Hello! I am SO HAPPY this thread was started. THANK YOU!

I am starting Week 8 of C25K tomorrow. I'm running my first 5k on St. Patrick's Day and I'm nervous that I won't be ready even though the program will technically be over. My pace so far (best was just under a 13 minute mile) doesn't seem fast enough to do a 5k in the time C25k expects you too, so I downloaded 5kto10k and will start that program once this ends. The way I see it, even if I have to walk a bit on St. Patty's day, my goal is to finish the first one.

I've started getting some pain in my knee... I have been debating if it is bad enough that I should seek out an ortho or just get a new pair of shoes. It doesn't hurt while I'm running but after I run it barks a bit, but not sharp-can't-walk-pain, more like "ow gotta limp and ice but I'll be fine" pain. When do you see a doctor about pain from running? I know everone and every situation is different - I could just use a guage if what I'm dealing with is normal aches and pains of trying something new or a possible problem.

Also, I'm wondering if anyone can offer insight into changes in weight-loss-pace after starting a running program. I've been losing more slowly than I'm used to on WW and wonder if I should be increasing or decreasing consumption of anything specific because I'm running this time around.

Looking forward to participating in this thread!!!