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08-02-2012, 12:00 PM
Trying to get an idea of tip monies needed! At TS restaurants it says an automatic 18% gratuity is added for party of 6 or more! So my question is does that apply to my party? There are technically 6 people but 2 of the 6 are under 3 y/o toddlers! So if they're just sharing and not ordering do we still pay the automatic 18% gratuity? Thanx

08-02-2012, 12:06 PM
They base it on actual bodies, not the ages... We had the same thing happen on our last trip... 4 adults, 2 kiddo's under 2...still considered party of 6. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news lol

08-02-2012, 12:28 PM
But remember, if they are not ordering, then it is 18% x $0.00.

And if you feel the service deserves less than 18%, talk to the manager.

08-03-2012, 01:38 PM
are you looking for an estimate on cost needed? :)

08-03-2012, 01:55 PM
Do people really tip less than 18%?

08-03-2012, 02:34 PM
Do people really tip less than 18%?Yes, some.

08-03-2012, 02:40 PM
Do people really tip less than 18%?

I was thinking the same thing! 18% is normal and I'll go 20% or more for outstanding service. It really takes some serious foul ups for me to go less than 18%.

Also consider what some of these servers have to go through every single day trying to please the mass of tourists who expect to be treated like royalty because of how much they paid for their vacation. To then get stiffed on the tip is just not right.

08-03-2012, 08:29 PM
Yes, for me tip is based on service, bad service means a bad tip. No service means no tip. That said, I usually tip pretty well, unless they go with this surcharge, in which case, they get the 18% and not a penny more.

08-03-2012, 10:33 PM
I agree with Dizneyrox, its nothing more than a surcharge for people who have been blessed with more children than most.
I have always tipped at least 15%. Remember, that 15% of a $15 check 20 + yrs ago is smaller than 15% of a $200 check in todays dollars. t all evens out in the end.

08-03-2012, 10:44 PM
For those who.feel it in poor taste to leave less than 18% for a tip, its not about the $ its about the assumption that because I have 6 people in my party that your service makes it automatically worth the 18% v/s having 4 or 5 people! I have had service that didn't deserve 2 cent let alone 18%! Then I've had service where if I had a spare $100 would've left it in a heartbeat! IMO tipping should be based on your performance not your party size! Thanx for the tips!

Polynesian Dweller
08-03-2012, 11:31 PM
As a hotelier who has restaurants in the hotels, a little perspective could help to understand why an automatic tip is put on for large parties. First, servers are dependent on their tips, that's the nature of how they are paid.

Second, a large party means that they are now serving one table rather than two at one time. To Keep up with serving needs the restaurant has to dedicate them to that table rather than serving multiple tables.

If that one large table left a small tip it would really hurt their income. Unfortunately, it happens a lot even when service is good. Some people simply stiff waiter staff. If the server is serving two tables of four it's fairly likely that one table at least will treat them well so they are ok if one doesn't. The automatic tip is to protect their income, it is not a surcharge.

Sure, if service is bad talk to the manager about it. But remember, the larger the table the more difficult it is to offer speedy service. All the food has to come out at the same time. If it takes longer than usual that will be the kitchen trying to time all the orders at your table, it won't be the servers fault. Three tables of 4 can be staged for slightly different times to allow for flow. Not do for a table of twelve. It has to be at the same time.

And if the server is a little less attentive try to keep in mind how many things they have to do o serve your entire party. It's very demanding and very difficult.

Just saying, try to think of the extra strain your large table size represents.

08-03-2012, 11:46 PM
Tipping for great service is a joy. It means you got great service. However prices for many items at Disney are inflated including $10 for a canoli at Tutto Italia. Add $1.80 for tip and $1 for tax and you have a $12.80 canoli. Ouch.

08-04-2012, 11:00 AM
Polynesian Dweller

I can understand what you are saying and if my party had 6 adults or even 6 people that are ordering I could understand the "protecting your income" factor! However in this particular case they are going to tack on the 18% for 4 adults because my kids are 2 and under so where does the serving them and keeping them happy play in? I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I don't think there's an argument for that! And I'm fairly certain Disney waiters aren't hurting for an income! I personally leave what I feel comfy leaving! Again its not about the $ its about the assumption of your performance being worth a automatic 18%! Thanx for the tips

08-04-2012, 12:44 PM
I think it is wrong to make an assumption in regards to who is and who is not hurting for money. You never know and its not a basis for who deserves a tip or not. If a millionaire brings you your french fries he deserves a tip. An 18% tip is the accepted standard and is how in the United States we go out to eat. I feel if your not prepared to tip appropriately you shouldn't even consider table service. Equally I'm sure if the service was miserable no one would hold you to a tip. Unfortunately our system is the not the same throughout the world, many foreign tourists do not realize our wait staff can be paid below minimum wage because they are a "tipped" employee. I do not think the policy unfair, its just the way we do things.

08-04-2012, 11:00 PM
I am not concerned about protecting some waiters income. If they are so worried, go back to school, get a degree, and get a real job, with all the benefits. I was a bartender for 10 years. Most customers took care of me, some did not. I did not cry when stiffed, I just figured some folks are cheap. The only time I ever stiffed a waitress was when the service was so bad that I felt compelled to talk to the manager. Even then, I gave an extra large tip to the busboy.
I still feel that is a surcharge for someone with too many kids, or too many friends.

08-05-2012, 07:49 PM

Exactly! I would never stiff a waiter/waitress even if the service is poor bc u never know the reason behind the bad service! I'll still give something at least! For every1 else I appreciate all the tips the nice and not so nice! Were all entitled to our own opinions and I wouldn't blast n e 1 for a difference of opinion! Were on here for info and 2 make friends not enemies! So for all let's be friends not enemies! Thank u all for ur tips I appreciate them all

08-05-2012, 09:38 PM

Exactly! I would never stiff a waiter/waitress even if the service is poor bc u never know the reason behind the bad service! I'll still give something at least! For every1 else I appreciate all the tips the nice and not so nice! Were all entitled to our own opinions and I wouldn't blast n e 1 for a difference of opinion! Were on here for info and 2 make friends not enemies! So for all let's be friends not enemies! Thank u all for ur tips I appreciate them all

Well said. I apologize for being harsh. Agree to disagree.