water if you are ill with diarrhea
  • Diaper age children must wear swim diapers
  • Wash hands with soap and water after using the toilet or after changing diapers
  • Wash your child thoroughly, especially the rear end

Apparently, this may have been prompted from warnings by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in response to a rising number of Crypto cases. They have a similar set of warnings they are advising to child care facilities and workers. Below are the CDC warnings:

  • PLEASE don't swim when you have diarrhea. This is especially important for kids in diapers. You can spread germs in the water and make other people sick even when you are feeling better. Keep children who've had diarrhea out of the pool for a few days after they feel better. If you have been diagnosed with crypto, please stay out of swimming pools and recreational waters for at least two weeks.
  • PLEASE don't swallow the pool water. In fact, avoid getting water in your mouth.
  • PLEASE practice good hygiene. Wash your hands frequently, especially after using the toilet or changing diapers. Take a shower before swimming, washing thoroughly with soap and water (especially the rear end). Everyone has invisible amounts of fecal matter on their bottoms that end up in the pool. Germs on your body end up in the water.
  • PLEASE take your kids on regular bathroom breaks or change diapers often, and use swim diapers. Waiting to hear "I have to go" may mean that it's too late.
  • PLEASE change diapers in a bathroom; not at the poolside. Germs can spread to surfaces around the pool and spread illness.

Obviously, they couldn't put all of that on a sign, but if this is a risk that they're concerned for, maybe they should be doing a little more than just putting up some odd-sounding signs.