View Full Version : Another magic band question

Lisa and Alan
08-29-2013, 09:39 AM
Ok, so we have linked all of reservations , annual passes and ADR's to the My Disney Experience app. I am under the impression that some people have been able to go on the app and have access to picking up their Magic Bands even though they have not received an official invite to be a part of the testing phase. Exactly where on the app should I be looking to see if we are able to choose bands for our upcoming October trip? Under which category would it be listed under? Thank you for any assistance..

08-29-2013, 01:06 PM
The way i have read it for October is if you have not been asked to be a test family (tho annual passes might make you able to request one) they wont let you request a band but to tell if you can youll need to go into the profile section of your My DIsney Experience (id use the website version not the app) and in there it says magic band. If you click that link it will send you to a page and if your eligible it will let you pick what you want and have it sent to you

08-29-2013, 01:40 PM
Last week, when we activated our annual pass vouchers, we were provided with hard plastic "tickets". We were told that bands are not yet available for annual passholders.

Lisa and Alan
08-29-2013, 02:36 PM
Ok.. Thank you for clarifying. :mickey: