Hi Everyone,
I need just a little pixie dust right now...DH and I are dealing with an 18 year old with a nightmare of a boyfriend. She has been with him for 2 years and he is not a good choice for her although she cannot see it.

We've tried not saying anything and hoping she comes to her senses, we've tried voicing our opinions of him...nothing works.

He is not allowed in our home. Without getting into details, which would take forever, he is a disgusting boy who is spoiled, immature and selfish...he has no goals in life other than to race his quad that never works, he seems to think that this will be a profession for himself. He lives with his Dad who is oblivious to his sons behavoir, or if he knows, he does not correct it...he encourages the relationship because he knows our daughter is a good influence on his son, our daughter is his sacrificial lamb.

Our daughter is beautiful and smart (except about him), she will be going to college in the fall, and I keep hoping once she is there she will see that there are many young men out there that are gentlemen that treat young ladies respectfully.

She is our second oldest, we are not perfect parents, but we do our best. We provide a happy healthy home for our children and their friends, I talk openly about drugs, drinking, sex etc with my children. They know how strongly we feel about becoming responsible adults.

It's hard to watch her make the biggest mistake of her life.

Thanks for letting me vent.