View Full Version : discount fares

09-18-2012, 10:06 AM
Why is it that Florida, Texas and California residents, but nothing for NYC residents? Was it because the cruises there were super popular and they did not need to encourage sales?

09-18-2012, 06:50 PM
In all likelihood the answer would be yes. Also, DCL very likely has much higher dockage/longshoreman/facility rent costs in NYC.

09-18-2012, 07:53 PM
There was an awesome rate for DVCrs on the last few NY cruises. And as far as I know, they were full when they sailed. One of the cruises had over 200 memberships on board from what I heard.

I'm thinking they did a quick SQL against NE memberships and saw that was a great way to fill the ships and get some good PR in the process.