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View Full Version : I DINK Alone! – Day 2 Pt. 1 – Whole Lotta MK - Morning

09-26-2013, 04:04 PM
This trip I opted for a Woods View Room at the WL. This time I was on the floor which was OK; it would have been awesome to have been on 6 and had a view of Wishes, but the room was fine. I was located WAAAAY down at the end of the building near the boat launch. Once I started using the stairwell this turned out to be a good thing. Getting to the MK boat was a breeze.

As I mentioned in the pre-trip report, I prepared a “feed bag”. I’m a triathlete, so packing up food for a journey is almost second nature. For this trip I packed some breakfast food (granola bars, bananas, yogurt smoothies) and a bit of snacky/drinky sort of stuff (375ml Glenlivet, 6-pack club soda, Snyders of Hannover Bufalo Pretzel Pieces and 6 20oz bottles of water). This worked out perfectly. Like I’ve said, it makes breakfast healthy, quick, easy and relaxing and then I can get off to the parks.

Again, there was a problem with the wake-up call. I arose on my own about 7:45am, 15 minutes after when I wanted to wake up. I started in on breakfast and at 8:00am there was a knock on the door. There stood CM Sam looking at me in my Mickey boxers and “Wonder Bread” comfy sleep tee saying they somehow knew I had a 7:30am wakeup call that I didn’t receive; there was a system problem to blame. “Well, gratefully I am up and about, but thank you for coming to check on me.” Oh well. I got in the shower, dressed and got on the boat to the MK.

They had already gone through most of the opening performance. For those of you following the WDWRR story, I believe I saw the train, but my mind was elsewhere. Time to get those FPs! 9:00am and I was heading into the park!

Again, an excerpt from my text reminders:

“Sm. Fp. Splash. Btmrr. Btmr again. Fp for splash. UTS.”

Fellow Intercotees can probably figure it out, but translated it says I walked to SM and took a ride, got a FP for later, crossed the park and rode Splash, did Big Thunder two times, got a FP for later and then headed for Fantasyland to do the Little Mermaid ride. On our February trip I Fast Passed this ride, but this time I did the standby line, good thing too. I really like the Scuttle and all of the little blue cangrejos. A Latino guest was nice enough to inform me that is Spanish for crab.

“SM with Fp. Pooh fp. Hm walk on”… which brought us to 11:03am.

On Haunted Mansion there was a couple with a baby in their arms. I couldn’t resist: “Now when your son is like 5 or so you have to ask him ‘Do you remember the first time you went on this ride?’” Dad replied, “Yeah, you weren’t scared the last time you rode this.” Good times!

Time for a digression about Magic Bands. I’s gots to get me one! The old FP system is fine with one small drawback. The MK is a decent sized park. If I could book the FPs on My Disney Experience I wouldn’t have had to go to SM, get a Fast pass, walk ALL the way over to Splash and Big Thunder and then walk ALL the way back to Space Mountain to use the pass. Controversies abound, but this aspect I think will be good for me; I’ll be able to use my smartphone to get a pass on the other side of the park and then be able to go ride-to-ride in a much more ergonomic/more efficient fashion.

DW recently got us FitBits. Now I can regale y’all with how much walking a DINK does on his trip! Lucky you! Take a moment to soak it in…. Go on! I’ll wait.

Here it is! Yesterday, my DHS, Epcot and Dole Whip adventure day 26,034 steps for 11.94 miles. Today, Sunday, whole lotta’ MK day 23,074 for 10.58 miles! What’s a trip report without quantifiable metrics anyway! It’s like when someone has a baby; if I don’t know what percentile group the newborn’s head circumference falls in I feel robbed! Numbers people, come on!

Back to the MK and another excerpt from the texts:

“I have discovered that I won't ask her family birdie liberty bell riverboat.”

OK fine, I’ll type this one in: Let’s try this again, “I have discovered that I walk faster than the Liberty Bell river boat.” That gives you an idea of the DINK’s brisk pace as he walked from HM to Splash. Don’t worry, no guests were run over, or even bumped into.

I used the Splash FP. A lot of the effects and animatronics are working after the winter rehab, but there were a couple of exceptions. For instance, Mr. Bluebird at the end was not operating at all while Brer Rabbit was his usual self.

“Got P Pan FP. On IASW. 5 min line” (11:36am)

“Using Pooh fP. Did a lot in 3 hours!” (11:57am)

Bucket list item #2 of the trip: Casey’s. I have never eaten at Casey’s so I gave it a try. I went with the BBQ Slaw Dog. Zounds! That’s one obnoxiously big dog! There’s enough pulled pork and slaw on there to take out the frank and just call it a pulled pork sandwich. The fries were good and the condiment bar includes cheese sauce, kraut, onion, jalapeńo and the other usual suspects. I also like these new knife/fork/spoon dispensers – great innovation. I found a seat and dined with the ducks who gathered below me doing their best seagull/pigeon impersonations only cuter. OK, Casey’s is good! I will be back, pretty soon as fate would have it.

I planned this trip really well, but I made two mistakes/flubs/miscues/brain-****s (can I say that?!, oh look, no! :goofy2: ) The slightly bigger blunder was my choice of footwear. I used these leather sandals most every day, but they rubbed me raw in a couple of places. (I’m working on this on Wednesday night. I look down and my bare feet have 6 small but distinctive scabs. TMI! Woohoo!) I hadn’t properly account for them betting as wet as they got. So, I stopped at the First Aid next to Casey’s for some band aids. “What do you need them for?” (showed him my feel) “Sign the Book.” (4 band aids later…) “Thank you!”

I DINK Alone! – Day 2 Pt. 2 – Whole Lotta MK - Evening (http://www.intercot.com/discussion/showthread.php?p=2378270#post2378270)

09-26-2013, 05:10 PM
Oh no, on the footwear. Starting the trip with hurt feet slows you down a bit. I like my Casey's dogs without the extra jazzing up. I can have it my way at the fixins bar. I got a Chicago dog there once and it so full of stuff, I could hardly eat it. But it was good.

09-27-2013, 09:43 AM
Sorry about the blisters but you sure were moving to cover all that Magic Kingdom ground in such a short amount of time!!

09-27-2013, 10:00 AM
Sorry about the blisters but you sure were moving to cover all that Magic Kingdom ground in such a short amount of time!!

No blisters oddly. It was the top of my feet where the one big leather strap held the sandals on.

Feet are doing better now.:thumbsup:

09-27-2013, 10:32 AM
Bucket list item #2 of the trip: Casey’s. I have never eaten at Casey’s so I gave it a try. I went with the BBQ Slaw Dog. Zounds! That’s one obnoxiously big dog! There’s enough pulled pork and slaw on there to take out the frank and just call it a pulled pork sandwich. The fries were good and the condiment bar includes cheese sauce, kraut, onion, jalapeńo and the other usual suspects. I also like these new knife/fork/spoon dispensers – great innovation. I found a seat and dined with the ducks who gathered below me doing their best seagull/pigeon impersonations only cuter. OK, Casey’s is good! I will be back, pretty soon as fate would have it.
I DINK Alone! – Day 2 Pt. 2 – Whole Lotta MK - Evening (http://www.intercot.com/discussion/showthread.php?p=2378270#post2378270)

Did you get the Cotton Candy dessert??? We seem to hit Casey's every time for lunch at MK. I always need the Cotton Candy.

09-27-2013, 10:39 AM
Did you get the Cotton Candy dessert??? We seem to hit Casey's every time for lunch at MK. I always need the Cotton Candy.

Nope. Not really a cotton candy guy. I like the occasional desset, but the pure sugar ones usually aren't my thing. Not sure I can handle any more calories than are already in the dog and fries either.

09-27-2013, 11:11 AM
Ouch, sore feet really messes up a Disney Trip. Hope it gets better. Thanks for the report

09-27-2013, 06:42 PM
Here's hoping that your feet don't let you down, especially at your pace. :thumbsup:
Now, that hot dog at Casey's sounds intriguing. I've only had the regular hot dog dressed up at their fixin's bar. And it was good. :D