View Full Version : best place to get fresh lobster in San Diego

01-17-2009, 01:22 PM
Found great air fare to SanDiego. I get to spend one day at Disneyland:thumbsup:But I also want to try some fresh lobster. I have never done this before. Any ideas?

01-18-2009, 07:38 PM
I didn't think that California had fresh lobster :D
"real good lobster" comes from MAINE. :number1:
I think the California lobster is rock lobster and when I had it years ago it wasn't that good, but I grew up on the east coast :blush:
Good luck in your quest.
Maybe you can google seafood restaurant reviews.

01-18-2009, 10:16 PM
The best lobster I had while living in San Diego/La Jolla was in Baja California, Mexico. You have to drive a few hours but it was always worth the trip. If you want to stay north of the border, check out the reviews on a restaurant review site like Yelp. And for what it's worth (I haven't been back to the area since I graduated from grad school many, many, many moons ago), one of the best places for seafood in general was Point Loma Seafood, a casual dining place with great food.

Enjoy your trip!

01-19-2009, 12:10 PM
If you are determined to try lobster, I would suggest Anthony's in downtown San Diego. I'm guessing the lobster is from Baja. If you want to try some good local seafood, I'm with Ellen - go to Point Loma Seafoods. Both are easy to Google.

01-19-2009, 01:01 PM
I moved from San Diego about a year and a half ago and the only thing I miss (besides friends and family of course) is Point Loma Seafood. Excellent fish and a great place to sit and watch the boats. I grew up in Maine so I never considered getting Lobster in San Diego. My mother would bring some from Maine on dry ice when she came.

01-23-2009, 11:42 PM
Sorry, I feel a little stupid. Being from the midwest I just assumed where there was an ocean you would find good lobster.:blush:Guess I will try something else..

01-24-2009, 02:50 PM
Don't let the folks from the Northeast sway you! There is lobster, it's just different but certainly no less tasty (in my book, anyway).

Off topic since you were looking for spiny crustaceans... if you can fit it into your travel plans, head over to El Indio. I still think about their food, and it's been a few decades now.

01-31-2009, 12:32 PM
Point Loma had some good seafood. But the lobster I had in San Diego wasn't great. It was tasteless and small from Rockin' Baja -- which in retrospect, probably isn't known for their seafood. It's hard to beat Boston lobstah...

01-31-2009, 11:44 PM
Tiggerlovr9000 Don't feel bad, I live in the northeast and didn't realize that there was "other" lobster until I had "rock lobster"
The "real lobster" that you see pictured, big, red with nice looking claws and tale is the lobster from the northeast. (BTW, the lobster isn't red until it's cooked, before that the shell is greenish,black color)
And it is in my opinion the best tasting lobster in the world. but... I'm biased.