This has been my pet peeve for some time now but now I need to vent .just got back from a short camping trip pulling a 36 ft camper .got off the interstate to go home and some guy at the red light was pulled 1 car length past the white line.i barely missed hitting him.the white line at all stops or red lights is there to let you know not to go any farther.the intersection is designed to where semis or other large vehicles can get thru.ive seen numerous incidents where someone has gone past the line and semis have to stop till everyone backs up to clear the intersection.also 5 lane roads,the center lane is for turning .ive seen people stop in the main traffic lanes to turn and nearly cause a pile up.this isn't a problem of a certain age group cause ive seen it happen from young to old ,men and women. ive had people nearly hit me when im in the turning lane to the sides of the road trying to get into a a defensive driver which means I expect everyone to cut me off or pullout in front of me.i drove a truck for 5 years but it seems to be a regular occurance now or maybe its different from state to state thanks for letting me rant