I for one, will not tip if asked about one. If I am asked how I want to pay for a tip, then, to me, it is assumed by the server. It may not be their fault, but it is rude to "beg" for money. I do the same when I go out locally. If I pay with a credit card and the server hovers over me to sign it, I simply put $0 in the tip and sign it. Then, I leave.

I feel sorry for anyone that has to be in this situation. They are the ones that will get shafted. What should be done is a place card on the table somewhere indicating that the tip is not included on the Dining Plan. I am not sure if they require a slip to be signed to debit a meal from the plan, but it would help, especially by indicating on the slip that the tip is not included. This gives you a chance to charge the tip back to the room and not put the server in an awkward position.

This is starting to remind me of a 3rd Rock from the Sun episode. John Lithgow is sitting at a table and puts the tip down as he sits. As the server dingles around, he takes money back from the tip until there is nothing there. The funny part is, tips used to be paid before a meal. Now, we pay at the end which leaves little incentive for good service.