This is a personal story and I didn't really know exactly where to put it but I feel like people on Intercot are very Disney-ish so I want yall to hear this story from my day today.
I (21) wait tables at a country restaurant chain and so does my mother(undisclosed age by threat of death). This is not one of those waitress sob stories I swear.
So I am honestly having my worst day at this job. I have a entire dining room to take care of myself and of course we are completely covered up. So I finally get two helpers at around 8am this morning and get the dining room split into thirds. I have a very nice family come in who is so understanding about us being so busy and never gives me any grief and doesn't even show their frustration that their biscuits are absolute mush and sort of on the soggy side of life, and that I let their drinks run quite low several times. Again, I'm sorry.
So I get to talking to their daughter about her WDW tshirt she was wearing, and they tell me that they have just gotten home today from a trip down just the mother and daughter. We swap tales about the World and have a few wonderful laughs. Well I mention that I am working on surprising my mom with an upgrade to the Polynesian as opposed to Pop Century we are accustomed to staying at, for our Nov. '09 trip. I thank them for just gracing my place of business with their presence and for talking Disney with me because that always cheers me up drastically. They are wonderful and I wish them a great day (now that I think about it I should have said "Magical Day" but the hustle) I walk back out and to my surprise the lady who I had been talking to hands me my tip and tells me she truly hopes that we have a great trip and for me to put this money into our "Disney-Fund" (Which is what we call it too) so I go back into the kitchen and go to see what tip amounted to. (I'm sorry but we all do it) And then my jaw dropped and I started to cry, that wonderful Disney-spirited lady had given me a $100 dollar tip. Which I know isn't a full trip, but its a kick in the right direction for me, let me just tell yall!
I just don't think that people that "Don't get Disney" see it as such an important thing like we do and I wanted you all to have a chance to get the warm and fuzzy feeling that amazing family blessed me with this morning.
Thank you so much,
Your faithful waitress.

(That money has already been stuffed into the coffee can we keep all of our Disney money in!)