View Full Version : Princess DI

08-28-2009, 04:33 PM
I see there is an exibit of Princess Diana at DTD during Sept. Is there an interance fee for this, and where is it exactly?

08-28-2009, 05:16 PM
Here are all of the details from the press release:


Hope you enjoy it :thumbsup:

09-04-2009, 03:28 PM
I went to the exhibit on August 29, 2009. The entrance fee was $13.68. I went by myself while DH and two boys went to Disney Quest.

I had had high hopes for this exhibition and was looking forward to it as a possible highlight. It certainly did not live up to my expections, not even close.

As you enter there are large signs stating there are no public washrooms. You had to go approximately one block up or one block down.

The afternoon that I went it was absolutely dead. About three couples and a few singles like myself. I asked the attendant how long the exhibit took. Answer- 30 minutes or so.

The place was very empty. A lot of the exhibts had pictures that I had previously seen in the news. A lot of blowup cardboard pictures and news articles. There was a collection of approximately 10 dresses. The one I did like quite a bit was the Scottish dress. Very pretty and fitting for the occasion. The were videos in most sections giving descriptions. Again most of what was previously seen on tv. There were several displays of invations to various dinners, lunches and one to a birthday party for Harry.

To sum it up it was far from spectular. Very ho, hum indeed. Very lack luster in presentation.

If someone were to ask me if it was worthwhile to go in. Absolutely not. You would be better off to purchase a nice pictorial history book on the royal family or Diana and be far more delighted.

Bottomline line- Disappointment from a true royal watcher. 3 out 10 would be generous. :(