Okay - this question may invoke all kinds of responses, but I'm posting it anyway - I'm also calling my pediatrician, and will post her resonse, so others will benefit...

My question - what has worked for people in getting their young (4 & 7) children to bed EARLY the night before an EARLY flight?? Our flight is at 6 am in early May, and I'd really like to have them out cold by 6:30 or 7, as they'll be getting up around 3:30 or 4 am (they're usually asleep about 8pm). I'm planning on darkening their rooms, as it's VERY light in their rooms, even at 8pm... but I know that between the earlier hour, excitement, etc., they'll have a tough time going to bed w/o "help". Does anyone know what is recommended when kids are flying overseas and need to sleep on the flight, etc., that could be used to help them crash early?? I know that whenever they've been sick, Motrin has made them a little sleepy... any other ideas or recommendations?

I'm an RN, so I hesitate to give meds too liberally... but I'm sure there are tried and true methods out there that have worked, so that litle ones can get a good night's sleep before a long and exciting day!

Now, if there was just something strong enough to put ME to sleep early.... I'll be lying there like the man in the commercial, "I'm too excited to sleep!!"