I used to work as a midwife in a small birth center in El Paso. One evening, I was observing a student midwife attending a woman with a particuarly long labor. I stepped into her room just to time a few contractions myself, and get an idea of what was going on. Because I was just observing the student's work, I only stepped part-way into the room. Which happened to place me right under the breeze from the swamp cooler (I think that's what it is?!). Anyway, I inhaled through my nose and felt INSTANTLY transported to Pirates of the Caribbean from Disneyland. It smelled EXACTLY the same!!!! I smiled so big and just took a minute to enjoy the magic. Ironically enough, the mother saw my smile and thought I it was for her, was encouraged by it, and labor picked up and we had a baby within th next 2 hours. After that, on many evenings I was working, I would go in that room, stand in that spot, close my eyes, and for just a minute, I could be in the Pirate ride.......:-)