View Full Version : New INTERCOT Website & Discussion Boards Coming!

04-19-2023, 02:21 PM
So, I know you've heard this before - but this time it's for real.

There is a new INTERCOT website that is under development and it's modern, streamlined and mobile friendly. It's going to take a while to move content but it's in the works and moving forward.

Yesterday, we cleared a big hurdle to get one other website I run also moved to a new platform and at the same time, moved and upgraded the vBulletin installation to the latest version. This is a big deal for INTERCOT as it means if that one worked, this will as well - and regardless of what we do moving forward, the historical data here in the Discussion Boards will be preserved!

I'll try to update you ever few weeks on what's taking place and maybe from time to time share screenshots and the like - but know the COT will live on.

We have complete backups of everything and are ready to rock on. Look forward to seeing you all at ICOT 30!


04-20-2023, 08:52 AM
That is awesome John! I look forward to seeing the new site.

04-20-2023, 09:18 AM
That is awesome John! I look forward to seeing the new site.

Thanks Jared - it's coming together. May do the boards in two stages - migrate to new vbulletin - then import into a Wordpress based forum that allows for commenting on main page stories and posting to the boards at the same time (and allows commenting to show up in both places).

Pretty excited to see it coming together - even though it's a lot of work. Would really like the site to live on for a while so I'm making the investment.