View Full Version : Using Poly pool before room is ready.

04-21-2012, 09:26 AM
We'll be early arrivers our first day. We're off site close by the night before so I expect to be checked in hopefully around 8:30. With three little ones, 7,5 and 4, we'll do MK first but with the June heat, either they or I will wilt and want to go back to the pool, possibly or even probably before our rooms are ready. What are our options on changeing to use the pool until our room is ready??

(51 days)

04-21-2012, 11:17 AM
We always get in early, and use the pool bathrooms to change at BC, assume it's the same at POLY.

04-21-2012, 11:48 AM
Poly is our favorite! You should have no issues with using the pool etc. There are plenty of bathrooms to use and Bell Services will hold whatever you may not want to drag around. The staff is awesome!

Have fun!

04-21-2012, 06:18 PM
Echoing what others have said! Perhaps back a small bag that you can bring with you to the bathrooms and leave the rest with the Bell Staff. There's always the bathrooms right by Captain Cooks or the ones inside the Volcano.

04-21-2012, 10:50 PM
Thanks, we have been at BC or BW the last few years. First time at Poly. And with lots of little ones! Looking forward to seeing their faces as they won't know where they are going til they get there. Arrive Sunday evening after a semi long drive from Atlanta and staying off site. Not sure how we will let them know where they are on Monday morning. Trying to figure out what to them them why we are driving so far. The oldest might figure it out. Shes pretty smart.

Suggestions???? :mickey:

04-21-2012, 11:46 PM
Sounds like you are going to be in the World around the same time as my daughter and I are going to be - and sounds like the same question I was pondering - and have now had answered by the wonderful intercotees!