Buttercup beat me to a review. Here is mine. I saw Toy Story 4 yesterday-June 12-thanks D23. Based on the trailers and the dumb looking spork toy, as well as the what I thought would be an irritating Bunny and Ducky, I had doubts. After all the great one said,"You can't top pigs with pigs." I was very pleasantly surprised. The movie was quite enjoyable. I and the audience laughed a number of times. Some of you might want to bring a tissue with you too. Bunny and Chick were actually funny and I accepted Forky as a new member of the gang. Remember Combat Carl from Toy Story of Terror? He has what could be considered a cameo. I was disappointed that I couldn't find the three know Easter eggs in all of the Pixar movies. Pizza Planet truck, the ball and the A-113. I always try to find all three and this time missed they all. Make sure you stay through the credits all of the way to the end. Ranking the Toy Story movies--
1. Toy Story
2. Toy Story 3
3. Toy Story 4
4. Toy Story 2