View Full Version : Last Week Of August Crowds/Weather

02-15-2009, 02:11 PM
We would like to stay for a week. It is getting more difficult to take our childrn out of school. We are thinking of the end of August as school doesn't start until after Labor Day. We need information on crowds/weather/discounts. Thanks


02-15-2009, 02:27 PM
The weather is easy - HOT!!!!! Oh, and a little thing called humidity is pretty unpleasant, too. It's also peak hurricane season, so that's always a risk. Hurricanes do cool things off a bit, but they tend to be a bit on the blustery side.

As for discounts...who knows? In the past the "free" dining has popped up the last week of August, but not always. And, I've been hearing quite a few rumors (unsubstantiated at the moment) that the "free" dining won't be offered to the general public this year. That would have an impact on crowds, I'm sure, as many people now plan their vacation around that promotion.

As for crowds...the end of August still isn't bad. Most people wanting the "free" dining wait until September and most schools are back in session so I'd say, even though there's not really an off season anymore, you could expect moderately low to low crowds.

02-15-2009, 02:48 PM
I am thinking that the last week of August/first week of September the heat isn't quite as bad. I will do some research. We would be pool people during the day with parks in the evening

02-15-2009, 03:10 PM
We used to vacation in Florida quite a bit during that time period. The weather is a little more comfortable than say July, but it is still hot. Most kids have returned back to school by then, so we always enjoyed fairly low crowds. I think it's a great time to be there. The only drawback is that the park hours do tend to reflect the lower crowds and they don't stay open as late.

02-15-2009, 03:20 PM
I am thinking that the last week of August/first week of September the heat isn't quite as bad. I will do some research. We would be pool people during the day with parks in the evening

Um, no. You would be mistaken. The heat is intense. This is one of the most intense times for Florida heat and humidity. We love heat, but we went in the last week of August and said we would never return at that time. It really slows you down. Crowds, however, were moderate so if you can stand the oppressive heat, then you'll do well at the end of August.

Though, a lot of people have the same idea- to stay at the pool during the heat and then hit the parks at night. Mornings are less crowded than evenings and weekends have larger crowds. Also, the heat intensity and sun make it hard to even enjoy pools for long in the afternoon. Take lots of breaks indoors and be sure to wear sunscreen.

02-15-2009, 03:41 PM
We've been twice at the end of August, and it isn't too bad a time to go.

The heat is crazy, and the humidity is worse :mad: but we've more than managed...drinking a lot of water, and
taking breaks in air-conditioned stores and rides.

The up-side of going then is that the crowds are fairly low, and we've been able to take advantage of free dining both times we went.

So, it isn't perfect, but not a bad time at all!

02-15-2009, 04:35 PM
This is our week. Ideally, go the middle of the prior week and leave before the Labor day crowds come. The crowds are much lower but the pSt couple of years the crowds have grown. The economy will probably take care of that, sadly.

The weather is pretty awful, but the trade off with lower crowds is way worth it. I personally don't mind the heat. Take the trip insurance- we were caught in the hurricaine several years ago and had to spend extra days (how terrible).

02-15-2009, 05:03 PM
We're going the last week of August too. I wish I could say we were going another time of year, but this was the only week we could go this year. I am not looking forward to the heat and humidity, but am glad to read about lower crowds. I'm glad we'll have the nice Beach Club pool to take breaks at. This thread has definitely helped me gain some perspective though. I think any day at Walt Disney World can be a good day though, that's what it really comes down to. :mickey:

02-15-2009, 07:01 PM
I am glad I started this thread as the information and discussion are great. There are many issues to consider. It will be great to be at Disney for a relaxing week at the end of summer. The weather needs much consideration as it is a major issue. It is good there is much time to discuss and research before making a decision

02-15-2009, 07:08 PM
If you want exact data on the weather go to Info Central and check the historic weather conditions section. You can see the exact high/low and rain amount for each day for the last 5 years. I realize what's oppressive to someone from up north might not feel as bad to those of us more used to it, so those numbers should help. However, if you don't live in a southern climate, nothing can prepare you for the tropical humidity.

02-15-2009, 07:24 PM
Strmchsr: Your weather information has been very helpful when we planned prior trips. Of course those were January and February so they presented different issues. Lots to consider including the pool at the Beach Club