So we make our hike over to the theme parks and end up being like the third or fourth family in line waiting for the park to open.

After the CM's did their little happy dance over to the side, the countdown commenced. The gates flung open and much to my surprise...everyone was running to the right.
Okay...maybe I wasn't surprised. The rush was on for Nemo. We walked at a normal pace and just followed the castmembers guiding the crowd to the line entrance.

Fortunately, our wait was only 45 minutes for the Nemo ride. I say fortunately, it was still a waste of 45 minutes. I felt sorry for those who had to wait 2 hours or more. The ride was okay, but really not worth a long wait in line.

After Nemo, we headed over to Indiana Jones. This was where we encountered our first cast member with a smile and a good attitude. (sad but true) He was attending the line at the cut off point where fast pass holders are let in. After a short conversation, he found out that this was a first trip for most of the family and gave us all fast passes for the ride. So we were able to ride it again after our first run. Which worked out good, since we all enjoyed it.

Pirates was our next stop. I really liked the new version at WDW and was looking forward to the Disneyland version. We were a bit dissapointed overall, but still enjoyed the ride. The Jack Sparrows didn't seem as real, I think because they are closer to you in DL than they are in WDW.

Haunted Mansion is awesome. The floating crystal ball, and the room with the disappearing heads was really cool. This one is definately better than the WDW ride.

After Big Thunder and Splash mountains we hit a couple of Fantasy Land rides. My wife is a Small World loon. If they were to combine the facade of Disneylands and the insides of WDW, the ride would still be insanely unbearable , but it sure would be neat for the loons that enjoy the ride.

Overall I thought that the Fantasy Land rides were better at Disneyland. There seems to be more of them, and they all seem to last longer. I could be wrong (especially since I haven't counted), but it sure felt that way.

Space Mountain ROCKS!!!!
We absolutely loved this ride and rode it several times. I really think it's time to picket in front of the WDW version. There is just no comparison.

We got almost everything in Disneyland done that first day. Our next day would be at California Adventure.
I do have to say that overall, I was surprised at the poor attitude of the cast members, but I'll touch more on that later.