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View Full Version : Epcot and the Springfiled Basketball Hall of Fame

12-28-2012, 03:40 PM
Just a quick funny story, we live just south of Springfield MA, over the border in Enfield, CT. Today we were meeting my husband's father in Holyoke at a Cracker Barrel for lunch. To get there you have to drive past Springfield on 91 North and go past the Basketball Hall of Fame. It is shapped like a BIG SILVER BALL. We are driving by and Josh, our 2 year old who doesn't have THAT many words gets all excited and starts yelling "EPCOT , EPCOT MOMMY EPCOT!!!!" It was so funny! We raise them on Disney in this house! (Google the basketball hall of fame, I am sure you will see a pic and how easy it would be for a 2 year old to make the connection!) So proud of my Disney Boy!

12-28-2012, 03:44 PM
That is too cute! I can definitely see it and why it would excite a youngster. I am from Holyoke and lived in Longmeadow for many years before we moved here to Simsbury, so I know it well. And if you haven't tried the new Plan B burger place yet, I recommend it. We have the original Plan B here in Simsbury and we love it.

12-28-2012, 03:46 PM
We will have to give it a shot! Thanks!

12-28-2012, 09:32 PM
That's so funny! I'm glad you are bringing your son up right-the Disney way.