View Full Version : Going on a Moose Safari!

07-15-2009, 11:30 AM
We're still about 3 1/2 weeks away from our summer vacation to the White mountains in NH, but we've already reserved seats on a bus that takes you on a three hour excursion to see MOOSE in their natural habitat. While a small part of me questions the rights and wrongs of whether these type of tours are disturbing the moose, I couldn't resist the opportunity to see these magnificent creatures in the wild. I like the idea of the tour too, because I rather be guided to them and observe some sort of protocol, rather than searching them out on my own and not only risk disturbing them, but running into one with my car!
Anyway, I hope we see some really huge bull moose out there. I think it would be quite a thrill. Wish me luck. :pine:

07-15-2009, 03:01 PM
It sounds like it might be a nice tour. As long as the company doesn't disturb the moose in any way or and doesn't allow anyone to feed them I don't see anything wrong with it. Seeing animals in their natural surroundings is much better than seeing them locked up in a zoo.

When we were at the Grand Canyon 2 years ago we stayed at the El Tovar Hotel on the South Rim. We had huge moose coming up to our balcony every night. It was so cool.

07-15-2009, 09:12 PM
Good luck! I hope you see one! I look for moose every time we go North and have never, ever seen one. I'd love to hear your report when you get back :thumbsup:

07-15-2009, 10:20 PM
They are awesome creatures to see up close.

Many years ago my wife and I were drving in a Provincial Park in Ontario and came around a corner to see a huge bull standing in the middle of the road. Our little Chevy Chevette almost could have driven under him.
The camera was on the seat between us but neither of us thought to grab it and take pictures. After a minute or two he just looked at us and wandered of into the bush.

Another time we saw a female with her calf in a stream just off the road up in northern Minnesota.

08-18-2009, 07:17 AM
I hope you had a great trip did you see any moose?...don't worry about disturbing these animals they are very huge and "go where they want"...hence my front yard... I lived in Nh and now Maine on the Nh border....

I hope you enjoyed the time and saw other animals as well. The next time you travel to NH try the HOBO train ride in Nh at Conway or clark's trading post..I get them confused...but that is a nice seenic train ride. in the fall is the best.

enjoy your trip where ever they may be!!

08-18-2009, 11:40 AM
Do Not, repeat Do Not place yourself between a mama moose and her young one! On a trip to Yellowstone I happened to see a baby munching and was taking a picture while standing well back from it with my telephoto lens when mama came up behind me. Silly me , I thought the other moose lady standing next to it was the mother. With a loud snorting noise she was bearing down on me with kill the stupid woman in her eyes. I really don't think I've ever in my life run as fast as I did that day getting out of her way. Once I was not in a direct path to junior she calmed right down and then stood there waiting for everyone to get pictures of the happy little family. Every few years my hubby drags out the pictures he took of my encounter while the whole family laughs like maniacs.

08-21-2009, 06:02 PM
Hello everyone. Yes, we saw moose, but not until after dark so we got little in the way of pictures or videos of the experience, but we did get to see some moose, including a mother and a baby, which we dared not approach. I was, however, surprised by the fact that the tour guide let us out of the bus whenever we saw a moose and we were basically standing right next to them.

Other highlights of our NH vacation were going up Mt. Washington on the Cog Railway, finding the "Lost" River and crawling around inside glacial caves, eating at Polly's Pancake Parlor, and going to Storyland and Santa's Village with the kids. if I have time, I'll write a trip report. I've been having trouble logging into Intercot lately.

Going to start planning the 2010 vacation, so I'll be posting here more often in the future. Where are we going you ask? Why WDW, of course! :mickey:
Wish me luck.