View Full Version : Autographs

05-22-2014, 08:57 AM
I thought as it's hubby's 50th on our Oct trip - 149 days but not counting LOL- I would take a birthday card and get a few favourite characters to sign it. Not having kids, we've not done this before so would they sign a card? and I assume I need to give them a pen, what type is best? Regular biro, felt pen? As always any advice/help appreciated. Thanks

05-22-2014, 09:05 AM
In watching my DD get autographs through the years, I think the thicker, broader pens seem to work best for the costumed characters. It seems easier for them to grab it that way.

Yes, they would definitely sign a card and if you mention what it is for, they would probably be more interactive and maybe add a "Happy Birthday".

05-22-2014, 12:34 PM
We had some t-shirts autographed by the characters with markers a few years ago.

I would recommend that you have something sturdy for them to place the card on to sign.

For the shirts, we just slid an autograph book inside the shirt, under where they were going to sign.

05-25-2014, 01:14 PM
Thanks for the replies. I'll get one of those marker type pens and some card the same size as the birthday card's envelope for them to lean on.

05-25-2014, 06:42 PM
We always take our kids for their first birthday, and we always have a character breakfast that day and take a card for the characters to sign. It works great and is a very easy keepsake to remember the reason for the trip. We bought a mini-clipboard to go behind the card, and we use typical Sharpie-type markers.