View Full Version : A 60 minute bus/boat ride from MK to All star sports

09-11-2011, 04:22 PM
Apparantly there was either a fire or an accident today at the MK bus area no one was on the bus with an issue. But they made everyone take the boat or monorail to the TTC and board busses there. However, all resorts appeared to be sharing busses. The three all stars shared a bus with Animal Kingdom, which is where the bus stopped first, so that the 3-4 people on that standing room only bus could get off first. Bottom line, I will smack the next person that complains about the three all star resorts haring a bus.

09-11-2011, 04:43 PM
At leat you were in Disney & safe when all this happened. Count your blessings on 9/11

09-11-2011, 06:09 PM
They try to make as few left turns as possible. There are financial and economical reasons for this. I am guessing this is why the ASs were the last stop.