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08-15-2012, 08:49 AM
Does anybody else get annoyed by people who don't "get" Disney? Since we're leaving in 5 days and I've been non-stop talking about my trip I've experienced this more and more. It actually frustrates me! The endless questions of, "Why do you keep going? What is there to do? You go without KIDS!?" Anybody else get annoyed by this?!!?!

08-15-2012, 08:59 AM
My solution is to not talk about it with "outsiders" and spend more time here on Intercot with the folks who do get it! :mickey:

08-15-2012, 09:03 AM
Absolutely agree 100%. I do get annoyed. I chalk it up as simple jealousy and lack of knowledge. It seems that the people that have never been to WDW or DL are the worst and most insufferable when it comes to their not understanding WDW and all it has to offer a family. And for those who have been to WDW but the last time was back in 1976, I tell them that today's Disney World is far different from the DW of 76.

I look at it this way, I am not here to sell these people on Disney. I go to Disney because I work my tail off at work all year long with little to no free time, and save so that my family has the most memorable time possible with no outside distractions. Disney trips represent family time, happiness, and all that is good in the world. I do not feel compelled to explain myself to others nor do I care to get into back and forth debates on why Disney is the greatest place to vacation and make memories to last a lifetime. Don't question mje why I go to Disney every year because if you havent been there ever or in a very long time....do some research and see for yourself all that Disney has to offer. If you can't be happy for my family and I as we get ready to go to Disney, then keep it to yourself. If you are genuinely excited for us....I'll talk you ear off about it. All haters...enjoy your 3 day Cedar Point vacation.

08-15-2012, 09:12 AM
we try to go every yr as a family and hear about it from co workers WHY do you go back or Go to wherever instead . we go back because we feel comfortable there we have tried other places and didnt enjoy them when we are at wdw DW and I can truly relax and get away from REAL world we have 20th anniversary trip planned for feb 2013 and cannot wait

08-15-2012, 09:12 AM
Does anybody else get annoyed by people who don't "get" Disney? Since we're leaving in 5 days and I've been non-stop talking about my trip I've experienced this more and more. It actually frustrates me! The endless questions of, "Why do you keep going? What is there to do? You go without KIDS!?" Anybody else get annoyed by this?!!?!

I completely relate to your frustrations. I have pretty much figured out WHO I can talk to about my love of Disney and who I CANNOT. It used to literally make my blood boil and my face would turn red with frustration but I have come to accept that it may not be for "everyone" but those who don't get it find the need to belittle you for your love of it, and now I just choose to ignore them. I used to try to convince them of why we love it so much, but came to realize that it just isn't worth it. DBF and I also vacation without kids and have received many MANY derogatory comments or innuendos for it, but that too I have chosen to ignore.

Like Faline said, don't bother with the nay-sayers and stay here with folks who know understand and appreciate all our love for the Mouse :mickey:

08-15-2012, 09:14 AM
Absoluely !!! Thats why I dont discuss it with "NonDisney" people who dont get it..It just frustrates me too !!:mickey:

Auntie B
08-15-2012, 09:31 AM
I think we all have people who just don't "get it". I try not to discuss Disney with them, unless they ask. I have a brother in law who was always making snide little comments about how silly it is for a grown adult to spend time at the World, then they decided to take their kids. Guess who is now a HUGE fan of the parks?? Now he wants to plan a family trip that includes all 16 of our family. Ah the magic of Disney! :pixie:

08-15-2012, 09:37 AM
With all of the folks that have questioned me over the years as to why I love Disney and it frustrated me as well. I got to the point that I was having more fun with making it a point of telling them about my next vaction or the one I just got back from.

Sooner or later they will wake up ( yea right ) and decide to make the trip themselves or they will avoid me like the plague and leave me alone to my trips.

I don't question them on their choices for vacations and they aren't paying for mine so let it go.

Just tell them " Try it you will like it " :mickey:

08-15-2012, 10:02 AM
I agree . My wife & I go 2-4 times a yr . We have know kids but I just tell them I'm a 33 yr old kid who still pin trades an even when leaving the MK I get emotional everytime . I feel whole when are there , growing up in Miami Florida I was able to go all the time , now living in Atlanta Ga we are not to far . Only 18 trips in are 9 yrs of being married , can't wait till after thanksgiving 2012 cause we will be going down for more Disney excitement . An moving down to Orlando is in the works CAN'T WAIT .....:mickey:

08-15-2012, 10:21 AM
I got to the point that I was having more fun with making it a point of telling them about my next vaction or the one I just got back from.

Sooner or later they will wake up ( yea right ) and decide to make the trip themselves or they will avoid me like the plague and leave me alone to my trips.

Yes, this. I make it a point to tell them, "90 days until DisneyWorld!" And then I tell them i'm planning to go again in April with just my wife, and then in the fall again with my kids. They roll their eyes at me.

Then, I convince their significant other that they should be taking a WDW trip. So far, i've been successful with two families.

To be completely honest, the people i've met that ask why we always go, when I get talking to them I find out that their problem is that they don't like crowds, and so WDW sounds awful to them, as all they've heard is how hot and packed it always is. While you can never really avoid crowds, you can plan to be there during lighter times, and it is enjoyable.

They don't annoy me. I just pity them.

hoop de do
08-15-2012, 10:28 AM
As I've said on previous posts, I believe we INTERCOTEES have an extra gene and it's shaped like Mickey ears. If someone could just isolate it and give it to everyone I'm sure all our conversations with whomever would be a lot easier. Hang in there, we are "normal" - we just have a better appreciation of FUN

08-15-2012, 10:37 AM
Great point Itchy !!

I don't question them on their choices for vacations and they aren't paying for mine so let it go.


08-15-2012, 10:39 AM
I get like you, overly excited. I think a lot of it has to do with other people not wanting to hear about it. Whether it is jealousy or just being done hearing about it.

There are many people out there that simply do not like the concept of Disney World. They are not theme park people. They prefer things like hiking in the mountains, camping with the family, going to national parks.

My advice is to just ignore them and not discuss it with them. You will not be able to convince them unless they go. If you convince them to go, they will blame you for a bad experience.

08-15-2012, 11:05 AM
I do get annoyed to an extent only b/c people look at you like you're absolutely whacko. What is more annoying (and sad) than that are the people that HAVE been and considered it to be a waste of time, or who have a ton of quarrels about their trip... to each their own i suppose. Of course if everyone in the world love it as much as we do then it would probably be much more difficult and you would never have a non busy time! That's one way i look at it.

08-15-2012, 11:10 AM
Am I actually the only person who doesn't have judgmental people like this in my life? I don't think I've ever had someone give me the "you're going back to ........ again?" treatment or any of that stuff. Of course I also don't make a point to seek out those who are bothered by my vacation choice and remind them over and over that I'm going there since it would serve no purpose other than to stir the pot.

Different strokes for different folks. For every non-Disney person saying "You're going back to Disney again???" there's a Disney loving person saying "You're going to Yellowstone/The Beach/Las Vegas again???" I just worry about myself and avoid talking about things with people if I know it's just going to cause drama.

08-15-2012, 11:43 AM
Omg I agree with you 100%!!!!! It is SO annoying!!! This will be my 41st time going to Disney and seriously every time we go, I get just as excited as my first trip when I was 7! I swear they put something in my water bc I am so obsessed with that place!!! I never ever get tired of it and I feel so relaxed and happy when I am there.
We do go every year and this year we are going twice but we are leaving in 13 days and I cannot be more excited!!!!! :joy: I do get a lot of "you are not going there again" and "aren't you sick of that place, you have been there so many times" and the answer is NO!!!!!!!! I love it, I'm obsessed and I can't help it! Thank goodness I found this website: other people who are just as obsessed as my self! Ahhh :mickey:

08-15-2012, 11:54 AM
Thankfully I have a few people in work that are just as obsessed about visiting WDW as I am...well maybe not as obsessed, but they appreciate it anyway.

There are plenty more that don't get it, or question me. The ones that annoy me most are the ones that tell me I should stay offsite, go to restaurants in downtown Orlando, or visit those other theme parks in the area. While these options may be acceptable to some, and I may do the latter on another trip some day, I feel there is no reason to leave WDW property on my trips.

I really, really get annoyed by the people that tell me to eat downtown to save money. Sure, let me rent a car for $100 :rolleyes: to go downtown and save $5 on that meal...

08-15-2012, 12:23 PM
In a few days, we're going to be hosting 2 teenage girls who have been to Disney before, but are part of a non Disney family. Our DD16 is going to host them to see if they can see the light. It will be interesting how it works out.

08-15-2012, 12:28 PM
I don't get it either I don't critise(sp) those people that go to Jamacia every yr or come to Maine where I live and go to OOB...I love it when people give me the hairy eyeball when I say I am going by myself..and don't take hubby..or the kids they think I am a freak, really?? And the people that have not been since Before Epcot was built really crack me up..I educate them..Counter service isn't just pizza and burgers. Plus table service meals that are amazing at alot of the resurants.. the fact they think it is just for kids..that one kills me... I try to EDUCATE the MINDLESS...about Disney!!!

08-15-2012, 01:18 PM
It is frustrating when people and friends look at me like Im crazy for wanting to go all the time. They think its so cheesy and silly, and I just want to tell them they have no idea. The resorts are amazing, the food is top notch, the transportation system is so great...there is so much I love about WDW it's hard to even know where to start.

I also think one thing for me is the "safe" family friendly, magical, romantic environment that encompasses the whole of WDW...the whole thing is clean, well-run, focused on magic and fun, and beautifully landscaped.

For us, its close to the perfect vacation. I respect other people's not understanding it and not wanting to go...that's fine. But in return I ask that they respect my love of it and support us in wanting to go! I mean, come on, I cannot tell you how many people I know that go to the SAME beach location (Destin) every single year, year after year after year. That's fine. Just don't preach at me that Im crazy for chosing WDW for my vacation!

08-15-2012, 01:20 PM
I do get a lot of "you are not going there again" and "aren't you sick of that place, you have been there so many times" and the answer is NO!!!!!!!! I love it, I'm obsessed and I can't help it! Thank goodness I found this website: other people who are just as obsessed as my self! Ahhh :mickey:

Exactly...if we were so sick of it, do you think we'd want to go every year...and wish we could live there! They just don't have a clue!

08-15-2012, 01:46 PM
I keep my vacations to myself and those who genuinely have an interest in it. I generally am not a "chatty" person, and I would get seriously annoyed if someone kept yakking away for days on end about their upcoming vacations that I had no interest in.

I also decided a long time ago that I don't care what other people think. It's very liberating.

When I want to talk Disney, I do so online, or with a TINY handful of family/friends who "get it."

08-15-2012, 01:54 PM
A lot of people just don't understand the theme/amusement park vacation for adults. For those of us who have no children left at home, or just have no children, I have found that it is that issue that seems to stump people. (How can you keep going back to kiddieland without kids?? Why don't we do more adult vacations like cruising, etc.) People who have never been there, or have only been to the Magic Kingdom just don't get what all there is to Disney World. Much, much more than just rides and characters. But in all honesty, Disney does not help in that matter because all the commercials you see push the family with small children image. I just talk about it and when people ask if we are going to Disney again, or where we are going, I just tell them and move on. Ignoring the eye rolls. We know we love it and we are paying for it, so that's what counts.

08-15-2012, 02:48 PM
I've spent a lot of my career working in the opera industry because I happen to love opera, in much the same way I love Walt Disney World. I seldom if ever get people mocking me openly, but the reaction I sometimes get from people when they discover either of these things about me is a tight, somewhat patronizing smile, and an obviously disingenous "oh, that's great." I've learned to write them off. If they're open-minded and genuinely want to know what I find so captivating, I'll happily and enthusiastically tell them. Otherwise, I don't have time to waste on the closed-minded.

08-15-2012, 03:26 PM
Well I don't seek out people who I know don't like Disney World and tell them all about my trip... that's just setting yourself up for disappointment. I'm talking more about people who, in casual conversation ask you if you're going anywhere on summer vacation and you say Disney World. This happened to me at the dentist and he got all weird and told me that he's never been and it's on his bucket list of things NOT to do. I thought I was being lectured. I'm not going back to him, lol. I didn't like him before, which is the real reason, but I tell people I love Disney so much that I won't go to a dentist who doesn't like it either. It's just weird to me how people who disagree with your vacation choice get all nasty about it. WHO CARES?!

As a side note, my husband jokes that "to avoid the crowds" on our next trip, and really "beat the lines" he has a plan in place for what to do first. Example... at MK, when we get let in at rope drop we are going to run past everybody to get to the stocks. LOL! We are true Disney nuts. :mickey:

08-15-2012, 04:05 PM
I don't talk to random drones about things I'm passionate about.

Friends, on the other hand, are great to discuss anything with.

The secret is figuring out which is which.

08-15-2012, 05:34 PM
This happened to me at the dentist and he got all weird and told me that he's never been and it's on his bucket list of things NOT to do.

Now that is just plain rude.

08-15-2012, 05:38 PM
Well I don't seek out people who I know don't like Disney World and tell them all about my trip... that's just setting yourself up for disappointment. I'm talking more about people who, in casual conversation ask you if you're going anywhere on summer vacation and you say Disney World. This happened to me at the dentist and he got all weird and told me that he's never been and it's on his bucket list of things NOT to do. I thought I was being lectured. I'm not going back to him, lol. I didn't like him before, which is the real reason, but I tell people I love Disney so much that I won't go to a dentist who doesn't like it either. It's just weird to me how people who disagree with your vacation choice get all nasty about it. WHO CARES?!

As a side note, my husband jokes that "to avoid the crowds" on our next trip, and really "beat the lines" he has a plan in place for what to do first. Example... at MK, when we get let in at rope drop we are going to run past everybody to get to the stocks. LOL! We are true Disney nuts. :mickey:

What a jerk...your ex-dentist, that is! No, I don't run around randomly proselytizing about DisneyWorld either. Like you, the reactions I'm talking about are coming from people who casually ask where I'm going on vacation.

08-15-2012, 07:26 PM
I have gone through this countless times.. and I just laugh about it now. If they don't get it, then that is their problem.

It is really funny when they ask why I never go anywhere else or why disney, and then months later they are asking me for advice and tips because they are thinking of planning a trip!! Gotta love it!!! :D

Main Street Jim
08-15-2012, 07:38 PM
I just kind of laugh 'em off nowadays.

My family - that is, my dad and his wife/kids...my brother and his wife/kids...they don't *get* why I worked there for so long. But - whenever we'd ask them to come over and spend a day at the parks, they were *right there*....LOL...

Mrs Bus Driver
08-16-2012, 09:34 AM
There are always those who think they know best and will tell you what you should be doing. If you don't listen to them well you are just wrong. They are usually people with problems of their own and they spend their time trying to fix everyone else instead of them selves. Just nod and move on you can't help them and they don't want to listen.
We all have reasons why we go where we go on vacation. I am sure none of us here would ever think of telling anyone where they should go on vacation unless they really want our advice. So don't let the nay Sayers bug you. Just hang out here with the rest of us Disney nuts. :mickey:

08-16-2012, 10:47 AM
I don't get annoyed. I realise that everyone has their own (sometimes) stupid opinions on things that bring my family and me happiness.

I worked with a man who considered Disney to be a cult. He would actually ask if we were going to the cult on our vacation. I would laugh and say yes. "It's a cult, you know. They get you down there and they pull you in, and before you know it, your're brainwashed!"

That attitude lasted about two years until he was forced by his wife and family to go.

He's now a full-fledged member of the cult now.

08-16-2012, 11:07 AM
Yes, it is very rude when people respond in the way detailed by many of you.

The thing about Disney, however, is that it is such a huge cultural force that patronizing it, in the eyes of some, isn't just like taking a vacation to Hawaii. Some don't like Disney because they feel like the company represents (and ardently promotes) crass commercialization, corny and impractical homey idealizations, "princess culture" in little girls, etc. (There is compelling evidence to support them, btw.) And by going there you are buying into it and/or supporting it with your dollars. This mystifies people.

As Disney fans we have to understand the monolith that we so enjoy has, by becoming such a big part of society, inevitably rubbed people the wrong way. They should keep their ideas to themselves, of course, but I understand where they're coming from and am generally fully prepared to deal with what they say (by smiling, shrugging, and not giving a mouse's behind what they think).

08-16-2012, 11:20 AM
My soon to be in laws are like this....yet they do the same vacation, in the same condo unit, year after year after year.

You should see the eye rolls you get when you tell people your going for your honeymoon. Evidently I missed the memo that those are only for Hawaii and Sandals resorts.

08-16-2012, 11:24 AM
Yes, it is very rude when people respond in the way detailed by many of you.

The thing about Disney, however, is that it is such a huge cultural force that patronizing it, in the eyes of some, isn't just like taking a vacation to Hawaii. Some don't like Disney because they feel like the company represents (and ardently promotes) crass commercialization, corny and impractical homey idealizations, "princess culture" in little girls, etc. (There is compelling evidence to support them, btw.) And by going there you are buying into it and/or supporting it with your dollars. This mystifies people.

As Disney fans we have to understand the monolith that we so enjoy has, by becoming such a big part of society, inevitably rubbed people the wrong way. They should keep their ideas to themselves, of course, but I understand where they're coming from and am generally fully prepared to deal with what they say (by smiling, shrugging, and not giving a mouse's behind what they think).

All good points, Mendelssohn! Any time you have a cultural force of the magnitude of DIsney, there are bound to be negatives. And as Disney fans, I don't think we ignore the negatives; we simply choose to focus on the positives, and, as you so beautifully put it, not "give a mouse's behind" about those who see only the negative.

08-16-2012, 11:55 AM
When I meet new people, at some point or other, my love for Disney always comes out. I've had many new acquaintances become a friends just because they find it fascinating that we go so often and they've never gone.

I meet some people that don't have a desire to go because of crowds and it seems like a waste of time. My opinion is, they don't need to go, makes it less crowded for us that want to be there. I don't talk any further about WDW.

But those that enjoy living the magic through me :) their usual reason for not going is money. People think it costs thousands and thousands of dollars to go. And while it's not cheap, I share with them some advice for them to go for a little less.

DH's family and mine used to be the worst at getting on to us. When we started our family, we would get the talk of "do you think you should be spending that money on a trip? You have a family now." Exactly the reason TO go! We have a family! We want to share our magic and start traditions. And that is one of the big things I tell people when they ask why do we go so often. It's a TRADITION. So many memories for us and our kids!

08-16-2012, 12:51 PM
Some people really do not appreciate it until they go mulitple times

08-16-2012, 01:13 PM
I have family on my dad's side the doesn't "get it". My mom and I have tried to talk them into doing a family vacation there but it never works out. They don't see it as a vacation. They have their mind's set that Disney is always crowed and packed and they wouldn't be able to relax. But my cousin's are having kids and I'm hoping to use that to change their minds :mickey:

08-16-2012, 01:20 PM
Totally! I don't think there is anyone in my life who "gets" it - I almost dread answering when they ask me where I'm going for vacation. My Brother in law is trying to talk us into going to Mexico (his favourite destination) and I have 2 friends that are always saying "oh, you should try Cuba!". I don't know why they think they need to suggest options - perhaps they think I only go to Disney because I lack imagination? And my co-workers are all like "AGAIN?!"

08-16-2012, 01:26 PM
Living just 40ish minutes from WDW, I get that a lot. The whole "It has to get boring right? It's so childish. It's way to expensive, you don't get to do much" And all those things.

I live only 15 minutes from Legoland and it makes me laugh when those same people say Legoland is so much better than Disney and more fun. To each their own, but I actually think Legoland is an extremely poor deal for the money and boring. So I guess it goes both ways! :blush:

08-16-2012, 04:15 PM
Yes I still get this all the time from friends. Disney is just my happy place. They are the same friends that go to the beach every year. A beach is nothing new either from one vacation to the next. The ocean, beach, pool and sand are the same each year yet they love it. So why can I not love Disney. No two vacations at Disney have ever been the same with us. The kids are different ages each year so you change your plans based on their ages. Now we are going back with grandbabies. Disney is just fun to us, its magical!

08-16-2012, 04:18 PM
Does anybody else get annoyed by people who don't "get" Disney? [...] The endless questions of, "Why do you keep going? What is there to do? You go without KIDS!?" Anybody else get annoyed by this?!!?!

I changed careers in 2007 and have been to WDW twice since working in my current job. I found out quickly that I can't talk to ANYONE at my workplace about WDW, because none of them have been there, and none of them have the desire to go there. They say things like "It's just a tourist trap," "It costs too much," and "It's just a place for kids." I get so frustrated!!! It's like they think I'm ignorant or something because I actually WANT to go to Disney - and without kids!

I don't know if it's really because they're jealous or that what they know about WDW is completely false. Either way, I find talking to them about my plans is frustrating, so I don't anymore.

Don't question me why I go to Disney every year because if you havent been there ever or in a very long time....do some research and see for yourself all that Disney has to offer. If you can't be happy for my family and I as we get ready to go to Disney, then keep it to yourself. If you are genuinely excited for us....I'll talk you ear off about it. All haters...enjoy your 3 day Cedar Point vacation.

Amen! :thumbsup: I live in Indiana, so I get the whole, "It's cheaper to go to Cedar Point for a week then it is to go to Disney for a day." At least we don't have to smell like stinky fish after riding any of the water rides in Disney :D

08-16-2012, 11:04 PM
I get frustrated all the time! I too have learned who to talk to about wdw. I am DVC and theres one guy at work who always asks me when I'm going to visit my money! I am a mailman and I deliver to alot of office buildings. the people love when I bring up disney and always ask me for advice, help with their planning or just flat out plan it for them. I'll sometimes have a whole office full of people come out and ask me for advice or to just hear stories of going and what I do there.

08-16-2012, 11:07 PM
I also love people who go down the shore every year to the same rental and make fun of me. That is until I tell them that I can go to WDW for 10 days for cheaper than you pay for your house down the shore. and my meals are included!

08-17-2012, 02:36 PM
I remember talking once to a friend of my wife's and telling him we go to Walt Disney World every year.
"Because we love it there."
"I would think you've seen enough of it already."
He just couldn't understand how we would go to the same place every year. Of course, he was very wealthy and probably traveled extensively so I'll cut him some slack.

Back in 2002, we took my in-laws for their first (AND ONLY) trip to WDW. I remember planning extensively so they'd have a good time. My hope was if they'd have a memorable vacation, they'd stop criticizing us about our annual trips. (To them, we could do so much more with our money than to go back to the same place year after year.) With my DW (pregnant with our first child) and me was my father-in-law, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law.

I booked us in a Savannah View at the Animal Kingdom and we went to Animal Kingdom on arrival day. For dinner, we returned to the hotel and went to Boma. When the bill came, my F-I-L said, "What do you have planned for tomorrow??!!"
"Chef Mickey's for breakfast."
"Cancel it. What else?"
"Dinner at Biergarten, Germany."
"Keep that. What else do you have scheduled?"
"Lunch at Prime Time Cafe."
"Cancel that. What else?"
"Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party the next night."
"Cancel that."
"I can't. It's paid for and we can't get a refund for that."
"Ok, we'll go to that, but cancel all the other meals."

I remember watching Fantasmic and turning to my M-I-L and saying, "Can you believe you get all this with the price of admission?"
"With what they charge, you should get a whole lot more."
I just shook my head. There are 47 square miles of property being maintained with a staff of some 65,000 employees and she thought everything was outrageous.

On our last day, my M-I-L turned to me and said, "We see all these people here and they obviously get it and we don't and that's ok. And if we don't come back here, that's ok, too."

Since we've had children, we've toyed with the idea of inviting them again. I keep saying, "If they see the children's reaction, it will make an impression. My wife says, "No! never again!"

08-19-2012, 10:07 AM
I look at it this way, I am not here to sell these people on Disney. I go to Disney because I work my tail off at work all year long with little to no free time, and save so that my family has the most memorable time possible with no outside distractions. Disney trips represent family time, happiness, and all that is good in the world. .

:thumbsup:YOU GOT IT!

08-19-2012, 02:12 PM
Unfortunately my person is my DH. Don't get me wrong. He took me on my very first trip to WDW after we were married. We went every couple of years for quite awhile. He then said their were more placed he wanted to see. However, his parents love Disney. Now, he just lets me go with others and is just as happy not being there.

Just got back one week ago from trip with MIL and DD for her 11th birthday. What a hoot. We had a fabulous time. We also planned out next trip while there. Informed my DH of the trip. He just asked if he had to go and i said no and he said that's cool with him.

I would go as may times as I could he would be happy if he never has to go again.

08-19-2012, 06:04 PM
We hear it all the time too. My coworkers all around my age (mid 20's) cannot understand why we wouldn't rather go to cancun or a cruise.
They just don't get it.
Big problem is when a boyfriend says they wouldn't want to go there, it's overpriced, waste of money, childish - it's a deal breaker! No joke.
Nobody is "too cool" for WDW

08-19-2012, 07:48 PM
Does anybody else get annoyed by people who don't "get" Disney? Since we're leaving in 5 days and I've been non-stop talking about my trip I've experienced this more and more. It actually frustrates me! The endless questions of, "Why do you keep going? What is there to do? You go without KIDS!?" Anybody else get annoyed by this?!!?!

Oh, Yes. Quite often. That is why I love to get on Intercot and not feel like an outcast. I can just imagine what some will say when we tell them we are moving to Florida next September just so we can be right in the middle of the Disney magic. My husband and I are 63 and 64 years old, and we look forward to this adventure,:mickey:

08-20-2012, 11:08 AM
Oh, Yes. Quite often. That is why I love to get on Intercot and not feel like an outcast. I can just imagine what some will say when we tell them we are moving to Florida next September just so we can be right in the middle of the Disney magic. My husband and I are 63 and 64 years old, and we look forward to this adventure,:mickey:

Good for you!!! Live that dream!

08-20-2012, 01:14 PM
Oh, Yes. Quite often. That is why I love to get on Intercot and not feel like an outcast. I can just imagine what some will say when we tell them we are moving to Florida next September just so we can be right in the middle of the Disney magic. My husband and I are 63 and 64 years old, and we look forward to this adventure,:mickey:

That's awesome! My wife and I are only 41, but we already fantasize about moving to Florida when we retire so we can be "in the middle of the Disney magic". Hope you and your husband thouroughly enjoy your grand adventure!!

08-20-2012, 03:51 PM
My wife and I are 50 and 54 and we love going! We don't listen to any negatives....usually....

08-25-2012, 07:03 PM
I absolutley hate that many people really don't understand what Disney is really all about. My ultimate pet peev is when people who have never been there before talk bad about it. First of all who are you and don't judge until you go like really! It really does irritate me and frusturates me and actually makes me very upset when I hear that people are bashing such a wonderful place!

08-26-2012, 03:49 PM
I run across this but it doesn't really annoy me. Everyone has vacation preferences--my siblings like to go on cruises, which is really not my style. If they say anything about my Disney trips, I just remind them of this and they understand a little better. And it is true that a lot of people who have just had a "taste" of Disney World or Disneyland don't understand the full scope of what there is to do or see, and they probably never will. That's not going to stop me from talking about it. :)

08-27-2012, 05:09 PM
I also find who I can talk to about Disney and who is just simply tolerating my enthusiasm with veiled politeness. :)

I wish everyone loved Disney as much as we do but... can you imagine it any MORE crowded? :)

I don't judge someone else's vacation choices and I hope they don't judge mine!! If I sense that they are.... then time to change the subject...or the friends.

08-27-2012, 05:21 PM
I don't really talk about it anymore. People who know me, know we love Disney and have DVC. So most of the time that is where we are visiting. When I get back to work usually I am asked did you go to Disney again and that is about it. I just say we had a nice time...and enjoy the memories with my family. I think most people really don't want to hear every detail of another person's vacation for many reasons. LOL that's why I come here- if you feel like sharing you can and you aren't judged.

08-28-2012, 12:31 PM
First time poster, long time voyeur lol.

my boyfriend is a Disney "nay-sayer"
im taking our daughter (soon to be 6 and her first time) and my other daughter (13 and her 2nd trip) from a previous relationship this november. He doesnt want any part of it and thinks its a waste of money.

he just doesnt know what its like to have a fun family vacation and i say - see ya later and you're missing out!

08-28-2012, 12:53 PM
My wife and I have been going to Disney before we met and we still go to this day. There is just something magical about Disney that becomes a part of your soul in a way.

Every time, we start to plan a new trip we always get the nay sayers saying why are you going to Disney you dont have any kids? They feel that going to Disney is about bringing your kids down there and since we dont have any we dont really belong. These people clearly have the wrong idea of what Disney is all about.

My answer has always been, why do I need kids when I am young at heart. And we have more fun then you will ever have cause we can do what we want, when we want too and enjoy everything just the two of us. Theres no limitations. You dont needs kids to have a good time at disney.

You just need to believe in something magical and never grow up.

08-28-2012, 01:07 PM
yes, we have dealt with more than a few folks who don't get the Disney thing, but it really doesn't bother us...seeing as how there are than a few places we have visited that lots of folks like to go on a regular basis that I don't get either....Las Vegas and New Orleans both come to mind...there are plenty of folks who love both cities and travel there with frequency, but they simply don't appeal to me. When I deal with folks who don't do get disney, I don't try to convert them to the cause, but instead take comfort in the fact that I won't ever have to stand behind them in line for Toy Story Mania.

08-28-2012, 04:18 PM
Shoot, I get annoyed with my friend who thinks Disneyland is better than WDW. He's been to both several times and prefers Disneyland. That annoys me.

08-29-2012, 05:30 PM
First time poster, long time voyeur lol.

my boyfriend is a Disney "nay-sayer"
im taking our daughter (soon to be 6 and her first time) and my other daughter (13 and her 2nd trip) from a previous relationship this november. He doesnt want any part of it and thinks its a waste of money.

he just doesnt know what its like to have a fun family vacation and i say - see ya later and you're missing out!

Welcome to Intercot, Brie! Hope you like it here.

08-29-2012, 07:37 PM
My solution is to not talk about it with "outsiders" and spend more time here on Intercot with the folks who do get it! :mickey:

:number1:Woot woot on that one!!!!!!

08-29-2012, 09:32 PM
At a recent picnic with friends, one grumpy friend said on MORE than one occasion...
"I don't need a big Disney vacation for my kids to be happy"

"My kids don't need to go there"

"We don't need to go Disney like YOU"

Ughhh.....I'm so over it!!
Here's a news flash...I LOVE DISNEY, so what's it to you????
I'm always happy for everyone when they go anywhere. So annoying!!

09-18-2012, 01:52 AM
Whats funny is i am taking someone that "doesnt get it" on my next trip. I talked my bf into going and i cant wait for the plane ride home when he says it was awesome.
People always end up loving it once they experience it and if they dont then... well i just dont understand them.

09-18-2012, 03:30 AM
I've had a few friends and co-workers shocked that Disney World is my favorite vacation spot. They bring up the money, the crowds, the miles of walking...They think I'd be much happier going on a cruise or camping in the woods, or an exotic beach somewhere like they do.

I don't defend myself anymore. I just smile and nod my head and think how foolish they are. We live on an island with well maintained beaches all around us. I can go to the beach every day if I want to. How is going to a beach a vacation for me? We also have 2 big state parks less than 15 minutes from my house I could also visit everyday. I get to enjoy all the great outdoors has to offer without all the work of camping. If I want to go on a boat, well, I own one and there are tons of whale watching and excursion ships I can go on if I want.

When I go on vacation, I want to get away from everyday things. What better place to get away to than my 2nd "home". Yup, give me Disney anytime!

09-18-2012, 12:26 PM
We hosted 2 teenage friends of our daughters who are not Disney people. After the weekend, one of them suggested we make this an annual tradition. You can convert some of the non Disney people. It may help to have them travel with you.

09-18-2012, 01:31 PM
I am there with everyone... I have had people tell me that they don't understand why we go there each year, activists that tell me how Disney is evil and really part of the slave trade, why would I take my kids that wont remember the trip and spend so much on an infant to go (clearly they don't know that the 2 and under set are free!), etc, etc, etc....

I smile as sweetly as my favorite Disney princess and ask them in a sing song voice:

Where do they recommend we vacation?
Does that place have 3 modes of free transportation to and from my resort to any entertainmnet I need in the city?
Will the resort pick me up from the airport and have my luggage waiting for me on my bed for free?
If I go shopping in the area while on vacation, will the resort somehow carry all my packages to the front desk for me to pick it up so I don't have to carry it around the city?
Can I speak to someone of authority in the city that will ensure all the restaurants I want to eat at accomodate my daughter's egg allergy?
Can I pay for everything I'd ever want to do months in advanced including food, entertainment, entrance fee into any area attractions?
Does housekeeping make me towel animals nightly?
Can I pay for roughly 3 vacations up front and have 40+ years of vacation paid for?
Does that resort have Safari Animals outside my balcony?
Does that resort have a Treehouse for my family to live in for the week?
Does that resort have hundreds of food options? w/ free transportation to every place?
Do they have a nightly celebration with fireworks or parade?
Do you cry when you get there, when you see the resort or when you leave out of happiness?
Do they give you a button or shirt or something that says its your birthday, anniversary, first visit so their employees can greet you properly?
Are there stroller rentals everywhere you want to go so I don't have to bring mine if I fly?
Does the resort have a child "check-in" area?
How many people would you say are returning guests staying there?
If you've had too much to drink on your happy vacation, do they have buses/train/boat ready to do the driving for you?
I like to vacation in mid-late October, can I go trick or treating there in a safe environment?

When I ask all those questions and more, they usually begin asking me more questions about Disney. I've never said a word about Mickey Mouse or any of the park names. Next thing you know, they are seeking me out to help them decide if they want to go.

I've been so vocal about it that people direct other people to me for Disney information. Yes, even the people that try to impart their distain for Disney on me. Good luck next time Mr or Ms Negative Nelly!

I think they are truly jealous that we have found something to be so passionate about, a place that we enjoy so much on the same attainable earth that they live on. I have yet to hear someone talk as animatedly about their vacation place as I. Maybe I would try someplace that someone suggested but, they just dont have enough enthusiam or enough "correct" answers to my questions above!


09-18-2012, 06:48 PM
I have been going to Disney since I was 7 years old and at least twice a year since I was 13.
I broke up with 2 (ex)boyfriends because they did not "get" the Disney thing - always said "you're going again??" One of my DH best qualities is after his first trip, he got it (that is a reason why he made it to husband status!!). Everyone at work knows I am the Disney nut (they see the tattoos and I named my car Tink).
I got angry at the news caster who critized her two co-anchors who went to Disney stating, "It's just for kids"

Haters will hate - they can keep hating as for me I'm going to Disney!

09-19-2012, 08:31 AM
It does get annoying. I feel sorry for the Disney dissers, especially those who have not even Ben there to experience the magic!

10-18-2012, 12:45 PM
Boy, I thought I was the only one dealing with this!

No, WDW is not for everyone, but if you have the chance to go and see if you love it, I'd say you'd be silly not to go and give it a try!

Yes, it's just my husband and I and we are lucky enough to go to WDW and other vacation spots off-season, which saves a lot of time, headaches, and money, unlike most families, who only have the summer for vacations. But it annoys me so much when people tell me I should go somewhere else, or ask me don't I get bored? At WDW? Seriously??

Anyway, I had gone, in the summer, 3 times when I was a kid, and remember the long lines and how frustrated my parents got with the whole experience, but that didn't stop their daughters from going when they were adults! My sister loves WDW, and my husband, who had never gone and thought all WDW was going to be was a glorified theme park, was the one to look at me on the Magical Express going home and ask when we were coming back!

It's been just us, 5 times, going on 6 in December, and we just love it! I think we love the fact that everything is on property and you don't even have to drive anywhere, and after going and still going on our other vacations where we run around and see all we can see, like to London, Paris, Bermuda, New Orleans, California, the East Coast (you get the idea, we aren't just Disney fans only!), sometimes it's just good to see the Mouse...

10-18-2012, 01:36 PM
I had this problem yesterday and i couldnt wait to get on this thread and rant.
My parents divorced when i was little and my moms side of the family always went to disney world. My dads side was never into it though and they always thought my mom was crazy for taking me so much.
Now i am grown and going on my own in january. I went to visit my dad yesterday and my step grandma went off on a tangent. She started saying "youre a well traveled girl. You have been to china. Why are you wasting your time on disney world? Go somewhere different! Dont spend money on that! Whats wrong with you?!" I seriously just wanted to leave. I thought it was extremely rude and hurtful. I will go where i wish and who is she to say that i am making a bad choice. I love wdw and thats that. Im going even if my family doesnt agree with it.

10-18-2012, 10:17 PM
I used to be a Disney nay-sayer. I didn't get it at all. I had friends and relatives that would go all the time and would rave about it.

The reason I didn't get it was because I hadn't experienced it. Disney really is selling you an experience, not a vacation. Until you've had the experience, you often don't get why you'd want to have it.

We've all been to theme parks. most of them aren't all that great. The perception of Dinsey parks is also not that great. (Simpsons fans, think Itchy and Scratchy Land) Before my first adult trip, I was psyched for a vacation, but I was here nor there about where it was as long as it was vacation-y.

The only solution is really to explain that it's about an experience, and you basically need to have the experience to get it. Emphatically explaining how amazing some attraction is or how magical it is to meet some character... is just going to make you look like you're a cult member trying to lure them to your gingerbread house.

On our next trip we are bringing a friend along who has not been since he was really young and really doesn't get the whole Disney thing. Pretty much everyone we are going with has been bombarding him with why this is going to be the greatest trip of his life. What I have told him is this: "This trip will not be what you expect. I'm not going to rant and rave about it. I get how you feel, because I felt the same way before my first adult trip too. You're going to have fun, but just try to ignore the crazy people that we're going with until you're there"

10-19-2012, 09:09 AM
I used to be a Disney nay-sayer. I didn't get it at all. I had friends and relatives that would go all the time and would rave about it.

The reason I didn't get it was because I hadn't experienced it. Disney really is selling you an experience, not a vacation. Until you've had the experience, you often don't get why you'd want to have it.

We've all been to theme parks. most of them aren't all that great. The perception of Dinsey parks is also not that great. (Simpsons fans, think Itchy and Scratchy Land) Before my first adult trip, I was psyched for a vacation, but I was here nor there about where it was as long as it was vacation-y.

The only solution is really to explain that it's about an experience, and you basically need to have the experience to get it. Emphatically explaining how amazing some attraction is or how magical it is to meet some character... is just going to make you look like you're a cult member trying to lure them to your gingerbread house.

On our next trip we are bringing a friend along who has not been since he was really young and really doesn't get the whole Disney thing. Pretty much everyone we are going with has been bombarding him with why this is going to be the greatest trip of his life. What I have told him is this: "This trip will not be what you expect. I'm not going to rant and rave about it. I get how you feel, because I felt the same way before my first adult trip too. You're going to have fun, but just try to ignore the crazy people that we're going with until you're there"

I love your descriptions! And you have such a great attitude about your friend. I did something similar with my husband, who had never been to WDW until he went with me when he was a skeptical 32. He was converted with that trip.

We had the opposite happen with some friends years later. They reluctantly took their 7-year-old daughter but had a bad medical experience while there and let it color their whole trip. They have no desire or intent to ever go back. :(