View Full Version : Bus rides

01-28-2010, 02:37 PM
I was wondering if there is a location for proper
behavior on buses? I have seen various comments on rudeness. I have seen comments that seem to come from people whom are inexperienced and seem to expect everyone to be
able to sit. I am in a college town so my expectations are colored to the pack-em-like-sardines mode so everyone can get on.

Here: 2 rows standing, give up seats to neediest, move to the back.

I often think the buses at WDW could hold a lot more people, but some won't move back and they don't stand 2 deep. Yes, you have to work around kids. Laps are great for that too.
My kids sat on us rather than taking up needed
seating. We all stand as needed too.

We have had many warm and comradely trips on the WDW buses filled to the brim.

01-28-2010, 03:29 PM
I know where you are coming from. I think a lot of the problem is that WDW visitors are not "well versed" in using public transit, particularly buses.

The other issue is the amount of "gear" people port around WDW, strollers being the most cumbersome on the buses. It's hard to pack em in when the stroller/wheelchair/huge backpack is in the way. ;) I think some WDW drivers are more "persistent" than others, in asking people to keep moving back, squishing together, etc. If the drivers don't say anything as people are loading, people will maintain a "comfort zone" in front and behind them, as is typical human behavior.

However, with that said, I have two young children. They will not stand on a bus. They are too little to hold on properly and in the event of a hard stop, it can be very dangerous, as their heads are at "seat level" and they could get knocked in the head, face, etc. I think, for that reason, Adults and older children should be the only ones standing on ANY bus.

I do agree that having your young kids sit on your lap rather than in their own seat is courteous, as is giving up a seat for a young child, or person needing a seat for another reason (elderly, disabled, pregnant women, etc.)

BUT, as a parent, I take responsibility for that, mostly. If a bus is to the point where it's so packed that we'd have to stand (with kids), we'll just stand back and wait for the next bus. I have no sense of entitlement just because I have kids, or am a woman. I don't expect anyone to give up their seat for me!

I think if more people were looking at the big picture, instead of just focusing on THEIR needs, the WDW buses would be much more friendy and efficient!