View Full Version : Checking a car seat?

01-23-2009, 03:41 PM
How do you check a child's car seat with the airline? Do you put it in your luggage? Or just hand it over to at the check in counter?

Right on the side of our seat it says you cannot use it on a plane.

Thank you for your advice.

Dopey's Girl
01-23-2009, 04:39 PM
When I have been with my friends and they were checking the seat, it was done right at the check in counter. Pretty easy. I would just suggest that you put it in a bag of some kind so it doesn't get too dirty (or damaged) in the luggage compartment!

01-23-2009, 05:12 PM
When we've done that in the past, we just handed it over the counter. They usually put it in a large plastic bag and tag it. Simple really.

01-23-2009, 09:00 PM
It depends on what kind of car seat it is. If you are still using the rear facing one that fits in your stroller you can keep it all the way until you get to the gate and then check it. You get a ticket and pick it up as you leave the plane. That way if baby falls asleep, he/she can take a nap in the car seat and be comfortable. Also, I have been put next to an empty seat many times when flying with my daughter. The airlines like the baby to stay in the car seat if there are available seats on the plane for safety. If it is a big forward facing carseat, check it right away when you check in for your flight.

01-23-2009, 11:03 PM
You can also buy special car seat luggage bags at places like Babies R Us. We used one for several years, then sold it at a garage sale. Completely worth it. It is shaped like a toddler's card seat and has a carrying strap.

01-24-2009, 10:51 AM
They put ours in a plastic bag that last few times. The first time, we were using a two piece booster, they tagged each piece, didn't put it in a bag and they got separated and very scuffed from the journey. I'm sure if you ask they'll bag it up for you and it will be one less item for you to hall, as you can ditch the bag at the airport and start using the seat. Or, just bring a clear bag of your own. I'd definitely check it. :mickey: