View Full Version : Feeling a Litte Down...(Job Related)

08-06-2013, 05:33 PM
I want to preface this by stating that I know there are many people out there who have it much worse than I do, but I've been finding it more and more difficult to stay positive lately. Mainly it has to do with finding a full time job.

Some of you know I am a teacher-my school closed in June of 2012 and I decided to finish my Masters degree full time and take a part time job in education if I could find one (which I did).

Here I am, almost at the end of the journey as I finish my thesis and things aren't much better. I've sent out plenty of resumes with very few bites. Then, suddenly, In the last two months, two great schools contacted me for openings. Bother were schools I had "ins" with, that I would love to work at, and where I would easily "fit in." I got a rejection letter from the first ("you are very qualified but there was someone more qualified") and an "If you don't hear from us by Tuesday, we went a different way" from the second. Well, today was Tuesday and no call. :(

I have applied to a lot of other jobs including museum jobs. I did have a phone interview with one that I thought went great, but then never heard back. (And yes I do follow up with thank yous after I interview).

I am a hard worker with a great personality, but I recognize the job market (and the teacher market in particular) in my area is over-saturated, which is why I've been branching out and looking at other ways to use my degrees in History, English, and teaching.

I know I just have to keep trying and that eventually I will find something but it's extra discouraging to not land a job at a place where I really thought I'd be a good fit, and when I'm starting to get a little disillusioned with the part time job I'm stuck with in the meantime....

DH and I recently moved in with his mother to save money in the hopes that I'd get something full time soon and we could start looking for our own house and eventually start a family. We aren't in dire straits as we do have a good amount of money saved, but we didn't want to lock into another year lease at our apartment with the rent going up again. Every time I don't get one of these jobs It's hard to not look at it as my future getting further and further away from me.

I know I need to live in the moment, to keep staying positive and believe in myself, but these latest two have been big blows. I guess I'm just looking for some support or "I've been there" kind of stories to make me feel a little better and help me stop feeling sorry for myself. Like I said at the start, people have it much much worse so I hope I don't sound like a complainer.

08-06-2013, 06:10 PM
I'm sorry that you're feeling discouraged. I know it's rough out there. And my daughter has decided that she wants to go into teaching. She's currently interning with Simon & Schuster and I was really hoping she would love it and change her mind about teaching, but no dice. It's a noble profession, but my sister is also an English teacher and I know that it's not easy to find work. I've been wondering if Teach for America would be good for her, but I think the idea of teaching in the city scares her a little. Plus, she's a little burned out on New York right now, having lived and worked there all summer. But she has another year of school to get her Bachelor's so anything can happen. Anyway... Back to you...

I have been there, not with teaching but with living with in-laws trying to save money and get a house, relying on one income while waiting for things to work out for me professionally. Those times brought me some of my best memories in the end, but there were some dark moments. Hugs! And I hope something good happens to bring back your good cheer.

08-06-2013, 06:22 PM
Sorry you're feeling down. I can imagine it must be frustrating and disconcerting to not know where the road is going to take you. I feel sure with your qualifications that something will work out soon. Have you considered maybe working for a textbook publisher in the meantime? Just an idea--hope things go your way very soon!

08-06-2013, 07:31 PM
I have been there, Maryanne, so I feel for you. I've been through some lean years as both a single and as part of a couple, trying to find employment that filled whatever our needs were at the time. Fortunately, things eventually fell into place, as I know they will for you too.

Reading your post I am a bit appalled at some of the hiring etiquette. If they don't get back to you by Tuesday they went another direction?? So they don't even owe you the courtesy of a phone call or written notification? I guess that makes it easier for the person doing the hiring, but I do not think highly of it.

Anyway, hang in there. Sometimes I think that fate plays a hand in these types of situations; that if one or two or three doors don't open, it's because they wouldn't lead to the place you need to go. Eventually you'll find the path that is right for you.

08-06-2013, 07:45 PM
By expanding your search, you are certainly on the right track and, surprisingly, you may find an unexpected career path that way. Have you considered temping? It's a great way for employers to get to know you and may lead to just the position you want. If not, it at least gives you some income while you try on a variety of positions and employers.

Zippy 1
08-06-2013, 09:00 PM
Believe me I feel your pain! I have been looking for a job for 2 years. So far nothing. I have applied for every job out there with nothing. I know part of it is my age and the fact I have been out of the work force for such a long time. It is hard to stay positive. But don't give up. Have you tried to be on the sub list? I know some schools hire from that. I am on our local districts list but so are over 700 other people. Our district tends to use teachers they laid off before others. But you might want to look into it and see how the districts near you work with subs. Good Luck and keep your chin up:mickey:

08-06-2013, 10:37 PM
I remember feeling exactly like you a couple of years ago ... I think many of us have been there, and it is ROTTEN!!

I had applied (and been rejected) from some jobs that I thought were perfect and was starting to wonder if "anyone will ever want me". My husband was amazing and reminded me that there is a path and a place where I belong, and that I WOULD find it. I did find it, and I'm quite enjoying my job, but it isn't hard to think back to when I thought none of it would be possible.

I wish I had something to say that will make it all better, but I can offer that there is a place where you're supposed to be, a difference you're supposed to make and you WILL find it (and it will be worth waiting and searching for).

08-06-2013, 10:45 PM
I felt the sting of being jobless in 2009 when I was laid off after 19 years. It took me 2 years to hook up with another full time job in my field. I gotta say that I never worked harder then when I was job searching. You have to keep believing that today is the day, and if not then tomorrow will be the day. I believe in PUSH, Pray Untill Something Happens. Give it try, it can't hurt....:grouphug:

08-07-2013, 08:19 AM
Thank you all so much. I really appreciate the suggestions as to where else I can look.

Beth-majority of the jobs I've applied for have not contacted me at all. It's pretty annoying to be honest. You sit around waiting for a call that never comes. I've probably applied to 20 schools at this point over the years and have only heard back via phone or letter from about 5.

I am lucky that I have a very supportive DH. He is the one that convinced me that it was OK to finish grad school and not go right into another full time job right away.

Buddy-I have prayed on it a lot which is why I believe I need to branch out and look for other things. As I said, I had connections with these two places and nailed the interviews, so if those doors are closed, maybe I'm knocking on the wrong ones. I know I'm meant to be involved in education somehow, but maybe it's in a different capacity.

I have subbed before-it's hard. The worst part about it for me is that I don't like the uncertainty. That is what is annoying about my job now. I don't know until Thursday what hours I'll be working for the upcoming week so it's hard to plan. Subbing is even worse- you have to be ready for that call at 6am every day. I commend those who can do it with a smile on their face :D

It is nice to know I am not alone. It's hard sometimes when you see people you haven't seen in a while and the first thing they say is either "Did you find a job yet?" or "When are you going to start having kids?" DH and I started dating 11 years ago so I think some people are so surprised we don't have a kid yet. We want to be financially stable and be able to provide for our child the best we can. That is our personal decision, and no one else's business, really. I think Facebook can make everything worse. Between that and my recent 10 year HS reunion It makes me feel like such an underachiever. I do realize that people tend to put their best face forward and everything isn't always as it seems. I often think I should take a break from FB for a little while, but there are many people who don't annoy me and who I love staying in touch with.

Thanks again for the support and advice. I'm already feeling a little better :thumbsup:

08-07-2013, 08:33 AM
Hope you find something soon- it is so hard.....my oldest daughter is going through the same thing. After sending out hundreds of resumes and getting no where, she is starting a full time retail job to work down her staggering college loan bills ( while she is still living at home). And she is taking some graduate classes in the hope that will help her land a career job.

It shouldn't be this hard for talented people to find jobs.

And the kid questions- we dated 3 years and were married 15 years before we had our 2 girls. Don't let anyone pressure you until you are ready!

08-07-2013, 09:56 AM
I know it's discouraging but hang in there. My daughter went through the same thing trying to find a teaching job (she also has her masters) for three years. She finally got a job last August right before school started. Have you applied to be on a sub list? Sometimes that helps get your foot in the door. I guess I don't understand why the teaching market is so bad the past few years - we always need good teachers.

08-07-2013, 10:54 AM
Don't give up!!!!

Something will open up! Teacher's are retiring in NJ in droves!


08-07-2013, 01:16 PM
I'm sorry you are going through this. I just want to add, as discouraging as it is, don't give up. You will find something. Unfortunately it's been tough out there for several years now. I was out of work for a while a few years ago and it drove me nuts. I had always had a job and I didn't know what to do with myself, the uncertainty made me feel like my life was on "pause". I think there's been great advice given here and your feelings are completely normal and warranted. Keep plugging away. I really don't think it's you or anything you are doing is "wrong", so don't beat yourself up. I think there are just so many people competing for jobs now than there used to be. All I can tell you is hang in there! Things will work out. :hug:

08-07-2013, 03:29 PM
You should try some of the less desirable school districts. Usually they are always looking for teachers. There are a couple around me if you are willing to travel.

08-07-2013, 08:54 PM
Thank you everybody :hug:
I definitely will keep chugging along and trying to think outside the box for potential jobs. To be honest I haven't been 100% sure about being a classroom teacher for a while now. I did 4 years at a school where there wasn't any horrible violence, but there were a lot of behavioral issues, we had no money, no prep periods, and it really burned me out. Therefore I'm not keen on taking a job at a school where I won't have support or resources because I've been through it and it took a lot out of me.

I may try my hand at subbing again one more time if I don't find something full time soon (and get more fed up with my current part time job).