View Full Version : Christian Bale is Super Lame

02-04-2009, 01:42 PM
I was disgusted to watch the four minute Christian Bale tirade today. Bale is spouting off because the cinematographer walks through the set while he was acting a scene. Apparently, the audio tape was kept for insurance purposes in case Bale walked off the set of Terminator IV.

There are apologists out there who say that Bale was shooting a very emotional scene at the time, and that this isn't an atypical situation on movie sets. But you never hear of a Tom Hanks going off on members of the crew. There are no reports of Denzel Washington or Nicole Kidman treating co-workers badly.

I'm not at all impressed with Mr. Foul-Mouthed Bale!

02-04-2009, 01:57 PM

Please remember this is a family site. NO references to foul language, implied or otherwise are allowed. Please do not link to or refer to any website hosting Christian Bale's tirade as it's NOT appropriate for our site.

Let's keep this discussion to rumors of how stars treat co-workers and film staff.

02-04-2009, 03:49 PM
Was it wrong? Yes. But I bet this type of thing happens all the time. It just so happened that someone taped this tirade and leaked it 6 months after the fact.... I think everyone is jumping all over him when we don't even know the whole situation. Again I will say that whatever the full story is, he certainly went on too long and his use of foul language was over the top, but everybody has meltdowns after long stressful days and without knowing the whole situation I think people need to cut him a little bit of slack. Whoopi Goldberg I felt put things into perspective when they talked about this on The View.

02-04-2009, 03:51 PM
Except that he is known as a "Rage-a-holic" I remember a couple years ago his sister and mother had refernced the fact that he can flip out on the drop of a dime. I think no matter what the reason there is no reason to demean or attact somebody like that. I have had long stressful days and had someone actually hurt me emotional all in the same day and I would never dream of treating someone that way.

02-04-2009, 04:46 PM
Ugh. I've never been a fan. I didn't like him in Little Women, and I haven't liked him in anything since.

02-04-2009, 05:13 PM
There are apologists out there who say that Bale was shooting a very emotional scene at the time, and that this isn't an atypical situation on movie sets.
Somehow I don't think emotional scene and Terminator IV can be used in the same sentence.

But, it must be real stressful to have everything handed to you on a silver platter for a couple months making insane amounts of money and have to deal with these major distractions like people walking around in your periphery. Oh the horror!

02-04-2009, 06:00 PM
I'm disappointed to hear this in that I've always liked Christian Bale, but I think it's becoming more and more apparent that he's got an issue keeping his anger in check.

That said, I do think this happens more than we realize on movie sets. Does it make it right? No. I remember being shocked at the time when my cousin told me about witnessing Mel Gibson going off big time on the set of 'The Patriot' (which was partially filmed on her land). Not surprised now of course, but again, I'm sure it happens a lot.

02-04-2009, 06:44 PM
I'm sure you're right, Mel, in that it happens more often than we know. But how sad if that is true. Is it understandable that he got frustrated about something? Of course--but in no way, shape or form is there any excuse for a tirade like that. It was almost frightening. I have always liked Christian Bale too (especially in Little Women), but I doubt I will ever look at him the same way again.

02-04-2009, 11:24 PM
But, it must be real stressful to have everything handed to you on a silver platter for a couple months making insane amounts of money and have to deal with these major distractions like people walking around in your periphery. Oh the horror!
Because everyone knows that having lots of money makes your life perfect and carefree :confused:

02-07-2009, 12:22 AM
I see what Disney Rox is saying. These actors are working at a job. One that they get payed a lot of money to do. Even though we do not know all of the circumstances, can you imagine someone in an office talking like that to a co-worker. :shake:

02-09-2009, 12:47 PM
Wow...alot of judging going on in this thread, huh?

I guess no one ever heard the tapes of Casey Kasum, Orson Wells, or Paul Anka losing it?

It happens, people under stress sometimes snap.

Besides...Bale is and always will be the Batman. :D

02-09-2009, 01:24 PM
Wow...alot of judging going on in this thread, huh?:D
Yep, it happens in a personal opinion thread. I suppose there is no difference in judging Christian Bale the there would be judging anyone else ... we don't know the whole story and since his personality doesn't really affect my entertainment level, I still love his movies.

02-09-2009, 03:03 PM
Yep, it happens in a personal opinion thread. I suppose there is no difference in judging Christian Bale the there would be judging anyone else ... we don't know the whole story and since his personality doesn't really affect my entertainment level, I still love his movies.If the only movies he'd ever been in had been Batman Begins, American Psycho, The Machinist, etc. it probably wouldn't affect my opinion as much either. But as the personification of Laurie in Little Women (yeah, I know, a chick flick--but it's where I first grew to like him), it's harder to overlook. :/

I know you're either shaking your head or laughing at me now, Michael. ;)

ll MaJiK ll
02-09-2009, 03:27 PM
I listened to this tirade a couple days ago and was disgusted by it. I lost respect for Bale.

02-09-2009, 03:42 PM
If the only movies he'd ever been in had been Batman Begins, American Psycho, The Machinist, etc. it probably wouldn't affect my opinion as much either. But as the personification of Laurie in Little Women (yeah, I know, a chick flick--but it's where I first grew to like him), it's harder to overlook. :/

I know you're either shaking your head or laughing at me now, Michael. ;)
Little Women is one one of my favorite movies! I just figure people are crazy. I have had stranger things happen to me at Starbucks ... so it's ok. :mickey:

02-09-2009, 04:07 PM
I just figure people are crazy.
They are. Everyone has their skeletons.

First time I ever heard the tape of Paul Anka tearing his own band to pieces backstage after a show I was shocked, but then after I started hearing more and more tapes of people like that losing their minds it kind of made me realize that they're no different from anyone else.

Well, they are in that their work and their image is more scrutinized than normal people's.

Just ask Jessica Simpson. ;)

But seriously, another example is Lou Costello. Amazing when you find out how he really was in real life.

02-09-2009, 09:07 PM
I don't judge Christian Bale's behavior any differently than I judge anyone else's. I like Alec Baldwin on 30 Rock, but what did I think of his cell phone rant at his daughter? Super lame.

I don't hold famous people any more accountable for their behavior than my boss, co-worker, doctor, neighbor, etc. But I don't hold them less accountable either.
