To Lady and the rest of my friends. Today when I got home I got a packed from UPS that I had order last week. Well here is the story. I when to the mall last friday after work to the Disney store I happen to see some very nice shirts of the Princess but of choice there were for girls only and I saw a very beautful drawing of Princess Aurora on the shirt that I wanted. So I had knowest that they had some book and other things with the same drawing of the other Princess so when I saw this Stained Glass picture of Snow White I happen to look in the back of it it show that beside Snow White they also had Aurora. But I didn't see her on the shelf. So I ask one of the workers there and she told me they were sold out of her. So I was a little down. So when I got home I when on to the web site to see if they had them to and when I look up they did. So I then order it and well today I got it in so here is the beautful drawing of the stained glass Princess Aurora.