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01-06-2010, 09:48 PM

Jerri Manthey (Australian Outback)
Rob Mariano (Marquesas)
Sandra Diaz-Twine (Pearl Islands)
Parvati Shallow (Cook Islands)
Danielle DiLorenzo (Panama)
Courtney Yates (China)
Randy Bailey (Gabon)
Tyson Apostol (Tocantins)
Benjamin Wade (Tocantins)
Russell Hantz (Samoa)


Colby Donaldson (Australian Outback)
Rupert Boneham (Pearl Islands)
Tom Westman (Palau)
Stephenie LaGrossa (Palau)
Cirie Fields (Panama)
Candice Woodcock (Cook Islands)
Amanda Kimmel (China)
James Clement (China)
Jessica "Sugar" Kiper (Gabon)
James "J.T." Thomas Jr. (Tocantins)

ETA: The official site is now updated (http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor/) with bios.

01-06-2010, 11:40 PM

01-07-2010, 05:23 AM
OMG!!!! :cloud9: Colby :cloud9: I'm definitely watching (and drooling :blush: )

And wow...Russell and Jerri :thedolls: on the same team...that will get interesting!!!

01-07-2010, 06:46 AM
There are A LOT of undesirables for me. I really dislike Rob, Randy, Tyson, Coach, Pavarti, and strike me down - I'm not a Rupert fan either.

I sure hope it turns out to be entertaining after all. :unsure:

Magic Smiles
01-07-2010, 07:41 AM
I can't wait. Even though I don't like many of the villians, but thats what makes them the villians, it should prove to be an excellent season of Survivor.
Hope that they produce this one on DVD after. Still looking for one of the Seasons from Dec 2007 on DVD as we missed the finale when we were in WDW.

01-07-2010, 07:46 AM
It should be good. I'm certainly not looking forward to Pavarti AGAIN. :ack:

I do like Rob. :D

I'm not a Rupert fan either, Mel. :shrug:

01-07-2010, 08:59 AM
Oh those are WONDERFUL.


Love Rob, Love Russ, Pav was a cute little evil flirt, Courtney I didn't like at all but...I have to admit she was more insightful than many of us were in some things. They're going to make an interesting team. Sandra was evil? Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong Sandra. I wouldn't have put her as a HERO but not necesarily as a villian either (as long as it's not me...)


LOVE LOVE LOVE Rupert, LOVE LOVE LOVE Colby (what a hunk), James (whoo eye candy), JT, Steph, Circe (the girl came a LONG way from being afraid of leaves)...What a line up...The only thing that could make it better would be to have Yao Man back. Tom the Fireman...I guess I wasn't all that impressed with. He kinda couldn't lose a immunity challenge. I thought he got a bit cocky.

The heros have some REALLY REALLY strong players. The villians have "Rob" but I honestly don't remember how well the others preformed. I kinda think good has a lot of strenghth on their side (James, Rupert, JT, Tom and Steph).

01-07-2010, 09:11 AM
The pic of Randy on the official site is so...Randy. He's an odd bird.

01-07-2010, 10:43 AM
I'm not sure about this (for myself). I mean, how many opportunities should these people get to win a million dollars? Is Survivor's pool of contestant entries shrinking?

I will say the dynamics are interesting simply because they all must develope new strategies having already been exposed on previous seasons. But isn't this like the 3rd or 4th installment of a reunion type show?

I will give it a chance. :)

01-07-2010, 11:45 AM
I love to watch some of the villains. Tyson, Coach, Russell, Parvati-- they're all good entertainment. Not sure I would want any to win, but they're at least worth watching. Tyson really makes me laugh with his quips and his inflated ego. Now, Randy is another story. That man is just awful to watch. Very creepy. And Sandra, a villain? I wouldn't have pegged her a villain (or worth watching again, for that matter).

The Heroes are okay. No one I'm that excited about. Rupert seems to have gone over the top. According to their video bios, JT and Sugar are a couple (but trying to keep it from interfering with game play). They were all good players and some worthy winners, but they just don't have the watchability factor that the villains do. Of course, I'm still rooting for the good guys. Or maybe Russell.

Russell has a definite edge in that the seasons were reportedly filmed nearly back to back- before his season aired. So no one will know his game (and there's no one else from his season to tell tales).

01-08-2010, 04:26 PM
:clappy: Can't wait for this season to start! There are several tribe members that I really like, both heroes and villains! I agree, I don't really see how Sandra fits in as a villain. Did she do something awful that I'm just not recalling? Should get interesting with Coach, Russell, Tyson, and Randy on the same tribe! :thumbsup:

01-11-2010, 01:19 AM
Rob..again??!!??!! Well, at least he will be in good company...it could be interesting to see him and Rusell, both the master manipulators, on the same team.

01-11-2010, 08:29 AM
I will get laughed at here, but they ALL need to go get jobs!!

01-11-2010, 11:14 AM
I love Rob, but I am nto a Rupert fan either.

I remember how much we all disliked Jerri back then. Seems so long ago now!

Your right, some of them need to get jobs and stop living in the past :D

01-11-2010, 12:25 PM
Bet I dislike Jerri just as much this third time around as I did the first time and the second.:ack: Was so interested to see that she feels her acting career is going so well. What acting career???

01-11-2010, 01:15 PM
This cast looks awesome!! Love almost all the heroes and all the villians (although I too could do without seeing Parvati again).

Love Rob, love Rupert, love Big Tom, love Stephenie, love Russell ... who will I root for?? So many to choose from!

01-11-2010, 07:39 PM
Yeah baby! I can't wait to watch!!

01-11-2010, 07:46 PM
Big Tom

That's not Big Tom from Africa. It's Tom the fireman who won.

Granny Jill A
01-12-2010, 08:43 AM
I will get laughed at here, but they ALL need to go get jobs!!

No, I was thinking the same thing.

And, I am leaving the room when Russell Hantz comes on the tube. He gives repugnant a bad name.

01-12-2010, 08:49 AM
That's not Big Tom from Africa. It's Tom the fireman who won.Yeah you're right ... Tom was not Palau he was Africa I think.

That's kind of a bummer ... I loved Big Tom!!

01-12-2010, 08:25 PM
I will get laughed at here, but they ALL need to go get jobs!!

I don't think this group is as bad as some others (Real World/Road Rules comes to mind). Is it really that bad?

01-13-2010, 08:27 AM
Your right, some of them need to get jobs and stop living in the past :DI dunno ... They seem pretty smart to me. I'm quite certain they all make, regardless of what place they finish, a ton of cash. I'd milk that cash cow for all it was worth, too.

01-13-2010, 04:04 PM
I'd milk that cash cow for all it was worth, too.

So would I Ian!!

01-16-2010, 01:27 AM
Are you guys kidding me? What you hate lovable guys with big hearts? Rupert all the way! That is unless they shock us and bring Big Tom in! Hurrah for Goat farmers!!!!!! Oh well go Fireman Tom and Rupert!!!! To bad Kentucky Joe is not in.

01-18-2010, 10:27 AM
Great list this time! I am glad Rupert is coming back..I really liked him. I like Rob, too....but Pavarti....meh. Can't stand Coach. He is soooo creepy. I am personally a big fan of Russell. I think he's the best Survivor player ever!!:bolt:

02-08-2010, 06:15 PM
Looking forward to it. Can't wait for Thursday!

02-09-2010, 02:02 PM
I was kinda hoping for Yao Man to be back.

But oh well. I like the line up. I think they have plenty of people wanting to come in but fans all over have been asking about some of these characters.

Personally for me...the islands and the water are soooo beautiful. The experience is so unique...It wouldn't be TOTALLY about the money. Since I started watching Survivor I've added so many places I want to "go before I die", I'm going to have to live to be 300 years old.:D

02-09-2010, 02:23 PM
Oh great, the 'dragon slayer' is back. >_<

02-09-2010, 05:34 PM
My family and I are so excited for Thursday! What a great group of villians and heroes. It's going to be fun watching them interact together. (Though I do wish Yao man would come back as well). :mickey:

02-09-2010, 07:21 PM
I'd love to see Yao Man and Big Tom back. They were two of my all-time favorites.

02-11-2010, 06:11 PM
I'd love to see Yao Man and Big Tom back. They were two of my all-time favorites.From MercuryNews.com:
Turns out that Yau-Man Chan of Martinez was, indeed, approached by producers, but reluctantly turned down the invite. The popular UC Berkeley computer whiz, who charmed millions in the Fiji edition and returned to play in Micronesia, was flat out of vacation time.

At first, Chan, 57, was disappointed over missing another chance to compete. But after studying the male half of this season's roster, which includes the likes of Rupert Boneham, James Clement and "Boston" Rob Mariano, he's just fine with watching from the comfort of his couch.

"I look at that cast and it's loaded with real power players — a lot of type-A personalities," he says. "I don't think I'd have any chance out there with those guys. I'm more of a subtle player, who relies on playing an intellectual game. I wouldn't fit in with this group."

02-11-2010, 08:47 PM
So who thinks those chickens were planted?

02-12-2010, 12:21 AM
I wonder who else was approached and said no?

For the villains:
Keith (Australia)
Clay (Thailand)
Lex (Africa) (although could have been a hero)
Shi Hann (Thailand)
John (Pearl Islands) although I think he has burnt this bridge
Rafe (Guatemala)

Rodger (Australia)
Micheal (Australia)
Tina (Australia)
Tom (Africa) (although could have been a villain)
Butch (Amazon)
Jenna (Amazon)

Any others? I have only watched these seasons and I did watch last season.

02-12-2010, 12:22 AM
I think they are the chickens that got loose on the last season. LOL

I was hoping to never see Coach again. Rob either. He has been on every reality show out there just about. By the way, what is going to happen to him next week? :jaw: I mean stroke? Snake bite? Whoa!

Oh and Randy. Man! Could they have picked a worse person to bring back?

If Sugar and JT are a couple (hope not) she sure was trying to flirt with Colby tonight.

02-12-2010, 08:01 AM
Kinda funny ... they approached Richard Hatch to do it, but he couldn't get permission from the courts to break his house arrest long enough to go. Heh heh heh. :thedolls:

I thought going in that Coach would be my host hated villain, but oh no no ... that title goes to Randy. He is just a loathesome human being and I hope he gets voted out ASAP. I can't stand that guy. :ack:

I'm sort of torn, though, with allegiances, because two of my favorites (Rob and Russell) are on the villains tribe while some of my other favorites (Stephanie and Rupert) are on the heroes. It's gonna be hard figuring out what tribe to root for.

I thought last night's ep was good, but I kinda felt like that challenge got a little carried away. I mean when you start dislocating shoulders and breaking toes and intentionally ripping people's clothes off that's a bit much IMO.

02-12-2010, 10:10 AM
I think they are the chickens that got loose on the last season. LOL

Ha ha! That's exactly what I said last night - "I wonder if those are the chickens that Shambo let out last season!" :D

I'm really liking this season so far. I'm also having a tough time figuring out which team to root for because both tribes have people that I like and want to watch. I was a little bummed to see Sugar get voted off so early, but I think she was right when she said she was the weakest link on the team. I was glad that it wasn't Cirie or Stephenie who went, though.

Russell is definitely up to his old tricks already, but I'm not so sure they're going to work with this group. I guess we'll see!

I think it's going to be really interesting to see how these groups interact, especially the villains. With Russell, Randy, Boston Rob, Tyson, and Coach all on the same tribe, things could get very interesting! Russell was already getting his panties in a bunch with others taking a leadership role, and Randy not wanting to try making a fire? What a weirdo!

The previews for next week were a little scary for Boston Rob! I hope he's OK and doesn't get taken out of the game this early!

02-12-2010, 10:41 AM
I like both sides. I like Rob...I hope he's OK. Rob tends to be a work horse...like "good" Russell last season...he might have just over estimated his capabilities...after all he's a married man, father and I doubt they're hurting for money...he's probably gotten a bit "softer" than the old rough and tough "Godfather" he used to be. I loved the way he showed up Randy..."you can't start a fire without flint" attitude.

I'm thinking Rob either "A" fell and hit his head or "B" just got dehydrated (seems like he should know better by now).

Poor Stephanie...but at least she got fixed. Tough girl. Poor Rupert...He just doesn't quite seem himself. He seems a little tired this time around...then again the toe might be painful.

Funny...I was thinking those were "Shambo Chickens"...LOL.

I've got favorites on both sides. I was kinda hoping to get rid of Circe. I liked her the first time she was on but she's just not as "appealing" now that she "knows" the game for some reason. But...I can see why they targeted Sugar. I can't believe they even remotely discussed Stephanie at this stage in the game :confused:. That would have been a BIG mistake.

There's been a lot of speculation that Sugar's "undoing" by Sandra in the first challenge was totally "intentional". Sandra is neither my favorite nor my unfavorite...but what "I" saw was just that it was a very "physical" challenge and she "grabbed" what she could grab in an attempt to hold her down. I've seen dozens of gals grabbing at the back of swimsuits ...It just doesn't make sense that she would unhitch her and allow her to escape. Hero or Villian...I just think it "happened"

02-12-2010, 11:42 AM
My favorite is Rob followed by Russell so I have to root for the villians. Stephanie is my favorite female however.

I thought the first challenge last night was way outta control! I don't mind a physical challenge but people were kicking each others butts!

I was not sorry to see Sugar go. She is a nice girl but did not belong there, imo.

Next week's previews look scary. I sure hope Rob is okay. I would be so bummed if he is out in the second week!!

02-12-2010, 01:07 PM
I agree with Ian on Randy. What a waste of a human being. Rob has gotten on my good side so far. Having a family changes a man, and it looks like for the good in his case. Liked that "I'm not a hero?" at the beginning!

Getting rid of Sugar was no great loss as far as I'm concerned. Never really cared much for her the first time around.

02-12-2010, 01:37 PM
So who thinks those chickens were planted?

That is exactly what my house said while watching!:number1:

02-12-2010, 05:48 PM
I thought going in that Coach would be my host hated villain, but oh no no ... that title goes to Randy. He is just a loathesome human being and I hope he gets voted out ASAP. I can't stand that guy. :ack:

I thought last night's ep was good, but I kinda felt like that challenge got a little carried away. I mean when you start dislocating shoulders and breaking toes and intentionally ripping people's clothes off that's a bit much IMO.

I agree on both. :thumbsup: I imagine that they figured these are seasoned participants and decided to up the challenge factor but I think it went over the top and they didn't do anything to stop it. Never have they had so many injuries right off the bat. And we have to remember that some of these people are at least 10 years older than they were the last time they competed or at least the first time they competed. I'm rooting for J.T. all the way! :number1:

02-12-2010, 08:31 PM
Kinda funny ... they approached Richard Hatch to do it, but he couldn't get permission from the courts to break his house arrest long enough to go. Heh heh heh. :thedolls:

I thought going in that Coach would be my host hated villain, but oh no no ... that title goes to Randy. He is just a loathesome human being and I hope he gets voted out ASAP. I can't stand that guy. :ack:

I'm sort of torn, though, with allegiances, because two of my favorites (Rob and Russell) are on the villains tribe while some of my other favorites (Stephanie and Rupert) are on the heroes. It's gonna be hard figuring out what tribe to root for.

I like both sides. I like Rob...I hope he's OK. I loved the way he showed up Randy..."you can't start a fire without flint" attitude.

I've got favorites on both sides. I was kinda hoping to get rid of Circe.

I actually wish Hatch was on. Russell will never really know if he's the best without taking on Richard Hatch, in my opinion. But yes, Hatch doesn't exactly deserve to keep coming back considering.

Randy is creepy and off-putting and just ewwww. Awful. I wish they hadn't brought him back. I hope he goes early. I did love Rob showing him up and starting the fire.

And I agreed with the Sugar boot. Even though I liked Sugar well enough, she seemed out of her depth and clingy. So, good riddance. And it's Cirie, not Circe. Cirie.

I might be one of very few people who can't stand Stephenie. The last time she played, she had a really nasty attitude and showed a new side of her that I did not like. I hope she goes home soon, too.

02-13-2010, 01:08 AM
I actually wish Hatch was on. Russell will never really know if he's the best without taking on Richard Hatch, in my opinion. But yes, Hatch doesn't exactly deserve to keep coming back considering.

Randy is creepy and off-putting and just ewwww. Awful. I wish they hadn't brought him back. I hope he goes early. I did love Rob showing him up and starting the fire.

And I agreed with the Sugar boot. Even though I liked Sugar well enough, she seemed out of her depth and clingy. So, good riddance. And it's Cirie, not Circe. Cirie.

I might be one of very few people who can't stand Stephenie. The last time she played, she had a really nasty attitude and showed a new side of her that I did not like. I hope she goes home soon, too.

I agree not a Stephanie fan either...I am

1. Rupert
2. Tom
3. Colby

I do not really care for any of the hero girls. The Villians girls are way more interesting. I used to like Russell but he reminds me too much of one of the most digusting people I have ever met....I realized that I would not be freinds with Russell in real life, there are some people who are just way too good at being devious and that is not a noble trait, game or not...just my opinion.

02-13-2010, 03:35 PM
Kinda funny ... they approached Richard Hatch to do it, but he couldn't get permission from the courts to break his house arrest long enough to go. Heh heh heh. :thedolls:
I wondered about that.

I finally watched the episode and thought it was pretty interesting. I've only watched Survivor on and off for the last few years, so it will take me some time to get familiar with some of the players. Having a villains team will be interesting--either they will play brilliantly together or totally implode.

02-13-2010, 04:54 PM
I did love Rob showing him up and starting the fire.

And I LOVED Colby doing the same thing to Rupert! :thumbsup:

02-13-2010, 10:39 PM
It's really hard for me to know which team to pull for, because I like people on both teams also. I LOVE J.T. ( he's from around here) and I LOVE Russell and Rob and Rupert. I also really like James. I detest Coach and Randy, so hopefully it won't be long before their torches get extinguished. Loved seeing Rob get that fire started and showing who's boss!

02-14-2010, 11:18 AM
You know it's funny ... I think that, in just the first episode at least, Coach has come off a lot better than he did the first time around.

I actually thought his gushing, "bromance" stuff with Boston Rob was fairly humanizing for him. I found myself if not outright liking the guy, at least maybe not disliking him the way I did previously.

I kinda think Coach is sort of the essence of "misunderstood." He's clearly a very quirky and off-beat guy and I can't help but wonder how much of his "villain" persona is manufactured to make good T.V. I mean the guy's an incredibly accomplished musician, conductor, and he's been a collegiate soccer coach for well over a decade. He can't be all that bad.

02-14-2010, 12:01 PM
I've only watched Survivor on and off for the last few years, so it will take me some time to get familiar with some of the players.:ditto: Survior was my only "don't miss / tape" show up until three or four years ago. There's 5 or so people I don't even recognize. I do plan on watching every episode this season.

02-14-2010, 12:04 PM
Ian, agreed. I think there's probably a big difference in the way we perceive people in the game, and how they play it, and who they are in life. "Coach" thinks he plays with integrity, and in life, maybe he does. But in Survivor, that comes into question. I think the same goes for the Heroes. I think they're playing the same kind of game out there, but just often viewed in a better light somehow. Almost no one has played the game without lying, double-crossing, or blurring the moral lines somehow. It's a game, and that's how it goes.

The one of maybe a few exceptions is Randy. I could be wrong, but I think he might be just as vile and creepy in life as he seems in the game. Maybe he is just chronically "misunderstood." I hope.

02-14-2010, 12:11 PM
You know it's funny ... I think that, in just the first episode at least, Coach has come off a lot better than he did the first time around.It's interesting you say that, Ian, because even though I did not watch Coach in his first go-round on "Survivor", he is the one player that I am getting the "yuck" vibes on right from the start (sorry, there's no other way to describe it!) I can't imagine what he must have been like on Tocantins.

And just now I had a bit of a start when I was looking on Wikipedia for information about Coach and realized that they already have posted who is eliminated on February 18th! How can they do that?? :shake:

02-14-2010, 12:36 PM
And just now I had a bit of a start when I was looking on Wikipedia for information about Coach and realized that they already have posted who is eliminated on February 18th! How can they do that?? :shake:

Well, you know anyone can post on there, and the information is out there unfortunately. I saw some spoilers a few months back on who made the final 3, but honestly, outside of one, I can't remember who it was.

As for Coach, I've never thought of him as a 'villian', just ridiculous! It's entertaining how delusional he is.

02-14-2010, 01:01 PM
Well, you know anyone can post on there, and the information is out there unfortunately. I saw some spoilers a few months back on who made the final 3, but honestly, outside of one, I can't remember who it was. Of course you're right, Mel, but I was sincerely sorry that I went to that page and saw it. It really does ruin it for the next episode. :(

02-19-2010, 09:16 AM
Yes, the witch is gone! Bye, Stephenie. She couldn't even be gracious on the way out. So full of herself. But James was behaving badly, too. He needs to take it down a notch or two. They may need his strength now, but that's not always enough to put up with someone who divides the team.

And how sad that the villains are working together and seem to be getting along and showing some genuine concern for each other while the heroes can't work together and have all the in-fighting. I want to see them get it together. Good thing Rob was okay. I hate to see them get medical evacuations.

02-19-2010, 10:01 AM
And how sad that the villains are working together and seem to be getting along and showing some genuine concern for each other while the heroes can't work together and have all the in-fighting.

I agree! I thought it would be the reverse -- the villains tribe would be fighting and struggling amongst themselves and the heroes would unite as a team and really work together. It's interesting to see the way it's playing out!

I think James is treading on thin ice right now. He's not going to get far if he keeps the same attitude he had last night. I understand his frustration at losing, but lashing out at your teammates and acting like a bully isn't going to get you far in the game!

I was so glad to see that Rob was OK after his fainting spell. I loved when he said "I was trying to be the good guy and it made me physically sick." :funny: So far, he's the one I'm rooting for on the villains tribe. Randy, on the other hand...ugh! Can't wait to see him go.

I wasn't sorry in the least to see Stephenie get sent packing. But, I do hope that Tom and Colby aren't next on the chopping block because they aligned with her.

Does anyone else thing that Tyson has been unusually quiet and docile so far? I keep waiting for him to start with the snide, snarky comments, but nothing really yet.

02-19-2010, 10:32 AM
What an interesting tribal council last night! Maybe the Heroes are the ones that will implode, not the Villains!

And sorry to the Rob fans out there, but I found the whole "illness" (or whatever that was) highly over-dramatic, right down to the staged video footage. It was like it was scripted. And for a guy who could barely walk earlier in the day he sure made a quick recovery to compete in the immunity challenge. I do have to hand it to him, though--he and Russell were instrumental in the Villains winning it.

02-19-2010, 10:56 AM
Does anyone else thing that Tyson has been unusually quiet and docile so far? I keep waiting for him to start with the snide, snarky comments, but nothing really yet.

I'm sure he has had some funny asides alone with the camera that they just aren't showing us, for whatever reason. He's so under the radar as far as air time that he'll go far, or it could mean he won't be with us long. Or his agent didn't cut as big a deal for him as the others managed to get.

With the All-Stars cast, they all have talent agents who represent their interests and negotiate things like face time on camera and flat fee for appearance, plus extra bonus money depending on how far they get. It's the main reason that I'm not a big fan of All-Star seasons. I think it has some effect on what happens, like Rob's illness- which could easily have been drummed up for extra attention.

02-19-2010, 12:05 PM
And sorry to the Rob fans out there, but I found the whole "illness" (or whatever that was) highly over-dramatic, right down to the staged video footage. It was like it was scripted. And for a guy who could barely walk earlier in the day he sure made a quick recovery to compete in the immunity challenge.

Amen Beth! Man, he's really getting the 'good' edit this time out.

Sorry, not that anyone cares, but I will never like him.

02-19-2010, 12:25 PM
Amen Beth! Man, he's really getting the 'good' edit this time out.

Sorry, not that anyone cares, but I will never like him.

And did you notice he somehow managed to faint with a towel or piece of clothing to cushion his head? ;)

02-19-2010, 02:17 PM
I was wondering that , too Beth! I noticed his shoes off, too....he sure is talented to be able to take his shoes off, put a shirt under his head and faint all at the same time!!

02-19-2010, 02:31 PM
I always liked James but wow, I was not feeling him at all last night! His attitude was awful and it looks as it it continues into next week.

The Villians should be glad to have Rob. he was awesome in that challenge!

02-19-2010, 02:47 PM
The one of maybe a few exceptions is Randy. I could be wrong, but I think he might be just as vile and creepy in life as he seems in the game. Maybe he is just chronically "misunderstood." I hope.Yeah, I agree about Randy. He definitely reminds me of the kind of guy who pulled the wings off housefiles as a kid.

Yes, the witch is gone! Bye, Stephenie. She couldn't even be gracious on the way out. So full of herself. But James was behaving badly, too. He needs to take it down a notch or two.Yeah, I was pretty disappointed in Stephenie on the way out ... one unwritten rule of Survivor is you never talk trash on the way out. You just wish your tribe good luck and leave quickly. Very bad behavior on her part.

Agree on James, too. I wasn't liking him at all last night. But then again, I didn't like him much last time either. I'm not one to use this word very often, but he strikes me as a big bully.

02-19-2010, 02:49 PM
What an interesting tribal council last night! Maybe the Heroes are the ones that will implode, not the Villains!

And sorry to the Rob fans out there, but I found the whole "illness" (or whatever that was) highly over-dramatic, right down to the staged video footage. It was like it was scripted. And for a guy who could barely walk earlier in the day he sure made a quick recovery to compete in the immunity challenge. I do have to hand it to him, though--he and Russell were instrumental in the Villains winning it.

Well I'm not 100% sure he completely "fainted" or just felt really weak and dizzy..tried to lay down and sorta "flopped". You've got to figure a lot of time passed between when he went down and when Jeri went and got "medical". It wasn't just 5 minutes that we saw. (Yeah I'm guilty of being a Boston Rob fan :number1:)...He wasn't completely OUT...he was responding to Jeri...she might have gone back or someone else to help him out between the time medical got there. I think there was a good chunk of time that was lost...There are often a couple of days that pass between challenges...so without knowing exactly when this occured he could have quite likely had at "least" 24 hour to rest.

I kinda wish we could get a LOT more of Survivor. I'd like to see a lot more of what they edit out.

The villians really pulled together very well. It was quite interesting in how much they ALL (even King Russell) admitted they didn't want to lose him (ol' Russell was very close to leaking a sensitive side...). The only Villian that's really grating on me is Randy. I'm not real impressed with him.

I don't know why but I've got a feeling Rob's new little daughter is going to have that man TOTALLY wrapped around her finger.:cloud9:

02-19-2010, 03:34 PM
And did you notice he somehow managed to faint with a towel or piece of clothing to cushion his head? ;)

And Jeri was really running out of there to get help, huh? lol!

I was just reading how at the beginning of tribal last night, Cirie's hair was down, then in the middle it was up, then down again at the end. Did anyone else notice that? I mean, I guess it's possible she pulled it up in the middle and then let it down again, but it just doesn't seem like it would be that easy with her hair.

I think I've been in denial for many years just how edited these shows are. ;)

A Big Kid
02-20-2010, 11:17 AM
What an interesting tribal council last night! Maybe the Heroes are the ones that will implode, not the Villains!

And sorry to the Rob fans out there, but I found the whole "illness" (or whatever that was) highly over-dramatic, right down to the staged video footage. It was like it was scripted. And for a guy who could barely walk earlier in the day he sure made a quick recovery to compete in the immunity challenge. I do have to hand it to him, though--he and Russell were instrumental in the Villains winning it.

Exactly. Did anyone notice that when they showed him laying down and the camera angle was on his left side on the ground, his shoes were next to his head? That seems kinda odd too me. Like he was just laying down to take a nap and someone said, "Wait, dont move! I have an idea!" and just staged the rest.

02-20-2010, 12:55 PM
And for a guy who could barely walk earlier in the day he sure made a quick recovery to compete in the immunity challenge. I do have to hand it to him, though--he and Russell were instrumental in the Villains winning it.

FWIW, the challenge was the next day. We watched it on tape and they switched days with the little note at the bottom when they were showing the arial view of the challenge. Rob's episode took place on day 4, the challenge on day 5.

It looked like the challenge took a LOT out of Tyson. After they won, somebody, I think Coach maybe, grabbed Tyson and said, "it's okay, we'll get back to camp and you can rest the rest of the day", or something similar to that effect. These challenges are definitely TOUGH.

02-20-2010, 08:53 PM
I didn't think the "symptoms" for Rob's episode matched with their diagnosis. He looked like he had a stroke or something the way his face and hands were working and him say "get help" and then they can't find anything wrong? One medic said "it's just the flu". Flu? With no symptoms other than fainting and him being able to get out and participate in the next challenge? It was all just strange! I would never have pegged Rob as being the one to just "faint because the situation was getting to him". That makes him sound like a weakling, not the tough "Boston Rob".

I find James a lot more vocal this time around. Last time I saw him, he didn't speak a lot and seemed like the quiet giant. But he seems like a "bullying" different person this time. Although he was right about they should just listen to one person in the challenge in that situation. That's why they couldn't get it together because everyone was trying to talk and tell how to do it and no one was listening.

The challenges definitely seem harder in this season.

02-25-2010, 01:42 PM
Just FYI (I'm coming in a little late on this) Jeff Probst talked about the Samoan Flu and how bad it was on everyone on his weekly Survivor blog on the Entertainment Weekly site-sounds like it was actually pretty bad.

02-25-2010, 10:15 PM
Gosh, not sure if I've ever mentioned this here before ;) , but I CAN'T STAND Parvati. :secret: And everyone on that tribe (with the exception of a surprising few) are stupid to keep her there. And if I were one of those guys' wives, I would be none too pleased. She is completely inappropriate and should be ashamed!

Wow, what a whooping by the Heroes, but James is just wrong. I hope his alliances aren't strong enough to keep him there.

02-25-2010, 10:34 PM
James is definitely having issues this time around. I hope he tones it down. With his strength, he is a target after merge anyway-- if he makes it there.

I don't mind Parvati so much. More power to her if she can make it work out there. But I agree that it was really stupid to keep her considering her suspected alliances on the other side. Still, good riddance.

02-25-2010, 10:51 PM
Gosh, not sure if I've ever mentioned this here before ;) , but I CAN'T STAND Parvati. :secret: And everyone on that tribe (with the exception of a surprising few) are stupid to keep her there. And if I were one of those guys' wives, I would be none too pleased. She is completely inappropriate and should be ashamed!Amen to that. And I am pretty disgusted with Russell right now.

02-26-2010, 09:02 AM
I had to laugh last night ... all the men were patting themselves on the back going, "Parvati can't use her charms on me! I'm not going to fall for that! I'm no dummy! I'm here to win! Who does she think she is?? Now let's vote out Randy!"


I do think they're on to her, though, and I'm sure she'll probably be next to be targeted ... maybe not next to go, but she'll be on the list anyway.

I'm really finding that I don't like James at all. I mean I remember last time not liking him much either, but this time I like him even less. He really should be on the villains tribe, if you ask me. Although I thought all Randy's whining after the challenge was pathetic. What did they want James to do? Let Randy win?? Come on ...

I was really glad to see Randy go (with as little class as I would have expected). I just can't stand that guy.

Oddly enough, Coach is growing on me this year. Maybe it's because I've read a lot about him and realize he's not totally full of baloney and just a little kooky. I think he's actually a decent guy in real life, just very very eccentric.

02-26-2010, 09:17 AM
Ian, I don't have faith in them getting rid of Parvati next time since they didn't act on it this time. That's how she won the last all-stars season. There was always a reason to get rid of someone else first and then there she was, victorious. I loved Coach's proclamation that he would not be taken in-- and then, she ended up without any votes. Randy really must have been bothering people even more than they showed.

I have no idea what happened to James. Editing? He seemed so sweet and likable in his first game. Maybe they just weren't giving us the whole picture. I think he might be in the right set of alliances on the heroes team, though. I'm starting to get a little worried about Tom and Colby. They seem to be caught up in being "heroes" and less aware of the fact that they are still playing a game, a very social game where strength and integrity do not always rule the day.

02-26-2010, 09:36 AM
Ian, I don't have faith in them getting rid of Parvati next time since they didn't act on it this time. That's how she won the last all-stars season. There was always a reason to get rid of someone else first and then there she was, victorious.

Yep, and these guys seem stupid enough to me to let it happen again.

James throwing that pad on Randy after he pushed him into the mud was uncalled for. I don't care if it was Randy. I would have said something too.

02-26-2010, 09:40 AM
Oddly enough, Coach is growing on me this year. Maybe it's because I've read a lot about him and realize he's not totally full of baloney and just a little kooky. I think he's actually a decent guy in real life, just very very eccentric.

I was thinking the exact same thing while watching last night...and I thought I was going a little crazy! But, so far, he's not bothering me much at all. Maybe it's because there are so many other big personalities this season? I did burst out laughing, though, when he said, "No one here has integrity. No one here has honor...Except me." :funny: Oh, man, I saw that coming!

Buh-Bye Randy! :clappy: I was very happy to see him go. He's just so, I don't know, is bitter a strong enough word? Although I was glad to see him go, I was really hoping they would get rid of Parvati. I think they had their chance last night, and if they didn't take it then, she might just keep sliding by like she has in the past. :ack: I really don't want to see her win this season. Dare I say that Russell is under her spell??

02-26-2010, 09:55 AM
I was surprised at the Villians "slaughter". WOW. I really didn't expect that but...in the beginning I felt that the heros actually had more sheer "strength" on their side.

I was glad to see Randy go. He was so "negative" about everything and he really wasn't all that useful. "It's stupid to try to make fire"...anybody TRYING to do something was dumber than he is.

True...Pavariti is "dangerous". I really don't mind her so much. She's a "flirt"...that's her game play...and it works for her. If I had assets to work to my advantage...I would too in this instance. It's part of the game. But...I think they ought to look at taking her down next. She has too many friends on the other side. The merge will kill the alliance.

I kinda like Coach this time around too. He's a much "softer" coach. Still "quirky" but he might be someone I'd like to have a :beer: with sometime.

I think they need to watch Sandra. She's VERY dangerous. She uses a strategy is very "advantages". No alliances...she'll vote with which ever group is strongest. AND she also has "friends" on the other side. The only person she wouldn't vote for in HER season was Rupert. It's easy for her to employ because if she makes it to the merge...they'll keep her around because of "weakness".

Russell is going to go down soon unless he stows some of that cockiness.

02-26-2010, 09:56 AM
I was thinking the exact same thing while watching last night...and I thought I was going a little crazy! But, so far, he's not bothering me much at all. Maybe it's because there are so many other big personalities this season? I did burst out laughing, though, when he said, "No one here has integrity. No one here has honor...Except me." :funny: Oh, man, I saw that coming!

Looks like next week we get to see him 'break down'. I think you are probably right about the big personalities thing. He's just way, way quirky.

02-26-2010, 12:26 PM
You know who I LOVE this season?

Boston Rob. :secret:

I know, I know, but I am just loving him! His quips, his gameplay...everything. I think that his marriage and child has mellowed him and he is not only a good player this season, but also a good person.

02-26-2010, 01:32 PM
I have no idea what happened to James. Editing? He seemed so sweet and likable in his first game.I bet if we could dig up our thread from James' season, you'd see that I gradually changed my opinion on James. I remember in the beginning he was a favorite, but as the season went on I liked him less and less as more of his bully mentality started to come out.

02-26-2010, 04:19 PM
So far, this seems to be the best season in a long time. The mix of personalities is great. My entire family watches it together. We haven't done that in years.

02-27-2010, 05:34 PM
I know I'll be eating my words before this whole thing is done, but boy am I viewing people differently.
Boston Rob I came to really like when he and Amber were on Amazing Race, so I'm really rooting for him.
Coach seems like someone I might like to talk with.
James who I liked before has become a very mean spirited person.
Cirie has been very boring this year and seems to be playing without feeling this time around.
With Colby and Tom I'm still smitten.:blush:
Pavarti (sp???) always was and still is ........... what I'd like to say would get me booted off these boards.
Could anybody tell me if they have ever seen Jerri in a TV show other than Survivor, on the stage or in a movie? Has she always called herself an actress?

02-27-2010, 05:38 PM
Kay, Jerri has always called herself an actress. She was a struggling unknown actress when they cast her on Survivor: Australia. She did some work on the Young and the Restless and has appeared in a few other reality shows, but not much more than that as far as I know. She has never won Survivor, but she made about as much money being the first Survivor contestant to pose naked for Playboy.

02-28-2010, 04:17 PM
Thanks for the info Sherri. Wow, I have been a Y&R viewer from day one and do not remember her at all. Of course there were times I missed the show but never long enough for a character to develop into very much. I'm curious enough now to run her name through imdb.

03-02-2010, 11:20 AM
Went to imdb and Jerri's filmology is very slim. A total of 9 films from 1996 to 2006 with 6 of the roles being minor. None of these films have I ever heard of, only one of the actors in them was familiar to me and all of them have a list of things a mile long as to why they are unsuitable for minors. 27 other entries as "herself" from Survivor, 2 other game shows and the rest linked to guest shots resulting from her Survivor participation. The Young and the Restless performance was for only one episode as herself. Interesting!

03-02-2010, 02:22 PM
Went to imdb and Jerri's filmology is very slim. A total of 9 films from 1996 to 2006 with 6 of the roles being minor. None of these films have I ever heard of, only one of the actors in them was familiar to me and all of them have a list of things a mile long as to why they are unsuitable for minors. 27 other entries as "herself" from Survivor, 2 other game shows and the rest linked to guest shots resulting from her Survivor participation. The Young and the Restless performance was for only one episode as herself. Interesting!Well, that's 9 more films, 27 more episodes of Survivor, 2 more game shows, and 1 more episode of a soap opera that I, or probably most other Intercot members have been on. :D

03-02-2010, 03:21 PM
It's enough to qualify her as an actress. But then, there was a whole season with more than half the cast as actors/actresses-- the season Yul won. And a lot of them list other occupations and hometowns, but then refer to having been "cast" for Survivor in Los Angeles. So I think we have a lot of actors/actor wannabes on any given season. Sugar (Jessica Kiper) has been in films and on TV shows. Ozzie, Brian, and Jonathan all had some acting credits on adult films. This cast, with the returning Survivors, has spent more time on TV than a lot of actors in Hollywood, I think.

03-04-2010, 10:23 PM
I missed tonight and forgot to tape it. I see I can watch the episode on the CBS site but it's not up yet. Does anyone know when it usually becomes available? (Please don't tell me who was voted out in your response. :blush: )

03-04-2010, 10:36 PM
It should be up tomorrow morning. I've watched it on Friday morning once or twice if I missed it on Thursday night.

03-04-2010, 10:43 PM
Thanks. OK go ahead with the thread. I won't read it again until after I watch it. :thumbsup:

03-04-2010, 11:17 PM
Well, that's 9 more films, 27 more episodes of Survivor, 2 more game shows, and 1 more episode of a soap opera that I, or probably most other Intercot members have been on. :D

make that 8 more films than me....:secret:

tonights episode was fabulous.

03-05-2010, 07:16 AM
I know Tyson was trying to help, but telling Coach not to tell his stories and do tai chi was like telling water not to be wet! You can't change the very nature of Coach. :) That whole thing kind of just fizzled, though. I think the villains approach to the idol is very short-sighted. They don't know Russell, and they seem to forget that it can go back into the game once played. With no one else looking for the idol, Russell could potentially stay in to the end.

JT probably made some smart moves last night. The strong guys are going to be the first ones to go after merge, possibly, so why not keep some stronger, louder ones in to let him slip by a little longer. Cirie is definitely a dangerous player and she would have easily done the same to JT. But now, he might have caused some bad blood with his alliance. Hmm. Tough one. The heroes continue to fall apart.

03-05-2010, 09:16 AM
Go J.T.!!!! That was pretty bold of him. Cirie went out with class just as I expected.
As for Coach....just when you thought he might actually be sane...........
He absolutely grates my nerves. Man up, Dude! You're on Survivor!

03-05-2010, 09:23 AM
As for Coach....just when you thought he might actually be sane...........
He absolutely grates my nerves. Man up, Dude! You're on Survivor!

I totally agree. LOL! He's beyond quirky and just plain weird and delusional, IMO.

I think J.T.'s mind was made up as he eavesdropped on Cirie working her magic on everyone. She's good, and I'm glad he had the guts to get her out.

03-05-2010, 10:03 AM
I was bummed to see Cirie go last night, but I think it was a great move for J.T.! I've liked Cirie in every season she's been on because she's such a strategic and smart player. I think J.T., Tom, and Colby were smart to get her out when they saw the opportunity. I think it could cause some problems for J.T., though, and he might now be in one alliance only with Tom and Colby. It will be interesting to see how that plays out since he'll be teamed up with the 2 guys who have been "marked" from the beginning.

Ah, Coach, back to being the same old weird Coach. Do you think he sits a home and memorizes books of quotes all day? He has at least 2 or 3 that he recites every episode!

I agree, Sherri, I think the Villains aren't handling the hidden immunity idol well. Although, some of them might not know that once it's used it comes back into the game. I forgot that several of them never had the idols on their seasons until Boston Rob said something about that! I was surprised Russell didn't find the idol last night. Actually, I'm surprised he didn't find it before they even got the clue! :D

03-05-2010, 10:18 AM
I agree, Sherri, I think the Villains aren't handling the hidden immunity idol well. Although, some of them might not know that once it's used it comes back into the game. I forgot that several of them never had the idols on their seasons until Boston Rob said something about that! I was surprised Russell didn't find the idol last night. Actually, I'm surprised he didn't find it before they even got the clue! :D

We've never been on Survivor and we know of the possibilities with the Idol. To me, that shows that a lot of these people haven't paid much attention to Survivor past their own seasons, and that's not going to help them go the distance. I'm not buying that whole "that didn't happen on my season" as an excuse for not knowing things. I expect more from a season of All Stars. Advantage: Russell. But yes, I'm also surprised he didn't find it with a clue considering how often he found them without clues.

03-05-2010, 10:27 AM
You know I am loving the thought of it being Colby, JT and Tom together-they make a good team of good guys. That being said, a much stronger crew would be Boston Rob, Russell and Coach-but I don't think any of them would let their over-inflated egos let anyone else in-shame too.

03-05-2010, 10:36 AM
We've never been on Survivor and we know of the possibilities with the Idol. To me, that shows that a lot of these people haven't paid much attention to Survivor past their own seasons, and that's not going to help them go the distance. I'm not buying that whole "that didn't happen on my season" as an excuse for not knowing things. I expect more from a season of All Stars. Advantage: Russell. But yes, I'm also surprised he didn't find it with a clue considering how often he found them without clues.

Yeah, you're exactly right! In fact, while we were watching last night and Rob was talking about not having idols on his seasons, I said to my sister, "Don't these people watch Survivor?"

03-05-2010, 12:23 PM
That thing with Coach was just weird, and then the scene with Boston Rob too? It seemed like just strange way to approach the issue.

I'm looking forward to next week but the Cirie thing was very well played. The stragey on these ones is always some of the most interesting stuff isn't it?

03-05-2010, 04:54 PM
Did anyone see Boston Rob bring out the "Godfather" :thedolls: last night as he sent his "henchman" Sandra out to stake out King Russell? LOL.

I thought it was a GREAT show. Russell is messing up treating this group like "nubes". Everybody on the show has either won once or came very close. Many have played a couple of times already. This is a battle between people that KNOW the game. Not only do you gotta watch your back...you gotta watch who's watching YOU.

I really think the villians need to oust Pavarti and Sandra soon...Sandra runs the possibility of really sliding to the finish very easily.

It's funny...I cheered for the Villians and felt bad when the Heros lost. I like people on both sides. I kinda felt bad for Coach. As "quirky" as he is...I think somewhere in there he's a pretty good guy. My son said..."shucks you're out there for 39 days sitting in the dark...no TV...no music...no video games...listening to an entertaining story...who cares whether it's true or not...it's something." I do agree with Tyson that he needs to toughen up a bit.

Tribal council with Heros...very smooth. Well played. I had to concur with the decision. Cirie was very powerfully manipulitave. She had a gift of making everything sound "logical" and she really wasn't the "strongest" player...the Heros would have been fools to vote out "strength" this early in the game.

I'm LOVING this season...my Husband is not a big Survivor fan but...he's becoming "assimilated". Last night I caught him picking favorites and wanting to vote certian people off...he is becoming ONE of us. LOL:D

03-05-2010, 05:05 PM
I'd never thought I would watch Survivor again, as it was getting too dramatic for me. I'm more Amazing Race, (just play the game).

Anywho when I saw this advertised and saw that my heartthrob Colby "movie star" was going to be in it, I knew I had to watch. And you can imagine last night making me so nervous as I wasn't sure what was going to happen to him. :secret:

But Cirie was totally blindsided, as Jeff said. It was great to see it played that way. Certainly nothing against Cirie, as she has shown herself to be a good player. Maybe she should be on the Apprentice. But I'd rather Colby be on there. :cloud9:

03-05-2010, 05:16 PM
make that 8 more films than me....:secret:Was that you I saw as a fan in "The Peyton Manning Story?"

03-05-2010, 06:37 PM
I've never been a big fan of Cirie. Good riddance! :wave:

03-06-2010, 08:50 PM
Go J.T.!!!! That was pretty bold of him. Cirie went out with class just as I expected.
As for Coach....just when you thought he might actually be sane...........
He absolutely grates my nerves. Man up, Dude! You're on Survivor!

I agree! :) My DGD loves this show and gets off the school bus on Thursdays saying "let's watch Survivor!" :D After coach's little tear fest, the youngest DGD said, snif, "I'm sensitive!" snif. LOL She was really sympathizing with him.

I applaude J.T. for recognizing what was really happening and getting the others to vote for Cirie. I can't figure out why everyone on that team is against Colby or Tom though unless it is because they won before or almost. I don't see them as a threat right now. I hope J.T. didn't mess himself up in siding with them but I like the move. Coach and Russell just need to go. They are irritating me. But, that is what the game is all about isn't it? Players getting under your skin? :)

03-07-2010, 03:29 PM
Was that you I saw as a fan in "The Peyton Manning Story?"

I think you know the answer to that.

This was my favorite episode yet. I do not care for Circie, but I gained a lot of respect for her in her post elimination comments. She knew she said too much and got played. I love it when the manipulators get caught and busted.

It is rare when the show does not tip its hand, but they did not last week. I was shocked and pleased. In season's past I could always tell who was going home becuase they would edit so hard to throw you off the scent.

03-12-2010, 07:35 AM
Ugh! The Heroes suffer on. Why are they so bad with puzzles? And how stupid to get rid of strong, able Tom in favor of injured, angry James! I still like James well enough, unbelievably considering his temper this season. But no way would I have kept him last night. Knee injuries don't just fix themselves. What were they thinking? The few of them who make it to merge are going to be picked off.

I can definitely see a Villains final at this point, so I am trying to warm up to a few of them. But Russell has pretty much lost me and his alliance with Parvati could prove threatening. Look how easily Coach bowed down to Russell with the idol. What was that about? Weird. And there are a few there who could squeak by unnoticed to the end, like Danielle, Courtney, or Sandra. I wasn't loving it this week.

03-12-2010, 08:12 AM
Yes, it is official--the Heroes stink at doing puzzles!! :shake:

And yes, Coach bowing down before Russell was silly, even more so because they had those ridiculous beach towels wrapped around them.

Personally, that chocolate challenge would not have motivated me at all, as I am not a fan of chocolate. In fact, seeing so much piled up there made me feel a bit queasy.

03-12-2010, 09:17 AM
Cant for the life of me understand why they kept James and ousted Tom. All I know if my Colby goes, I'm not watching anymore. I just want to see HIM win! :secret:

Though that brew between Rob and Russell makes it tempting to watch.

03-12-2010, 09:34 AM
Ok...I have no problem with James (does have quite a nice build on him ;))...but he has been a bit "tempermental" this game and now he's injured. He did well getting his team to the finish but...they stink at puzzles. SIGH.

BUT WHAT THE DEVIL WERE THEY THINKING??? :confused: Voting out Tom over James or even considering James, Tom or Colby to begin with...:confused: What about Candace or Amanda??? They're not at the "merge" yet. WHY are they voting out the strong members of their tribe and wondering why they're losing? What a mess. I really thought Stephanie was their strongest female. I think it was their first mistake to take her down this soon. I'm just floored that they kept James over Tom...(James was taken out in Micronesia for the finger injury). I guess I'm still stunned. James better be worth it...Part of me pictures next go around...James goes down again...medical takes him out and heros go to council to take down TWO people. SIGH.

They KNOW Russell has the idol...will they be smart and "flush" it ASAP or will they keep him around. I'd just go Russell/Parvarti...and break that up. I think Boston's side is a bit stronger...but...Will it be the "King" or the "Godfather"...I guess we'll have to wait two weeks to find out. :thedolls:

03-12-2010, 09:39 AM
Yes, it is official--the Heroes stink at doing puzzles!! :shake:

And yes, Coach bowing down before Russell was silly, even more so because they had those ridiculous beach towels wrapped around them.

Personally, that chocolate challenge would not have motivated me at all, as I am not a fan of chocolate. In fact, seeing so much piled up there made me feel a bit queasy.

I completely agree! The heroes have to be the worst team ever at solving puzzles. You'd think they'd at least get lucky with one at some point.

I was baffled by their decision to get rid of Tom, too. Tom? Really? If not James, then why not Candace? She doesn't really contribute much of anything that I've seen so far.

I said the same thing about the chocolate challenge last night. I wouldn't have been too motivated by that reward, even though I love chocolate, just because I think I would have gotten sick eating it after being out there so long without any real food! I was waiting for some of the villains to :ack: after that reward!

I knew Russell would find that hidden idol. I can't believe it took him so long!

03-12-2010, 09:52 AM
No comment on Rupert taking out Jerri? Just curious what everyone's thoughts were on that.

03-12-2010, 10:31 AM
No comment on Rupert taking out Jerri? Just curious what everyone's thoughts were on that.Not sure. I think it was unintentional, but I'd have to see it again to be sure. Rupert seemed sincere when he said he didn't mean it, and he didn't flinch when Rob (I think) retaliated, so that leads me to believe it was unintentional. But I would need to see a replay.

03-12-2010, 10:51 AM
No comment on Rupert taking out Jerri? Just curious what everyone's thoughts were on that.Yeah, that kind of made me flinch. But when I played it back, it made me think--they were all getting so physicial at that point. Just before that incident, JT flipped Coach down hard on the ground. So I think Rupert was caught up in the moment and just did it without thinking. And really, if Jerry is down there in the middle of things with all the guys, it's understandable that it might get physical with her too.

Like I've said before, I haven't watched Survivor consistently over the years. But it seems to me that it's almost an unspoken rule that it's okay for the guys to get rough with other guys and the women to get rough with other women (remember Stephanie's dislocated shoulder on the first show?) But I guess there haven't been too many incidents where a man has tackled a woman, huh?

03-12-2010, 11:59 AM
One word for the Heroes voting Tom out over James ... DUMB!

I mean really ... keeping a guy who can barely walk over a guy who is, arguably, one of the strongest players was just another sign that the Heroes are playing an awful game thus far. In fact, I kinda feel like everyone is a bit off their game. From Coach's antics to J.T. making conflicting alliances left and right to Russell being so blatant in his pursuit of the immunity idol to Rupert's grumpiness to Rob's "collapse" ... everyone seems completely unsure of where to go and what to do.

Regarding Rupert's hit on Jerri ... I didn't really see it that clearly, but regardless (unless it was a lot more blatant than it looked) I had no issue with it. It's a physical challenge. James got his knee blown out, J.T. pointlessly body slammed Boston Rob, people were getting tackled all over the place ... it was a free-for-all. If Jerri got in the way and got knocked over, oh well. I highly doubt Rupert would intentionally go after a woman and I agree his apology seemed sincere.

03-12-2010, 12:38 PM
Personally, that chocolate challenge would not have motivated me at all, as I am not a fan of chocolate. In fact, seeing so much piled up there made me feel a bit queasy.

Are you related to my wife?? :sick: :confused: She's the same way.

One word for the Heroes voting Tom out over James ... DUMB!


03-12-2010, 01:26 PM
Glad I wasn't the only one who would have preferred something like a PB&J over the chocolate stuff. The Rupert thing looked innocent enough with the Jerri thing in the grande scheme of the game and then she ended up getting the winning basket so...

You know a couple more thoughts on the idiots also known as the Heroes. JT has now ticked off everyone on his team. Maybe he was trying to show that he was still loyal to the Amanda crowd (although she annoyed me last night too with the crying over James.) I will say though that even though the move to get rid of Tom seemed REALLY stupid physically Tom really had not been doing well at challenges at ALL. For some reason these Heroes seem so short sighted though that they think if they keep their little alliance they can stay together after the merge and then again, they might. I can see some of the girls maybe banding together after a merge...

03-12-2010, 03:37 PM
Wow, dumb move heroes!!! Tom needed to stay. James needed to go!

03-12-2010, 03:52 PM
Personally, that chocolate challenge would not have motivated me at all, as I am not a fan of chocolate. In fact, seeing so much piled up there made me feel a bit queasy.Funny, I said the same thing. My first thought was, "Man after all that time without a steady diet to gorge on all that chocolate would just make me puke."

Are you related to my wife?? :sick: :confused: She's the same way.I knew I liked Yvonne. ;)

Glad I wasn't the only one who would have preferred something like a PB&J over the chocolate stuff.Or how about some plain grilled chicken. Something high in protein and low in :ack: factor.

03-12-2010, 03:53 PM
No comment on Rupert taking out Jerri? Just curious what everyone's thoughts were on that.

I personlly think the challenges are bordering on becoming too physical. I don't think Rupert meant it but I do have to say something about him really rubs me the wrong way this season. I am not liking him at all.

03-12-2010, 06:39 PM
I think everyone who is there this season is making decisions based on not repeating what they did wrong on their previous seasons. I can totally see why they got Tom out.
There must have been a huge rift between Tom and James that was edited out because I have never heard venom in either of their voices like in the past few weeks, and it was all directed toward each other. Some of the things Tom said to and about James in tribal were totally uncalled for.....am I the only one who saw that?
I think the villains have it wrapped up. We'll see.

03-12-2010, 08:02 PM
I don't think Rupert meant it but I do have to say something about him really rubs me the wrong way this season. I am not liking him at all.

I've never been a Rupert fan, so I'm glad to see him not getting the 'good guy' edit this time. Seems like there are a lot of folks out there who don't buy into it either.

03-12-2010, 10:09 PM
I have never, in my Survivor life, seen a more idiotic bunch of yahoos :shake: And may I say, Amanda annoys the :thedolls: out of me!!! Boohoo...James is hurt... :sick: Besides Colby, none of the heroes deserve to win this season!

03-13-2010, 08:25 AM
I have never, in my Survivor life, seen a more idiotic bunch of yahoos :shake: And may I say, Amanda annoys the :thedolls: out of me!!! Boohoo...James is hurt... :sick: Besides Colby, none of the heroes deserve to win this season!

I totally agree! I am actually rooting for the villains to win, especially Boston Rob. He has been playing one heck of a good game so far!

03-13-2010, 08:40 PM
I agree that things have been kind of weird this season. I'm not liking what the editors are doing to JT this season. Who knows how they are really playing the way the editing is going. I kept saying they were dumb to vote out Tom over James. It just doesn't seem like any of them are really into fighting to win. Could it be because they have too many "previous winners" in there and they don't really care?

Why are they waiting 2 weeks to air the next episode? I heard them say that and kept trying to figure out what is next week that they wouldn't be airing it.

03-13-2010, 10:58 PM
I'm pretty sure it's because of the NCAA (college basketball) tournament.

And don't forget, the following week it will be on Wednesday night, not Thursday.

Denise :mickey:

03-14-2010, 05:02 AM
I'm pretty sure it's because of the NCAA (college basketball) tournament.

And don't forget, the following week it will be on Wednesday night, not Thursday.

Yep, it's always kinda messed up this time of year because of the tournament.

03-14-2010, 09:40 AM
Ah, Man! That's going to stink! I'll have to try to explain to the DGDs that it isn't on next week and live through it :) and Wednesday night isn't good. Guess I'll have to watch it the next day online.

03-14-2010, 05:56 PM
I agree with everyone on the chocolate, and I love chocolate. I thought I wouldn't want to eat to much of it because it would slow me down, wreak havoc with my system, and go glunk in my stomach at that point. No thanks. I wonder how much the Villains actually indulged because it didn't seem to slow them down as it should have.

03-16-2010, 08:18 AM
I finally saw last week's episode. I can't believe what a bunch of losers are playing the Hero's side! It's discouraging to watch them in action. The only decent decision they've made recently is to get rid of Cirie. When they're picked off one-by-one, the way they're going now, they have no one to blame but themselves.

03-25-2010, 07:47 AM
Last night was a great tribal. :thumbsup:

Did anyone else notice that weird, short instant when they cut to Russell while everyone was eating hot dogs? He had his head down as if he was looking at something. I know it was raining - and that may be why - but that brief scene felt strange. I was wondering if he didn't find another clue to the immunity idol in the mustard. :D

03-25-2010, 08:54 AM
Man, that was one of the best tribals ever! When I realized what Tyson had done and how this was going to play out I nearly choked to death I was laughing so hard! CLASSIC!!!

That being said, though, and even though it worked out for him, I still think Russell made a really dumb move. I think it was perceived by his tribemates as being an arrogant maneuver and also they're certain to be angry about how it played out. With no numbers on his side, Russell may have painted himself into a corner.

03-25-2010, 09:48 AM
Arrrrgh! Tyson! What a dumb move on his part. All he had to do was stick to the plan, but as soon as he said he was thinking about flipping his vote to Parvati, I knew he was done for. Not that I liked Tyson much, but I really want Parvati to go!!

I'm not liking Russell this time like I did last season. Well, I guess I should say I'm not rooting for him like I was last season. Is it just me, or does he seem completely smitten with Parvati? When he gave her the idol last night, he looked really nervous as the votes were being read, which leads me to think he wasn't sure if he made the right move. That seems out of character for him. I guess we'll see how far he gets trying to use his "master manipulator" role while following Parvati around like a lost puppy dog.

I didn't like seeing James go, but I think it was the best move for the heroes. I had just started to come back around to James' side after not liking him for the majority of this season. But how much longer was he going to be able to push with that knee? It even buckled on him as he was walking down the steps after being voted out. I can't say that I'm on the Colby train, though. He just hasn't done anything in challenges this time. Hopefully he gets out of his funk now that he's been given a second chance (well, really a third or fourth chance!).

03-25-2010, 11:04 AM
I wouldn't say that it was "best tribal council ever" as the ads were touting it. But yeah, it was pretty good. I also saw the writing on the wall for Tyson when he deemed to safe to write Parvati's name down. Oh, Tyson! You could see him realizing it before it actually came down to his name coming out, too. I really wanted him to make the merge, because his little asides crack me up, but he had almost no face time this time, so I thought he had it coming. But, he's still "awesome."

Russell has not mastered his end game. Key to being the best Survivor ever is knowing how to make it all the way, and how to win, and he just reads these people wrong if he thinks they will respect him for outplaying. Alienating people is no way to win. He did seem to be trying to appeal to Coach, for whatever reason, so maybe he's catching on. For Rob, I think his ego might be getting out of control again. He's banking on the fact that he is in a key position and people are with him, and I think he might be wrong.

James should have gone last week, so I'm not surprised it was him this week. I'm liking Colby more lately. His ego has taken a few hits, but he plays a loyal game (often at his own expense). I would have kept Colby over James.

03-25-2010, 11:05 AM
Great episode.

Anyone else sense panic in Rob? Both in his face at tribal and in his voice in the preview.

03-25-2010, 11:36 AM
Anyone else sense panic in Rob? Both in his face at tribal and in his voice in the preview.

Yeah, I noticed that, too. He looks like he's scrambling in the previews for next week. If it comes to a Rob v. Russell showdown, I'm rooting for Rob all the way!

03-25-2010, 12:31 PM
Great episode.

Anyone else sense panic in Rob?
I saw anger, not panic... Didn't catch the previews though.

Russell is the best Survivor to play this game so far. Maybe it's luck, but I don't think so. He won't win though...

It would be nice to see Rob bring home a million to Amber!

03-25-2010, 12:59 PM
Russell is in an interesting position. I see potential for him to work on Coach and maybe Sandra to swing them against Rob. It's really not that tough of a sell if you think about it ... Rob is a really strong physical competitor as compared to Russell. I'd just lay it out and say, "Hey who do you feel more comfortable about beating in a challenge late in the game? Me or Rob?" and let the wheels start turning.

He better be careful, though, with the whole Pavarti alliance because no one else likes her.

03-25-2010, 01:56 PM
Wait a minute that was me who told you he would swing Coach and Sandra... ;)

03-25-2010, 02:34 PM
Wait a minute that was me who told you he would swing Coach and Sandra... ;)That's correct. I stole your idea. :razz:

03-25-2010, 02:57 PM
Russell did good...Tyson "ID-10-T". The best they really could hope for would have been a "tie". BUT he would have had a "chance". SIGH.

I question...was Coach "supposed" to vote Pavariti?

I loved tribal council. I adore Rob...and yes...I really like Russell too. I LOVE Survivor and people that REALLY play the game :thumbsup:

Russell actually may have scored himself a "brownie point". How chilverious was he to give Parvariti the idol and sacrifice himself...hmmm...Rob's right...he's dangerous...but will the ladies listen to the "Godfather" or the "Knight in Shining Armor" :thedolls:

I don't think Russell is particularly "smitten" by Pavariti...BUT...he figures with HER in his pocket...not bad. She's got "buddies" on the OTHER side. If he holds her and maybe a couple of others till the "merge" then THEY merge with the "OTHERS"...They may become very powerful regardless of WHICH tribe is the big winner...He is playing an excellent game...Rob is playing an excellent game.

If they listen to Rob...he will carry them to the end but if they want to get into the "oh boy, oh boy...I wanna be in the Let's-vote-out-Pavariti Club like Tyson...they're gonna go down one by one.

I wonder if Rob knows that Tyson cut his own thoat...Russell knows.

03-25-2010, 04:06 PM
I don't think Russell is particularly "smitten" by Pavariti...BUT...he figures with HER in his pocket...not bad. She's got "buddies" on the OTHER side. If he holds her and maybe a couple of others till the "merge" then THEY merge with the "OTHERS"...They may become very powerful regardless of WHICH tribe is the big winner...Good theory. I actually think you might be on to something here.

Parvati would be a powerful ally post-merge, since she has a lot of friends on the Heroes tribe.

03-25-2010, 05:12 PM
Good theory. I actually think you might be on to something here.

Parvati would be a powerful ally post-merge, since she has a lot of friends on the Heroes tribe.

But with James and Cirie gone, doesn't that only leave Parvati with Amanda? I mean, one person is better than none, but that would still only leave Russell with 2 other people (not including Danielle).

03-25-2010, 08:13 PM
Ha yeah ... an even better point. I forgot her two biggest allies on the Heroes tribe were already gone.

03-25-2010, 09:01 PM
To a player like Russell, the Heroes are already down and out, as good as gone. I don't think Russell's ego would allow him to believe he's relying on Parvati to bring people in from the Heroes side. I think he's imagining her as his Natalie- his dumb girl who assists him to get what he wants but couldn't win on her own.

And though Parvati would like to deny that, his idol just saved her, putting her in the position to have ridden his coattails, just the way he likes his women. Rrg. Unlike his last female ally who went on to win, Parvati doesn't have likability on her side and her charm will only go so far with this cast. He would easily want her in his final two or three, because she can be useful, but not to the point of taking credit. And she probably can't win.

04-01-2010, 11:06 PM
Wow, that was not a good decision by the villians. I hope they fall apart as I'm sure they will without Rob and Russell to cause havoc without anyone to try to keep him in control.

04-02-2010, 07:16 AM
Yeah ... that was sort of dumb. I think Russell really let his ego get the best of him in this battle with Rob. Kinda stupid not to get rid of Courtney (who's useless at challenges) or Sandra (who's a previous winner, useless at challenges, and a schemer).

I suspect it will work out badly for the villains, but just fine for Russell and I guess that's all that really matters.

04-02-2010, 10:02 AM
Can't believe they let the "troll" that they all hate get the better of them and voted Rob out. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Rob either but he certainly would have been better than Russell to keep. Russell is in it for himself alone and will throw all of them to the wolves. His ego is bigger than he is. What is this with him not ever bathing? Ugh! Hopefully the merge will come soon and they will all gang up on him. That was just dumb but the infighting did their team in. I'm glad the Heros are finally winning.

I think Russell might have been gone if Coach had voted for one of them. I think he has sealed his fate betraying everyone.

04-02-2010, 11:02 AM
Awwww man, I can't believe they voted out Boston Rob! I was so rooting for him to go all the way! I had a feeling Russell would outplay him though. Rob aligned himself with the wrong people. I was hoping Coach and Jerry would stick with Rob but was not surprised they didn't. I think Jerry is stupid and Coach is a wuss. In the long run Russell will stab them in the back. He will never take either of them all the way. I hope the villains lose from here on out. Go heroes!!

04-02-2010, 12:33 PM
He will never take either of them all the way. I hope the villains lose from here on out. Go heroes!!


04-02-2010, 12:34 PM
And I have to add I loved Rob's departing comment calling Coach a little man when he tried to hug him. Coach you so need to get a backbone, dude!!

04-02-2010, 03:14 PM
In defense of Jerry (and I can't believe I'm sticking up for her), none of the villians have seen Russell's season. They know, pretty much, how the others play their game, but Russell is a mystery to them. I admit, he is very convincing to me and I would probably trust him for a while.

In regards to Rob...eh...whatever. He's done 3 seasons of Survivor, a reality show, a wedding and an Amazing Race...seeing him is getting old to me. :cool:

04-02-2010, 08:24 PM
In regards to Rob...eh...whatever. He's done 3 seasons of Survivor, a reality show, a wedding and an Amazing Race...seeing him is getting old to me. :cool:Ha! Actually at the end of it all I kind of surprised myself by pulling for Russell in the Rob v. Russell battle royal. I thought early on I'd prefer Rob to win, but he just didn't impress me this time around. Russell blindsided him two weeks in a row. The old Rob would never let that happen, so as far as I'm concerned he got "outwitted and outplayed" and deserved to go home.

04-02-2010, 08:26 PM
Yeah ... that was sort of dumb. I think Russell really let his ego get the best of him in this battle with Rob. Kinda stupid not to get rid of Courtney (who's useless at challenges) or Sandra (who's a previous winner, useless at challenges, and a schemer).

I suspect it will work out badly for the villains, but just fine for Russell and I guess that's all that really matters.

Yes, they should have ditched Courtney. Unbelievably stupid. But Russell and Rob had to go at it. No loss to me. I'm not a Rob fan and he was not playing a smart game. Jerri has had it in for Rob since he took her out of the last All Stars game in order to keep Amber, who went on to win. So why would he think she would stick with him?

We might have all new alliances once they merge. I loved that Colby got his mojo back. Would love to see him stick around a while.

04-05-2010, 09:58 AM
I hate that they got rid of Rob! I wish he could have stuck around at least until the merge. With Rob gone, I am firmly rooting for the Heroes tribe. Before I was torn...I wanted the Heroes to win because I like more of the people on that tribe, but I also wanted the Villains to win so that Rob stuck around. Now, I know for sure who to cheer for in the challenges! :D

04-06-2010, 08:43 AM
Finally watched the last show. The outcome didn't surprise me, but didn't please me either. That anyone would think Russell will honor any kind of alliance from here on out is pure foolishness (and I do think they've seen enough of his game at this point for him to be suspect). In fact, he and Parvati make my skin crawl.

Too bad Rob won't be on the jury. I would have loved to hear what he had to say about people at the final tribal council.

04-09-2010, 07:28 AM
Villains continue to slide. Interesting little confessional with Sandra feeling triumphant about playing Russell. At TC, he voted for Courtney, so is she as good as she thinks? I'm starting to worry that they're setting us up for a big Russell-Sandra showdown. Fine if it happens soon, not good if it's foreshadowing for the end. Sandra seems to win as a lesser of two evils, not because she's really all that good. I don't want it to go that way again.

Fortunately, things are looking up on the heroes side and if they get some time before merge, it can only be to their benefit. But those scenes from next week? Ack! Could JT be so easily taken in? Or is it all a big tease?

Oh, and is there anything sadder than a dejected Coach? Just when he started to perk up again, that was it for Coach. A shame. Losing Courtney would have been far more satisfying.

04-09-2010, 08:43 AM
I have been telling friends for weeks I'm afraid it will be a Parv, Russell and Sandra final three---that Sandra is sneaky..,but yet they didn't do what she wanted...

04-09-2010, 09:53 AM
What a dumb move by the Villains last night. I'm not a fan of Coach, but to get rid of him instead of Courtney? That was just plain stupid. Did anyone else notice that Russell signed his name or put his initials at the bottom of his vote for Courtney? No doubt, he was trying to show Coach his "loyalty," knowing that Coach is now on the jury.

It seems like this is the exact same strategy Russell used in his last season - get rid of the power players, keep the weak ones around, manipulate them so they do what you want. But, judging by Danielle's reaction to his hissy fit last night, this strategy might not turn out the way it did the last time for Russell. I hope it doesn't! I'm over his ginormous ego and his bullying. It was interesting to watch the first time, but now it's getting old and annoying.

04-09-2010, 10:03 AM
So, does anyone think that someone from the Heroes tribe has a chance of winning Survivor? I do. I could end up eating my words, but I don't see Russell winning. I honestly think he is setting himself up for the same scenario as his first stint on Survivor, where he'll come second, at most, and quite possibly be out even sooner. Sandra flies just under the wire enough that she could win, and Parvati's scheming could do the same. But I do think there's enough bad blood on the Villains side that if it comes down to a face-off between a Hero and Villain, the Hero might get the jury's vote (depending, of course, on which Villain it is).

04-09-2010, 12:13 PM
It seems like this is the exact same strategy Russell used in his last season - get rid of the power players, keep the weak ones around, manipulate them so they do what you want. But, judging by Danielle's reaction to his hissy fit last night, this strategy might not turn out the way it did the last time for Russell. I hope it doesn't! I'm over his ginormous ego and his bullying. It was interesting to watch the first time, but now it's getting old and annoying.

I think Danielle set herself up for a departure. Russell will be targeting her soon, if not next. And I think he'll get her before she gets him.

Beth, unfortunately, I don't see the heroes going all the way, though I wish they would. I fear Janet might be right. Judging from the scenes from next week with JT ready to pull Russell into the Heroes fold. Ack!

04-09-2010, 12:45 PM
I think Danielle set herself up for a departure. Russell will be targeting her soon, if not next. And I think he'll get her before she gets him.

Yeah, you are probably right! I was really hoping that the way Danielle and Parvati, to some extent, were questioning Russell that they would open their eyes and start to consider getting him out. But, that never even came up at all!

I really hope the previews showing JT talking about giving Russell the idol aren't true. The Heroes are making a lot of assumptions about the "all girl alliance" without really knowing what's going on in the Villains' tribe.

04-09-2010, 03:35 PM
What was that knowing wink that JT gave Russel when the tribes met for immunity? Is there something going on there?

04-09-2010, 03:45 PM
What was that knowing wink that JT gave Russel when the tribes met for immunity? Is there something going on there?

Yeah, weird. I think that was JT making his own decision for no apparent reason that Russell and Coach were in a female-dominated alliance and thus, at risk. So getting rid of Coach serves Russell in feeding JT's delusions. "Oh no, help, it's just little ol Russell and all these strong scary girls!"

JT seemed awfully quick to jump on that assumption and run with it. Is he that afraid of a female-dominated end game? Does girl power scare JT? Or is he just over-thinking potential strategies to the point of putting his trust in the wrong people (aka Russell)? And he would have kept that Idol hidden if Amanda didn't walk up when she did. I'm liking JT less. And Colby more. And it surprises me that Candace is still there.

04-09-2010, 08:26 PM
JT seemed awfully quick to jump on that assumption and run with it. Is he that afraid of a female-dominated end game?What season was it where the women came together into that Girl Power alliance at the very end of the game and ended up going all the way? Was that J.T.'s season? I think not, but can't remember for sure.

If so, that would definitely explain why he was afraid of it happening again. In fact, even if it wasn't his season, I'm sure he's seen that season and knows what happened. Maybe some of the same women (Pavarti?) that were involved in it before are in the game now?

04-09-2010, 08:51 PM
What season was it where the women came together into that Girl Power alliance at the very end of the game and ended up going all the way? Was that J.T.'s season? I think not, but can't remember for sure.

If so, that would definitely explain why he was afraid of it happening again. In fact, even if it wasn't his season, I'm sure he's seen that season and knows what happened. Maybe some of the same women (Pavarti?) that were involved in it before are in the game now?
Was that the season they duped that Shawn Cassidy looking kid into giving up the hidden immunity idol?

Maybe I missed it but why is there no isolation island, or whatever they call it?

04-10-2010, 12:05 AM
The exile island strategy has only been a gimmick in the past few seasons, and it became predictable and played out fast. I'm glad they dropped it. In the last All Stars season, Parvati won by making a female alliance network, but I still think JT's fear is a bit unfounded and will not serve him well. Paranoia never works well as a strategy. And we, watching at home, already know he's doomed to fail by placing his trust in Russell. Poor JT. I now doubt he has any chance of winning this one. But I've been wrong before.

04-10-2010, 07:56 AM
Well first off, I'm not nearly as big a fan of J.T. this time around as I was last time. He's really not playing a very good game. I mean, everyone is on to the fact that he's made alliances with pretty much everyone and that's like breaking the cardinal rule of Survivor.

But I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about Russell winning it all or anything. Let's remember that Russell's one big downfall is that he's not that great in challenges. If, somehow, it came down to a final four with J.T. and Russell in the mix, I'd give the edge to J.T. when it comes to winning final immunity. He'd be sure to send Russell packing at that point.

Although, maybe not ... he might be smart to take him to the end, because no one likes him and he's totally beatable. Look what happened last season!

04-10-2010, 10:50 AM
Have none of these people, especially JT, seen the last season with Russell and the things he said in the final show? They can't be that naive. I'm hoping all of this is just editing for the show. But also, maybe JT was told to act dumb like this for this season because this just isn't his way of playing. Who knows. I hope they smarten up.

I think they should have voted Courtney out first but then Coach would have been the next to go and Russell would be in heaven thinking he has won.

04-10-2010, 12:23 PM
Russell is the one no one has seen in action before All-Stars. They filmed the shows back to back, so that Russell's season had not aired before they ended up competing in this season. Someone earlier pointed out that Russell's cockiness in the finale show of last season might have come from knowing how he did in this All-Stars season as well as his own season.

That finale, with Natalie edging him out for the win, was live after both seasons had wrapped up filming. But I don't think his declaring himself "best Survivor ever" necessarily had anything to do with his final All-Stars placement. Even if he ends up the next person on the jury, Russell's bravado would have him declaring that they made a mistake and he's the best ever.

04-10-2010, 03:32 PM
Did I miss something? Danielle wanted Courtney out and then she voted for Coach? Did they show Russell telling her again to vote for Coach or discussing it anymore after their fight?

Pfff...just when he was really bringing back the Dragon Slayer!!! I wanted a few more laughs before he was said and done!!! :D

04-11-2010, 04:57 PM
That finale, with Natalie edging him out for the win, was live after both seasons had wrapped up filming. But I don't think his declaring himself "best Survivor ever" necessarily had anything to do with his final All-Stars placement. Even if he ends up the next person on the jury, Russell's bravado would have him declaring that they made a mistake and he's the best ever.

Yeah, he filmed All-Stars not knowing whether he'd won his first season, but I'm sure assuming he did. And then at the finale, he was waaaaay over the top with the ego. I'm thinking that was in defense of his thinking he should have won against Natalie, and also knowing how he did in All-Stars. Therefore, I don't think I'm going to like how all this plays out, because it will surely involve Russell and Parvati, the absolute worse possible scenario for me. :ack::ack::ack:

04-11-2010, 05:27 PM
Pfff...just when he was really bringing back the Dragon Slayer!!! I wanted a few more laughs before he was said and done!!! :D

I'm not sure what happened with the final vote, Russell voting for Courtney and the others going for Coach. Probably Russell's doing somehow.

I'll miss Coach, too. But he is in the Ponderosa miniseries at the CBS Survivor website. He has dubbed himself King Arthur this time.

04-12-2010, 11:35 AM
Therefore, I don't think I'm going to like how all this plays out, because it will surely involve Russell and Parvati, the absolute worse possible scenario for me. :ack::ack::ack:

:ditto: and let me add a few more :ack::ack::ack:

04-15-2010, 08:59 PM
Oh my goodness...I can't believe they did that!!! How embarrassing this is going to turn out to be! They certainly did make Survivor history...:blush:

04-16-2010, 06:49 AM
Weird episode. Where did the pen and paper come from, and what was with the pleasantries after the immunity challenge?

JT is dumb, dumb, dumb, but of course everyone else went right along with it. Stupid!!!

And 100 days of Amanda and Parvati is just too many (although Amanda isn't really bothering me of late).

04-16-2010, 07:44 AM
Oh my goodness...I can't believe they did that!!! How embarrassing this is going to turn out to be! They certainly did make Survivor history...:blush:

JT is dumb, dumb, dumb, but of course everyone else went right along with it. Stupid!!!

What were they thinking???? You know that is going to come back and haunt them!!!

04-16-2010, 08:15 AM
All I could think last night was that JT is sitting home feeling like the biggest goon around. :confused:

04-16-2010, 08:34 AM
Oh my....

Of course, we got a hint last week that JT might do this, but to actually see it was embarassing. Made me want to "thunk" the heroes across the tops of their heads (you know, like the V-8 commercial!) :shake:

And Russell and Parvati's bragging is so annoying. Wish someone would take them down a few notches, but it seems unlikely to happen in the near future.

04-16-2010, 08:57 AM
Well before we get ahead of ourselves, let's remember that we don't know what the outcome was yet. It's distinctly possible that Russell could end up joining forces with J.T. anyway after the merge, so maybe J.T. isn't feeling so embarrassed. Who knows?

Anyway yeah ... on the surface it appears to be a pretty dumb move. To jump to that "all girl alliance" conclusion with so little evidence was very odd. It seems like Rupert was the one who started it (which doesn't surprise me much), but I am surprised at how quickly everyone else grabbed on to it. :confused:

I also just do not understand why the villains keep letting Sandra slide by. They made a huge mistake not getting her out before the merge, because now she's going to have an opportunity to flip, form new alliances, and continue to slip under the radar week-to-week. Do these people not remember that she won before doing this exact same thing??!??!!

Bad move ... very bad move ...

04-16-2010, 09:38 AM
Russell just keeps lucking out! Wow, what kind of idiot give away an immunity idol to a member of the opposite tribe?

I found myself rooting for Sandra and Courtney as the only 2 left in Rob's alliance. I was sorry to see Courtney go last night although I knew it was inevitable. I think it would be hilarious if Sandra went on to win it all.

I thought Jerri must have felt like a fool during tribal when Russell, Parvati and Danielle were talking about their alliance which she assumed she was part of and they never even mentioned her once. I hope she now realizes she should have stuck with Rob.

04-16-2010, 09:47 AM
Un. Be. Lieveable. I know they showed it in last week's previews, but I thought it was just a tease and that JT would never be dumb enough to go through with it. Wow. Just wow. He'll sure get the hint when the Villains show up at the next challenge with Parvati in tow. The Heroes have made a lot of stupid assumptions that could and probably will come back to bite them big time.

How'd you like Coach's Samurai get up at tribal council? Classic Coach! :D

04-16-2010, 10:06 AM
Ok I know this sounds crazy BUT...Did anyone think about the fact that giving the Idol to Russell sort of puts him in a really bad spot. I mean he has to decide if he does what the Heroes say and keeps them happy (probably going into a merge) or not use it the way they want and risk ticking them off. I mean he has some folks on his team that would for sure join the Heroes to stay in the game (Sandra) and he just really ends up being the bad guy on this one, no matter what he does/did with it. Not that I am a big Russell sympathizer I just found that it put him in a tough spot in a way.

04-16-2010, 10:12 AM
Ok I know this sounds crazy BUT...Did anyone think about the fact that giving the Idol to Russell sort of puts him in a really bad spot. I mean he has to decide if he does what the Heroes say and keeps them happy (probably going into a merge) or not use it the way they want and risk ticking them off. I mean he has some folks on his team that would for sure join the Heroes to stay in the game (Sandra) and he just really ends up being the bad guy on this one, no matter what he does/did with it. Not that I am a big Russell sympathizer I just found that it put him in a tough spot in a way.

I don't think Russell is too worried about making the Heroes mad at him. He already didn't do what they wanted him to do after he got the idol because Parvati is still there. And I don't think he's too worried about Sandra...I think he just sees her as the next to go and that's that, because, as he constantly says to the camera in that obnoxious voice, "I'm Russell Hantz!"

I do think, though, that he is totally underestimating Parvati, and maybe even Danielle. I think Parvati is actually much more in control of that tribe than Russell, whether he knows it or not!

04-16-2010, 10:37 AM
Ok I know this sounds crazy BUT...Did anyone think about the fact that giving the Idol to Russell sort of puts him in a really bad spot. I mean he has to decide if he does what the Heroes say and keeps them happy (probably going into a merge) or not use it the way they want and risk ticking them off. I mean he has some folks on his team that would for sure join the Heroes to stay in the game (Sandra) and he just really ends up being the bad guy on this one, no matter what he does/did with it. Not that I am a big Russell sympathizer I just found that it put him in a tough spot in a way.Nah, I think Russell will just spin another tale and while he won't come out smelling like a rose, he will make someone else smell worse.

04-16-2010, 12:17 PM
The whole issue of the pen and paper makes me wonder if the producers have much more to do with using the players to have the out come be what they pre-decide. There have been players in the past that have accused them of this and I always put it down to sour grapes, but now I wonder.:confused:

04-16-2010, 12:39 PM
I thought exactly the same thing. Where did the pen and paper come from? I don't remember them winning this in a challenge. Looked like one of the girls writing on it later like maybe they were keeping a diary or something.

That was just soooo dumb of J.T. But even Colby went along with it and seemed satisfied with it. Was that just male assumption, assuming that the girls were all against the guys? I hope Parvati does something with her idol that will just flip Russell's wig. I can't wait to see his face when he sees she has it. I hope she doesn't tell him and keeps it secret until one of them uses it. Then again, maybe J.T. and Colby know that Russell will come along with them in the merge. What is with the "final 3" thing he put in there? Did he mean the three guys and why didn't any of the others there take exception to him putting that and not including them? I'm surprised he won everyone over to that. I'm also wondering if this is just a ploy to make the Villians think they are all stupid and there is something we don't know. Can't wait until Jeff asks J.T. "What were you thinking?" :)

This seems like it is going to turn out to be a surprising or interesting end after all.

04-16-2010, 02:56 PM
Yea, James is no longer the dumbest Survivor ever! That "honor" now goes to J.T. and the rest of the Heroes. Russell was right about one thing, Never give the enemy a hidden immunity idol!

Pixiesmimi, I'm sure they came up with the idea of putting in the final 3 thing in the letter so he wouldn't think he'd be #6. After all, why would he switch if that's the case. How many times has someone said, "you and me in the finals" and it been a boldface lie. More times than I can count. Just a ploy.

04-16-2010, 05:41 PM
I read in Probst's online blog that the pen and paper were Amanda's luxury items that she had somehow won in an earlier episode. I don't have a clue what episode he is referring to however. I think a lot more goes on that they don't tell us about!

Denise :mickey:

04-17-2010, 08:39 AM
I finally watched this episode. And even knowing what was going to happen, my jaw dropped watching the events unfold. Wow wow wow...

We've been questioning their Survivor Smarts since keeping an injured James...now we KNOW they are complete idiots, led by Head Moron JT. :shake: :nopity:

As to the pen and paper, I don't know when they received their luxury items, but I've noticed they are using Colby's Texas flag as part of the shelter so those items are out there!

04-22-2010, 09:31 PM
:ack: This isn't even fun to watch.

That said, JT (and the rest of the Hereos) got exactly what they deserved.

04-22-2010, 09:42 PM
I think it just got fun. Parvati has my vote for master of the game after her moves in tonight's TC. I would give her the win, and well-earned. Sandra might give her a run for it next week, though. I have to hand it to the women (the villain women no less) for playing a fine game.

JT, on the other hand, reminded me of what kept me from liking him his first time around. His clueless misogyny. Grow up, buddy. Never trust a woman? If you had trusted Sandra instead of Russell, you might have stuck with us. Good riddance. Got what you deserved, and no one to blame but yourself, not the women in the game.

04-22-2010, 09:49 PM
Haha! It was so fun to see Russell's face when he realized that the "Queen" had duped his "King"! I don't like Parvati, but for that one moment she was okay.

I agree that JT got what he deserved. What a dufus. Now there really may be a women's alliance.

Very shrewdly played.

04-23-2010, 09:22 AM
Okay, so was I the only one who immediately thought, "Russell?? Have you forgotten about Sandra???" when he made up that whole elaborate TC story??

Dumb. One of the first really big mistakes I've seen Russell make. I can't fathom how it didn't occur to him that a disgruntled Sandra was going to tell the Heroes what the real deal was. Very dumb.

J.T. = Even dumber and got what he deserved.

Parvati = Brilliant Survivor strategist. I know it's popular to hate on her, and I agree her ego gets on my nerves at times, but you can't deny that she knows how to play this game. It will be very interesting to see how things go down with her and Russell next week.

Also, not lost on me at all that Rupert had it all figured out before the rest of the Heroes had any clue. Good for him. He's finally woken up and started playing the game. Although the whole banana thing was a bit ridiculous.

04-23-2010, 09:45 AM
Yep, I agree with everyone else...JT absolutely deserved to go home after such idiotic game play. When he said "Never trust a woman," he should have said, "Don't be a naiive moron like me." I was rooting for him to win before last week's episode. Now I'm not sure who I'm rooting for. Maybe Sandra!

I can't stand Parvati, but I have to give her credit for making a fantastic move. She really is a much smarter game player than most people give her credit for. I think Russell is finding that out slowly, but surely! I think Parvati has a really good shot to win the whole thing, and I've thought that since the first time the Villains had a chance to vote her out and didn't.

I'm also glad to see Rupert getting more involved in the game. So far, it has just seemed like he's been hanging out and not adding much to the game, but I think that will definitely change now. I just hope he doesn't go around saying too loudly how they can't trust Russell or he'll be Russell's next target.

And what was with Candace just quitting in the immunity challenge?!? Really? You're just giving up because you think the other 2 might stay up there a long time? Why not hang on as long as you can and find out for sure? Unbelievable!

04-23-2010, 10:54 AM
Yep, I agree with everyone else...JT absolutely deserved to go home after such idiotic game play. When he said "Never trust a woman," he should have said, "Don't be a naiive moron like me." I was rooting for him to win before last week's episode.I've pretty much sensed all along that J.T. is a bit of a misogynyst. He's made comments pretty frequently that indicate he's got a thing against women.

That's why it's always surprised me that so many women who watch the show like him.

And what was with Candace just quitting in the immunity challenge?!? Really? You're just giving up because you think the other 2 might stay up there a long time? Why not hang on as long as you can and find out for sure? Unbelievable!It's things like this that make me wonder if the editors sometimes chop things out that affect our understanding of the show to some degree.

She must have had some reason to think it was okay for her to drop. It was just bizarre otherwise.

04-23-2010, 02:21 PM
This was probably one of my favorite episodes ever (for the seasons I've watched, that is). I still sit there thinking how idiotic JT must feel while he's sitting on his couch at home watching himself.

I hope this does put the rift in Parvati and Russel's relationship the way next weeks edits indicate. Merging is my favorite time on Survivor.

04-23-2010, 03:10 PM
I laughed so hard when JT said in his remarks "I feel like such an idiot." I wonder if he still sees just how big of idiot he is/was...did this episode rub salt into his wound!!!

Sandra...I don't understand. She went running to the heroes telling them everything and then votes with the villians. I think she'll do well overall, but that just confused me for a moment.

Parvati...still can't stand her, but that was a pretty smart move. Wow - when they started reading Jerri's name!!! The look of gratitude on her face was priceless =)

04-23-2010, 05:02 PM
Sandra...I don't understand. She went running to the heroes telling them everything and then votes with the villians. I think she'll do well overall, but that just confused me for a moment.

Actually I rather expected this. Sandra is on the "tail end" of the Villians. It was either her or Courtney last round. There would be NO WAY the villans would keep her around to the finals. She would be picked off. She and Rupert have history...Rupert may not completely "trust her" but they know each others game. She may have felt she could go further if she helped the heros take down the villians (besides they annoyed her when they took down her alliance). I'm kinda liking her a bit this go around. She's really strategizing.

I'm not a huge Parv fan...but I LOVE people who PLAY the game. My hat is off to her...she played very well...she is NOT riding Russ's coat tails...he is a "convenient tool" for her. She proved she had a brain and wasn't afraid to use it.

Rupert...Welcome aboard. He's getting into the game now. That's my Ruppy Bear!

Colby and Candance...what is their problem??? :confused: Colby has disappointed me all season. He's just not into the game the way he should be...Candance...she can go any time. I would NEVER give up an immunity challenge.

JT...oh JT JT JT...I've got a soft spot of JT even if he was "too big for his britches" this time around. I did have a lot of respect for him shaking Russell's hand "Well Played"...knowing he really did himself in. If only he kept that idol. He learned a lesson. Hopefully it'll be one that he'll take to heart for the rest of his life.

Like I said...I'm really a HUGE Survivor fan. Sometimes the people irritate me but I love what goes on as they scramble to save them selves. I appreciate people who play the game even if you're screaming at the TV...Don't trust him/her....I just want them to PLAY...I don't like those that "give up" (Colby and Candace...do you hear this??? :mad:)

Dumbest Survivor List:

1. The kid who gave up the immunity necklace on an all women tribe...

2. JT (never give up immunity)

3. James (if you have DOUBLE imunity...USE it)

04-26-2010, 08:37 AM
Anyone know if this week is the re-cap episode? Are they going to have one?

04-26-2010, 02:44 PM
Well JT deserved to go home for sure. What a moron!

Rupert seems to be the only hero onto Russell.

I was shocked at Parvati giving the 2 idols away. That was a move I did not expect nor do I really understand.

04-26-2010, 03:36 PM
Well JT deserved to go home for sure. What a moron!

Rupert seems to be the only hero onto Russell.

I was shocked at Parvati giving the 2 idols away. That was a move I did not expect nor do I really understand.
What I don't understand was how she picked Sandra and Jerri. The heroes could have focused on any of them and she happen to choose the correct one? The strategy was brilliant, but her luck was uncanny.

04-26-2010, 04:21 PM
What I don't understand was how she picked Sandra and Jerri. The heroes could have focused on any of them and she happen to choose the correct one? The strategy was brilliant, but her luck was uncanny.

I think Amanda must have tipped her. She had to have had some inside knowledge as to how that vote would go or she wouldn't have risked giving both idols away without using one on herself. She made it clear that she doesn't trust Amanda, but I'm guessing she trusted her enough to use her to get the villains the edge.

04-26-2010, 04:27 PM
What I don't understand was how she picked Sandra and Jerri. The heroes could have focused on any of them and she happen to choose the correct one? The strategy was brilliant, but her luck was uncanny.

I think she figured they wouldn't pick Russell due to thinking he was being protected by the heroes, can't vote Danielle and she felt safe because she figured Amanda was lying to her about them wanting to vote her out, she knew they wanted to flush out the idol. And now by giving the idols to Sandra and Jerri not only made the Villians have more players maybe she feels that Jerri and Sandra owe her for saving them. Just my 2 :twocents: I also don't care for Parvati but have to give her kudos great game playing. Liked JT last season not so much now, especially with his woman comments. Turning into a great season. :thumbsup:

04-27-2010, 08:44 AM
What I don't understand was how she picked Sandra and Jerri. The heroes could have focused on any of them and she happen to choose the correct one? The strategy was brilliant, but her luck was uncanny.I don't think it was really that hard to figure. First off, she clearly got some intelligence from Amanda. How much, we'll never know since the editors pared down what we saw. But we know at least that she and Amanda were talking.

But really if you stop to think about it, the logic to get where she ended up wasn't too hard. She knew they weren't voting for Russell since he wasn't in the "All Girl Alliance" and she probably figured they wouldn't be voting for her because A. Amanda would try and sway them in a different direction and B. they weren't 100% certain that she didn't still have her immunity idol.

That only left Jerri, Sandra, and Danielle. Now she may have just guessed lucky that Jerri and Sandra were the targets (she had a 66% chance of being right) or she may have been tipped off by Amanda.

04-27-2010, 08:56 AM
That only left Jerri, Sandra, and Danielle. Now she may have just guessed lucky that Jerri and Sandra were the targets (she had a 66% chance of being right) or she may have been tipped off by Amanda.

Actually, that only left Jerri and Sandra. Danielle won the individual Immunity necklace.

04-29-2010, 10:00 AM
I just was able to watch last week's episode today. Yes, J.T. was nieve and I kept yelling at the computer telling him to smarten up. :) But I dislike Parvati and Russell even more now. I'm with Rupert. Listen to him, Guys! He is smarter than you think! Apparently J.T. isn't used to dealing with such deceitful people in every day life or he would not have been so gullible. But Parvati even surprised Russell which means she bares watching even more than him. I hope Sandra stirs it up this week and it will all be a big surprise. I would love nothing more than to see Russell go next.

04-29-2010, 03:51 PM
Actually, that only left Jerri and Sandra. Danielle won the individual Immunity necklace.Well in that case I guess it's not really a big mystery how Pavarti figured it out. I had forgotten that Danielle had immunity.

It wasn't much of a stretch for her to guess that they'd tell Russell to vote for her and then vote for one of the other two to sniff out his loyalty. That's what I would have done.

04-29-2010, 04:06 PM
I think it's simple...Parv felt she had Amanda convinced (and OBVIOUSLY she did) that she was going to play HER idol to save herself (hey she gave up immunity to Daniele BECAUSE she had the idol) Parv was probably figuring since the heros KNEW Russ had the idol that THEY figured he'd use it to save himself.

Amanda was happy because she would accomplish her purpose of flushing the idols.

Now ONLY if Candance and Colby played the challenge the way they SHOULD have played the challenge...ONE of the villians could have gone home instead because they would have been one immunity short.

04-29-2010, 09:38 PM
What the heck happened with Candice and the other Heroes for her to make such a bold move? Obviously we weren't shown all the dealings, cause I doubt she'd make such a big move just because she knew Russell had an idol and that made her nervous (like she said). :shrug: Ugh!

Like I said early on, I really don't like any of these people and as I predicted, I haven't really cared for how this season is shaking out. In my book, over his two seasons, Russell has gone from annoying, to funny, to somewhat likeable and clever, to bitter (Somoa finale) to downright gross and extremely egotistical. Parvati and that stupid laugh of hers. Uhhh...enough said. Danielle? Who cares. Jerri is just being taken along for the ride. I hope when the numbers dwindle, she wakes up and makes a big move.

Candice I did like, but not after the move tonight. Rupert I've never cared for, but at least he's had some sense these last few episodes. Colby is a shell of his former self, which is sad. I wouldn't mind Sandra winning, because at least she's trying to play.

Oh, the whole scene with Amanda and Danielle fighing over the clue was ODD. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that on Survivor before.

04-30-2010, 01:04 AM
Oh, the whole scene with Amanda and Danielle fighing over the clue was ODD. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that on Survivor before.

That was just childish and what was with Colby just sitting there and not saying anything? They acted like they were in grade school. Did she really think she could sneak it out of the bowl and no one see her sitting on the same bed? Could the show not spring for at least two beds? That was odd as was the "screening" watching it on TV on a bed. Strange reward! This is finally starting to get interesting and I really thought they might pull it off tonight getting Russell or Parvati out.

04-30-2010, 07:53 AM
Yeah, that reward challenge was strange. Three adults sleeping in one small bed, eating popcorn, and watching Treasure Island?? :confused:

Weird. And Amanda totally violated the unwritten rules of Survivor ... you don't steal clues or idols or any of that kind of stuff. It's just bad sportsmanship.

Russell made another weird move last night. I have no idea why he would approach Sandra with what Courtney said. That was so dumb! What did he hope to learn from it? Even if she had flipped it wasn't like she was going to tell him. And then he created all that unncessary turmoil. Silly. His ego is too massive ... he's not as good a player as he thinks he is. I think he's had as much luck on his side than anything else.

04-30-2010, 09:05 AM
I love this season. I think the characters have been very interesting. My only disappointment has been I don't think we're seeing all the details I'd like to see.

Amanda and Danielle. I wasn't sad to see Amanda go...but I would have really like to have seen Danielle go. I don't know what I would have done if I were Colby in that situation...but I would have pressed to share the clue not just give it away. I don't know if the cameras are not being good to Colby or what but he just seems like he's just an "entity" in the game...he's not playing at all. I was annoyed when he just gave up when James was still there...I was annoyed when he just gave up the pole challenge...I'm still annoyed when he just broke up the girls and let Danielle have the clue...

I love Rupert and always have. I don't think he was in the game in the beginning but then...it could have been just that he had a lot of discomfort with the broken toe...Now after all these weeks...no doubt is still hurts but...he's probably adjusted. He's getting into it now...unfortunately it's a little late. I wish he would have stopped JT from giving away that idol..."bad JT...bad". The heros are in quite a prediciment. The sad thing is those that are "flipping" are on the "outside"...they've really GOT to find a way to break up the Danielle, Russ, Parv alliance. Candace flipping is going to do her absolutely no good what so ever. But I'm really disappointed in her as well.

I love Survivor...wish I was in a position that I could have that opportunity.

Russ better do some scrambling next week because he is definately being pushed out of the "circle of trust". The way I see it...he's on his last leg.

04-30-2010, 09:17 AM
I agree about Russell. Again, I don't think he's as good as he thinks he is. Aligning with Parvati was kind of stupid, because she's a player. She's not a coattail rider like Natalie was. She's using him as much as he's using her and he's not quite the Survior Expert he thinks he is if he doesn't know how Parv plays the game.

Right now he's aligned with two Black Widows and eventually they're both going to turn on him and sting him to death.

Problem is, he's really left himself no place to go if his alliance disintegrates. He can't very well flip to the Heroes because there's no way they'd trust him after he betrayed them before and got J.T. sent home.

If he was really smart, he would have somehow engineered and exit for Parv this week for betraying him and not telling him about her other idol.

04-30-2010, 09:53 AM
I agree about Russell. Again, I don't think he's as good as he thinks he is. Aligning with Parvati was kind of stupid, because she's a player. She's not a coattail rider like Natalie was. She's using him as much as he's using her and he's not quite the Survior Expert he thinks he is if he doesn't know how Parv plays the game.

I completely agree! I think Russell was charmed by Parvati in the beginning and now that some of the charm is wearing off, he's got nowhere to go. I think he'll see very soon that they should have gotten Parvati out when they had the chance.

I didn't like Candice from the beginning and now I like her even less. I wouldn't at all mind if she was the next to go.

04-30-2010, 10:11 AM
Actually, that only left Jerri and Sandra. Danielle won the individual Immunity necklace.
I had completely forgotten she won immunity. I agree it wasn't too difficult at that point.

Weird. And Amanda totally violated the unwritten rules of Survivor ... you don't steal clues or idols or any of that kind of stuff. It's just bad sportsmanship.

Seriously? All the conniving, scheming, lying and deceit that goes on and this is an unwritten rule? I don't buy it. It's like Amanda said, that clue was worth a million dollars and she just gave it away...

If it had been me, I would have ripped it up beyond recognition before giving it back.

Then they all sit around whispering about like it's some big secret. :confused: The whole incident just bugs me to no end.

This last episode Amanda acted so out of it. Nearly every view of her at that reward made her look as if she were strung out on drugs. She even admitted her heart was no longer in it. That seems to be a recurring theme this season.

04-30-2010, 10:29 AM
Seriously? All the conniving, scheming, lying and deceit that goes on and this is an unwritten rule? I don't buy it. It's like Amanda said, that clue was worth a million dollars and she just gave it away...Every game has boundaries. Admittedly, the boundaries in Survivor are a little more ambiguous than the norm, but it still has boundaries.

You can disagree with me and that's fine. I was just giving my opinion, but I would say that behavior like Amanda's is unquestionably frowned upon in the context of the game.

This last episode Amanda acted so out of it. Nearly every view of her at that reward made her look as if she were strung out on drugs. She even admitted her heart was no longer in it. That seems to be a recurring theme this season.You have to remember that, for many of these folks, this is their third time going through this (their original season, All Stars, and H. vs V.).

I don't have a hard time believing that some of these folks, especially ones like Colby and Jerri who are a full decade older than they were the first time they played, are finding it much more difficult to handle this time around.

04-30-2010, 01:04 PM
I think Danielle left the clue out where it was fair game. She should have tucked it in her bikini bottoms. But she left it on the floor. It was definitely available for the grabbing. And Colby should have played the hero not to Danielle, but to both of them, by suggesting that by now the clue should belong to all of us, and let's look at it together now. That would have been the fair and decent solution. Colby let that major opportunity fly by in siding with Danielle.

And Candice, though she is only trying to save her own butt, is being short-sighted and foolish to trust Russell. She could have helped sway the whole thing for a hero win and been in a better position herself, and she threw it away. Sandra was playing a good, hard game last night. In the end, Candice left her with no choice but to make that Amanda vote. I'm totally up for a Sandra win at this point, or even a Parvati win. They are the best players at this point in this game, to me.

04-30-2010, 03:13 PM
What the heck happened with Candice and the other Heroes for her to make such a bold move? Obviously we weren't shown all the dealings, cause I doubt she'd make such a big move just because she knew Russell had an idol and that made her nervous (like she said). :shrug: Ugh!

Candice was the one who (on Cook Islands) jumped ship (mutiny!) along with another team mate (Jonathan) to the other team. Leaving 4 players on her original team, including Yul, the eventual winner. BIG mistake that time! She was sent to exile island more than any other player too because they were so ticked off at her! I just don't get why she didn't stick true to the Heroes tribe in light of the disaster that resulted last time. :ack:

04-30-2010, 03:37 PM
Candice was the one who (on Cook Islands) jumped ship (mutiny!) along with another team mate (Jonathan) to the other team. Leaving 4 players on her original team, including Yul, the eventual winner. BIG mistake that time! She was sent to exile island more than any other player too because they were so ticked off at her! I just don't get why she didn't stick true to the Heroes tribe in light of the disaster that resulted last time. :ack:

Excellent point. I wasn't thinking of her history, but it did earn her some hard times and an early boot in that season. Now she has undoubtedly turned the heroes against her, and how far would she really get with Russell's crew? She was looking at a possible final four with the heroes. Now she's looking at maybe final five, but doubtful, and I can't imagine her winning any jury votes if she did make it that far.

04-30-2010, 03:38 PM
Seriously? All the conniving, scheming, lying and deceit that goes on and this is an unwritten rule? I don't buy it. It's like Amanda said, that clue was worth a million dollars and she just gave it away...

If it had been me, I would have ripped it up beyond recognition before giving it back.
Totally agree with you there. Most of the stuff that happens (aside from the challenges, which seem to be kept fair) is no-holds-barred, all's fair in love and war type of competition. Honor of any kind rarely comes into play, IMO. The mild catfight between Danielle and Amanda was amusing; would have been even funnier if Amanda and Colby had played "keep away" from Danielle with the clue, but Colby was acting zombie-ish and didn't play along. Seriously, if I were Amanda I would have opened up the clue right then and there and read it out loud, so all three would have known. And speaking of that particular reward, it was pretty lame that they all had to sleep together in one bed, while eating popcorn and watching a DVR showing "Treasure Island". All the decadent rewards they've had and they couldn't spring for a viewing theater and a couple of extra beds??

As far as Candice, she was just plain foolish. There had to have been more going on than her "fear" of the villains, because as Sandra said, both she and Candice are already done for. So flipping to the other side did nothing to advance Candice's position with either the Heroes or the Villains.

Honestly, I could care less that Amanda was voted out, but I would have loved to see Parvati and that grating smile of hers go.

04-30-2010, 05:17 PM
Seriously, if I were Amanda I would have opened up the clue right then and there and read it out loud, so all three would have known.

I was saying the same thing while watching. Why didn't she just read the clue aloud?!? Danielle wasn't acting any better than Amanda was about the whole thing, and I have to agree that Amanda was acting out of desperation. And Colby just laid there like a bump on a log, as has been his style this season. I can sum up his game this time with one word -- LAME.

05-01-2010, 07:18 PM
Ugh, I wish Candace and Sandra would have stuck with the heroes voted Russell out like they said at first! It would not surprise me if Russell wins the game although I hope not!

Problem is, he's really left himself no place to go if his alliance disintegrates. He can't very well flip to the Heroes because there's no way they'd trust him after he betrayed them before and got J.T. sent home.

I hope you are right but I am not sure. The heroes are pretty stupid and I am afraid Russell will once again find a way to gain their trust and get back in their good graces.

05-07-2010, 06:14 AM
No comments yet this morning, I'm surprised! What a great episode! I was pleased with both eliminations! Now that Sandra has the Idol she is looking stronger too! I do sort of miss it when they don't have a reward though and you know the last couple of season they haven't done where a family member comes to visit (which I'm sure was a logistical nightmare for Survivor but I always enjoyed it.)

05-07-2010, 07:11 AM
Yeah, it was a good episode last night. I was pretty happy with both votes, actually. I didn't really care for Candace or Danielle.

Russell played Danielle's ouster well. He was right to strike when he did. He was pretty clearly falling out of favor with the Villains, so it was definitely time to make a move.

05-07-2010, 07:28 AM
Russell played Danielle's ouster well. He was right to strike when he did. He was pretty clearly falling out of favor with the Villains, so it was definitely time to make a move.Very true. But you could literally see his ego puffing up when Danielle was voted out. He is full of himself again. :rolleyes:

It was a good show, but I kind of missed the reward challenge too (especially after the lame reward last week).

05-07-2010, 08:08 AM
Russell is making the same mistake he made last time-- not even thinking about the jury votes. I think it's a huge mistake to believe people will vote for your "superior" game play when you've bullied and threatened your way through the game. That will overshadow any strategy, no matter how solid.

But, Candice and Danielle are the two I most wanted to lose at this point. And Danielle did herself in, if she wasn't on her way to gone already, with that "I'm closer to Parvati than you think," plea. Ew! I don't want to know. Candice, still delusional. Amanda would have gone even without my vote? Then why change your game? She knows that's a total lie. Good riddance.

I'm still liking Sandra. Gaining respect for her. She's proving that her first win wasn't the fluke everyone thought it might be. She has learned from the game and adapted her strategy to suit the players, and she does it all under the radar at the right times. Plus, she can win jury votes. She is the only one who has built relationships on both sides.

05-07-2010, 08:36 AM
Russell is making the same mistake he made last time-- not even thinking about the jury votes. I think it's a huge mistake to believe people will vote for your "superior" game play when you've bullied and threatened your way through the game. That will overshadow any strategy, no matter how solid. It's hard to say, though. In the past, we have seen juries give the money to the player who played the hardest, not the one who was the most likeable. Last year was actually sort of an anomaly in that sense. Most of us thought for sure that Russell would win.

This jury being made up solely of expert Survivor players, I'd be more surprised if they made a similar decision. I think they'll give it to Russell if he makes it to the end, because he outplayed them all and they'll respect that.

... Danielle did herself in, if she wasn't on her way to gone already, with that "I'm closer to Parvati than you think," plea.I know!! As soon as those words left her mouth, I was like, "Buh-bye. You just sealed your own fate!"

Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. :shake:

Candice, still delusional. Amanda would have gone even without my vote? Then why change your game? She knows that's a total lie. Good riddance.Yeah, that was just silly. I was glad Colby called her on it.

I'm still liking Sandra. Gaining respect for her. She's proving that her first win wasn't the fluke everyone thought it might be.I have to agree once again. I don't like Sandra on a personal level, but I'm grudgingly starting to admit that she's a really good gamer.

I have to believe to some extent that she's a victim of poor editing. Maybe she's not enough of a "character" to give her a lot of air time, but she must be moving and shaking behind the scenes a bit to have stuck around this long.

I thought it was funny in the previews for next week when Russell says to her, "You're either with me or against me!" and without even a pause Sandra goes, "I'm against you, Russell."


05-07-2010, 09:18 AM
It's hard to say, though. In the past, we have seen juries give the money to the player who played the hardest, not the one who was the most likeable. Last year was actually sort of an anomaly in that sense. Most of us thought for sure that Russell would win.

This jury being made up solely of expert Survivor players, I'd be more surprised if they made a similar decision. I think they'll give it to Russell if he makes it to the end, because he outplayed them all and they'll respect that.

But it's not just a matter of being unlikable, in Russell's case. We've seen unlikable players be respected and win at the end, notably Rich Hatch. Rich was controlling with an in-your-face honesty, but he never bullied or threatened. People followed him because they wanted to-- he established a power base. And in the end, they respected the play because he respected the players. Not to mention his time was before the time of Immunity Idols. This takes some of the strategy out and add some luck. Rich staying to the end, impressive. Russell skating there on Immunity idols? Not so much.

Russell is showing no respect, to the process, to the game, to anyone playing. No one is going to reward that in the end. I would be very surprised. At that point, it's not a matter of being outplayed in the minds of the jury. It's a matter of being pushed around, threatened, cajoled, and forced out. That's not going to be seen as good game play or smart strategy. Smart strategic players know they have to face that jury in the end. Russell is not the master he thinks he is, and that's why he can't win at Survivor. I mean, time will tell, but I don't think he can.

05-07-2010, 11:19 AM
Ok I kinda love Russell or maybe love to hate Russell...I don't know. I've said it before...I'll say it again...I love it when people play the game and he plays the game with a lot of fire. Sometimes I think he goes a bit overboard but...it's the game. And yes...I’m still angry with him for getting Rob out when he did. He’s a troll for that. Will he win the final if he makes it to the final two...I’m not so sure...he’s certainly made a lot of enemies

Good gosh Colby...get into the game PLEASE...I'm shocked that you're still there...you're there because of LUCK...James got hurt and actually (step out of a reward challenge...fine...step out of a immunity challenge when you're on the chopping block...STUPID)...Candance saved you (not because she necessarily wanted to...but still...). Candance got what was coming to her. I’m all for switching alliances to your advantage but...I didn’t see the Villians totally welcoming her and she burned her bridges with the heros.

Cool move Rupert...you even fooled the Idol master...Luck was your lady that night.

Sneaky Sandra...you knew he was foolin’ and kept quiet. Very smart on your part. NOBODY will suspect YOU found it...it’s giving you a LOT of power IF you keep it to youself. Rupert...pay attention. If everyone quit looking for the idol and was hanging around camp when you returned...better suspect SOMEONE might have it or will have it soon. Don’t underestimate your enemies.

Danielle...what on earth were you thinking or were you thinking. Jerri’s light switch turned on...uhhh...you and Parvati are so close...you two are an alliance...uhh...hmmm exactly WHERE do “I” fit in. You’re so gone girlfriend...(in the meantime Parv thinks...”hush Danielle...hush”).
No loss on either Candance or Danielle. I’ve been wanting to break up Danielle and Parv for a long time. I guess they’re “best friends” now...they can shop for shoes when it’s over. I just think if that alliance didn’t break now it never would.

05-07-2010, 05:31 PM
I was very happy to see both Candace and Danielle go.

Great move by Rupert! He saved himself for sure by pretending he had an immunity idol in his pocket. Otherwise, he would have definitely been voted out.

Colby surprises me more every week. He is awful in every challenge. He is just not in this game at all!

I am glad Sandra has the idol. I hope she keeps her mouth shut about it and uses it wisely.

05-08-2010, 04:13 PM
Did I see Sandra put the idol back under a bush? What will keep someone else from finding it now that they know Rupert doesn't have it. She should have taken it back and hid it in her things.

This episode was pretty good. I do wish the others would have stood up to Russell and voted someone other than who he said out just to show him he isn't calling the shots but am also glad to see Danielle go. Would have rather it had been Parvati. That would have been a slap in his face and he would now know that no one is following him. I guess it is best to not let him know, though, and back door him. They should all do that the next TC.

05-13-2010, 10:08 PM
Eh, not too surprising. Colby will probably be next. Despite their badmouthing of each other, it looks like the Villains would rather face each other in the final three than someone from the Heroes tribe.

05-14-2010, 07:42 AM
That was sort of an iffy proposition for Russell last night. For awhile it was looking like things might blow up in his face, because I was pretty sure he was going to stick with Colby and Rupert and vote out Sandra. He does not like to be betrayed and he does not tolerate people who aren't 100% loyal to him, so I figured he'd go after her with a vengeance.

So I figured Sandra would play the idol, all votes against her would be nullified, and I actually thought the girls would try to get Russell out and that he would go home. I was pretty surprised it turned out to be Rupert.

Actually, I was frustrated to a degree that they didn't just all band together to vote Colby's worthless behind out. If I was Rupert I would have gone to everyone and said, "Look, I know my goose is cooked and that's fine. But please don't insult me by voting me out before Colby. At least I'm playing the game. That guy has been useless since he got here and he absolutely deserves to go home before I do."

Annoying or not, I think he could have sold that angle and lived to fight another day. But then again, that's always been my issue with Rupert ... he doesn't really play the game. He's just sort of there.

05-14-2010, 08:10 AM
But Ian, let's not forget that they're getting ready to face the jury. Most of them are thinking about the end game. Anyone you keep now could face the jury with you. And who wants Rupert to get in front of the jury? If he makes it that far, he will win. They know that. The villains only hope is banding together and being seen as either the clever mastermind or the lesser of evils. Sandra plays smart. She doesn't want to end up with Rupert and Colby- though Colby is more a keeper now, because it can be argued that he skated through this game. So of course they kept Colby over Rupert. It's not noble, it's Survivor.

Rupert's smartest move would have been to not trust Russell and give Sandra a reason to lose him now instead of next time. But he would have gone now or next either way without winning some immunities, I think. Jerri might be the one to look out for now for Sandra, Russell, and Parvati. She's in with the villains and they have been discounting her as as swing vote. But if she wins more, she could turn the tables and stay in this. And I'm thinking Jerri is not the hated villainess that she has been in the past. She has actually come off really well this season, enough to impress a jury if she can play it out.

05-14-2010, 10:26 AM
Just to share with you - my daughter has this wild "feeling" that Colby and Jerri have been playing this game as allies since before their feet hit the sand in Samoa. Since she has shared this with me I've been watching and thinking about it and she maybe on to something. Everyone knows Jerri hates Colby, Jerri got Colby out very early on in the last All Stars they played and everytime the others name has come out for sending one or the other home, the other one quitely suggests someone else. Could my daughter be right? I'm still not convinced. But if so this would be an all time shocker.

05-14-2010, 10:44 AM
Well it's pretty simple. With Rupert gone...Colby and Jeri are next. Russell KNOWS even though Colby has been nothing more than LUCKY and a "Pretty Face"...He will win the votes of the heros easily and probably take a couple of the villans on his sheer charm...(I personnally have been VERY disappointed in him this season and I'm a fan). Interestingly enough...clips "not shown on TV"...show that Colby's been trying to play a "laid back" game...the girls LOVE him. He's gotta go.

Jeri...She's flipped and flopped a few times but I think she can "easily" justify her actions when in front of the jury. She's gotta go.

Now we're down to Russell. They'll take him to the end because they're banking on the entire jury absolutely hating him. He has absolutely ZERO social skills. He's outwitted everyone on the jury but he was NOT nice about it. I think he's a fantastic player, I actually think he can be an interesting person in real life. But he's forgotten the rule about burning bridges. He will be in the final.

Parv. WOW...she stands a HUGE chance of winning. She's played a very strong game and no...I do NOT feel she's rode Russell's coat tails like Nichole???:confused: last season did. Parv plays "flirty girl" and admits it's her "power". But she's proven that she DOES have a brain. I think Russell "thinks" he's in control...but he just doesn't completely realize he has a "puppet master".

Sandra. She stands a good chance of winning. She has annoyed enough people to make her WORTH taking to the final. She pretty much stirred up the heros and got them to start questioning their alliances. She's been loyal to no one, but she's never hidden her nature. They all knew she couldn't be trusted but knew she couldn't win a challenge either. She can win because I don't think anyone is hyper emotional over her.

Right now...my money is on PARV.

Kinda interesting I see Russell, Parv and Sandra in the final 3. Both Sandra and Parv are "champions"...interesting.

05-14-2010, 11:21 AM
I don't envision a final three with Russell and Parv in it. I think there's enough tension between those two that one will turn on the other before it gets to final three time.

If I had to bank on it, I'd bank on Parv. I think Russell has overestimated his position in the game pretty much the entire time. He keeps talking like he's at the top of the food chain, but we all know that's really not the case.

The Parv/Jerri/Sandra alliance is going to be trouble. I suspect that might be your final three.

Think about it ... from each one's standpoint there's a reason to want the other in the finals. Parv has backstabbed to a degree and made people mad, Jerri has flipped and flopped a few times, and Sandra can at least be portrayed as a coattail rider.

I think Russell will go after Colby does, unless Colby wakes up and makes some kind of power move (which I doubt). Of course, who wins the next two immunities will go a long way towards determining who's in the finals. If Russell can win then things will definitely change, but Parv is really strong in challenges and I see no reason to think that Russell can or will beat her.

05-14-2010, 11:34 AM
... and Sandra can at least be portrayed as a coattail rider.... twice. And it already won her a $M once. She needs to go.

05-14-2010, 11:38 AM
I think you can win as a coattail rider in certain circumstances (see also: Natalie), but if Sandra was up against Parv she'd have no shot.

05-14-2010, 03:13 PM
As much as I hate to admit it, I do think Russell will be in the final three. It goes back to an interview after the Samoa finale, where he said he was the "biggest mastermind of the game" and "America's Sole Survivor". I think that he was hinting about what had happened on Heroes vs. Villains (up to that point, anyway). Will he win? I don't know....he was pretty full of himself both this game and the first one, until he got taken down a notch when he didn't win Samoa. He might have thought then that he was a shoe-in to win both.

05-14-2010, 04:34 PM
I could definitely see a final 3 of Parv. Sandra and Russell. Next go round they will vote out Colby. Then it is down to the final immunity challenge...and who WOULDN'T want to take Russell to the end?!?!? They know he won't get any votes. It seems Parv. and Sandra are getting closer. Unless Jerri wins the final immunity, I would say she is gone.

05-16-2010, 11:22 PM
How did I miss the fact that tonight was the finale? Never saw it advertised and thought we had another week. :confused: I almost missed it again this year. I missed the last one too. Fortunately was just flipping channels and saw it was on.

No surprises here but was really glad for the way it turned out! No votes but "the best player ever"? So glad the jury wasn't conned. I loved the flash backs and a little peek into what really happened in some instances. I actually wasn't disappointed this time around. Sounds like maybe they have revamped everything for the next one. I hope they get a little more original on the next one.

Loved the hat incident! :D Glad J.T. could laugh at himself and that he wasn't alone in the dumb moves.

05-16-2010, 11:55 PM
Well, I was kind of ticked that the show went into overtime (or it appeared to do so, based on the fact that my DVR cut out just as everyone was getting ready to vote). But after searching the internet, I was quite amazed to find out that Sandra won. I really did think that Parvati was going to win, but it was okay that Sandra did. I didn't get to see it, but for two Survivors in a row, it was worth it to know that Russell playing the game cut-throat does not necessarily translate into a win. Not that the other two were innocent, but compared to Russell they were.

05-17-2010, 12:42 AM
Well, I was kind of ticked that the show went into overtime (or it appeared to do so, based on the fact that my DVR cut out just as everyone was getting ready to vote). But after searching the internet, I was quite amazed to find out that Sandra won. I really did think that Parvati was going to win, but it was okay that Sandra did. I didn't get to see it, but for two Survivors in a row, it was worth it to know that Russell playing the game cut-throat does not necessarily translate into a win. Not that the other two were innocent, but compared to Russell they were.

Watching it now... jury questions. Now I can really enjoy seeing Russell's loss. Just didn't like him.

05-17-2010, 07:19 AM
So, who's a bigger sore loser, Russell or those two from Amazing Race!?

05-17-2010, 07:51 AM
Russell really is a sore loser. Not as bad as the two from TAR, but a very close second.

I mean the guy just doesn't get it! He just refuses to acknowledge that there's a social aspect to this game. I did think, though, that his point about really only playing once was somewhat valid. I presume (although I don't know for certain) that he didn't know the result of his first season before he played Heroes vs. Villains, so he probably would have tailored his game a bit this time around had he known how the first one turned out.

He is a great Survivor, no doubt. One of the best. But if he plays again he has to take the jury into account and remember he needs to leave some people on there who would actually vote for him. ;)

Boston Rob gets my vote for guy who ran his mouth with nothing to back it up. He was going to "kick Russell's behind all over the island" if they played again?? Rob, please ... the thing to do there was be gracious and admit that Russell beat you. Maybe a little, "Hopefully I'd get him next time" at the end, but the only behind that got kicked was yours Rob.

Parv should have won. Sandra is the most overrated two-time winner in history. I actually have no clue how she's won twice. As Russell pointed out, she's terrible in challenges, abrasive, and her big claim to fame from a strategy standpoint was that "she kept trying to get Russell out but failed." I'm disappointed in the jury for once again seeming to vote based on who they like more instead of who deserves to win.

Then again, if they voted on who deserved the win most Russell would be a two-time winner, not Sandra.

05-17-2010, 08:23 AM
Sandra won a jury over twice. Even if she did it as a lesser of evils, it's something. The social aspect of the game is too great to overlook. Staying under the radar isn't a favorite strategy of mine, but it's definitely a strategy. Plus, she made that connection with the jury that Parvati and Russell failed to make. And now the jury can see that she had a strategy to get rid of Russell if only they had gotten on board with her.

Parvati was pretty close, but she failed to make a strong closing argument on her own behalf. That whole "Russell was my dog" argument just sunk her with some of the jury. It put her game play into question along with his. She could have owned her strategy without making it sound like she employed him as an attack dog, which just tied her to the nasty side of Russell that wasn't getting any votes. Knowing how to make those closing arguments is a key part of Survivor. Russell still hasn't caught on to it, and wants to change the rules to win instead of learning how to work an end game. But you're right- he didn't know the final vote outcome of his first game while he was out playing his second. They were filming seasons back to back. I hope they don't bring any of these people back again. Enough with the All-Stars.

If Survivor wants to change anything, I would like to see it go back to the basics and eliminate immunity idols. Russell wants to think he's all strategy, but he wouldn't have made it to the end in either game if Survivor was still old school, no hidden bonus idols. Nicaragua looks promising-- at least some new scenery!

05-17-2010, 09:10 AM
Two points ... one, I need to give Sherri props because she clearly had a better read on how this was going to go than I did. I really thought this jury, being made up entirely of former players, would give Russell the money.

I'm always amazed (although I shouldn't be after seeing it so many times) at how bitter these juries get. The hypocrasy is unbelieveable. Everyone gets on their high horse at the end about how "they'd never compromise themselves or their ethics for the sake of the game" when more than half of them lied, cheated, and stole just as much as the people they're criticizing at the final tribal council!

I'll give Rupert credit ... at least he admitted that she didn't play a cleaner game than Russell did. He said something like , "I admit it ... I lied, I cheated, I stole."

I also find it sort of odd that people defended Amanda's stealing of the clue from Danielle, but then have a problem with the way Russell played the game. :confused:

05-17-2010, 09:21 AM
Ian, I think it's the bully tactics that people are against, not the actual strategy involved. People have lied. People have done what we might normally say was underhanded. Amanda didn't really steal the clue since Danielle just left it lying on the floor, but okay, people have stolen. It's all good by Survivor standards. But when you bully and threaten the people you expect to vote for you in the end, it's not a wise strategy. I don't think people are reacting to Russell's other strategic moves. Outplayed is outplayed. But they're reacting to his ego and the bullying/threats. That's just not cool. You're not going to bully and threaten me, insult me, make fun of me, and then convince me to give you a million dollars for it. I don't care if you did outlast me by being sneaky or clever. That's what the jury is reacting to when they refuse to vote for him. It's hard to respect the play when it's delivered with that kind of contempt.

05-17-2010, 09:26 AM
FIrst off, I really don't see Russell as a bully. He's brash and arrogant, but a bully? Not in my opinion.

You want a bully? Look at the Heroes side for a minute. James is the biggest bully to ever play this game, yet Amanda defends him right up to the end.

I think the bottom line has nothing to do with bullying (trust me ... most of these people are type A's and Alpha Males ... they've done plenty of bullying in their day). I think it's just that he's arrogant and annoying, so they don't like him and don't want to give him the money.

Which, at the end of the day, amounts to the same thing. He's not a good social game player.

05-17-2010, 09:37 AM
Which, at the end of the day, amounts to the same thing. He's not a good social game player.

I do think he bullied, and more than James, though James did as well and I didn't like him for it either. His threats against anyone who would go against him? Bullying. The whole "you vote with me, or else" tactic, never one that I like to see. But in the end, we're agreed that he's just not playing a good social game.

And I also agree with you about how petty and silly the jury can be in rehashing it, as if they conveniently forget how they weren't exactly honorable at all times. Coach is one of the biggest ones for that. But I enjoyed watching Coach this time around. I love the Ponderosa scenes at the CBS website and how different the players can be once they're out of the game.

05-17-2010, 09:47 AM
Sandra won a jury over twice. Even if she did it as a lesser of evils, it's something. The social aspect of the game is too great to overlook. Staying under the radar isn't a favorite strategy of mine, but it's definitely a strategy. Plus, she made that connection with the jury that Parvati and Russell failed to make. And now the jury can see that she had a strategy to get rid of Russell if only they had gotten on board with her.I agree. The argument that I'm hearing all over the internet and TV coverage today of those saying that Russell should have won is silly, IMO. The fact that the jury did not vote for him means that he did something wrong. To get to the final three twice and lose the jury vote means that his strategy was not the right one to ensure a win. I give him kudos for sticking to his game plan, but to think that a bunch of people are going to altruistically vote for you because you schemed, lied, double-crossed and schmoozed better than they did is to not understand human nature.

I hope they don't bring any of these people back again. Enough with the All-Stars. Same here, I'm ready for some new faces. Especially Russell. And not that this has any impact on the game, but I've always doubted his claim that he is a millionaire. He is from Dayton, just 17 or so miles east of where I live. It is out in the sticks and not a very wealthy area. If he was really sitting on all that money, there are a lot of other areas in and around Houston where the property values would hold up his investment better.