View Full Version : Traveling with a Tens Machine

03-11-2010, 05:14 PM
Hi all, I have elected not to have back surgery so I am going to try working with a tens machine. I was wondering are there restrictions on traveling with them. Also if you have used one did it help with your pain?
Thanks Mouseketeers!!

03-11-2010, 07:20 PM
Sorry I can't help you with the travelling with portion of your question. TENS units are a way to trick your spinal cord into ignoring nocioception or "pain". The spinal cord can only process one sensation at a time and vibration (TENS) is quicker than pain, hence the cord interprets the vibration not the pain. The TENS will only help while in use, but you can use them for extended periods. There is no lasting effect, it essentially just fakes out your spinal cord (and ultimately your brain, where the interpretation takes place). The only downside is that pain is there to remind you that certain activities may make your original problem worse, so while wearing the TENS you may do more than your condition may tolerate. From this therapists' point of view, TENS units are both a blessing and a curse. We certainly want clients to be more comfortable and become more active, but also the client needs to be very aware of how their activity level effects their condition. hope this helps.:mickey:

03-18-2010, 11:00 AM
Thanks tundramom!!!! I have been set up and its working a little! I will call the airline directly and see what they say about taking it.

03-19-2010, 02:57 PM
From my understanding is that you need to declare that you have it to the first TSA agent and let them look at it. The problem is not the unit itself it is the gel pads. As long as you let them know that you have this you should be fine. I wouldn't wear it through security though. I would place it in it's bag and have it out before you go through security. Once you and it are through security, then if you need to use it you would be able to without problems except on take-off and landing where it would have to be turned off until the airline says it is ok to turn on items like laptops and gameboys.