View Full Version : Rock of Love Bus!

01-08-2009, 01:43 PM
I know it's some of the trashiest television around, but I just started watching the newest saga in Brett Michael's search for "love"!

Anyone else here watching?

01-08-2009, 02:35 PM
Its a guilty pleasure lol. I have watched the other 2 seasons and am sure this one wont be a disappointment either! Some of the comments that bret says r funny. I enjoy it!

01-08-2009, 02:39 PM
It's also a guilty pleasure of mine! :secret: I can't wait until all of the "blondetourage" is gone. They drive me crazy!

01-08-2009, 04:17 PM
Cool! I'm always happy to find others watching the same garbage I watch! I don't feel so alone! ;)

01-08-2009, 04:40 PM
One persons garbage is another one treasure lolol...

01-10-2009, 06:29 PM
Alright, I admit it, I tune in.....BUT, I am mostly watching this season so I know the girls for a spin off ( Love of Money, or Charm School). I was absolutely disgusted in the first episode. Thank God he got rid of those girls. I guess I will keep tuning in though.....

01-18-2009, 07:26 AM
I just finally saw last week's episode! I was sad to see Samantha leave! I liked her...she reminded me of a pixie!

I can definitely understand why Brett has never been able to find "true" love! He likes the trouble makers and girls with mental problems. I know this was mentioned during the last season, but it just gets more apparent all the time!

01-21-2009, 07:15 AM
Call me a spoil sport, but I dont believe Brett is even looking for love. I think he is looking for entertainment and money- which leads him to making three Rock of Loves. This is purely for television. But......I still tune in! My favorite so far is Taya.

01-21-2009, 12:43 PM
I'm sure you're right!

I saw him on Cribs with his daughters. Those girls are definitely going to grow up watching how he treats women and have some mental problems themselves!

01-25-2009, 01:48 PM
Sonja, you crack me up, I haven't been around here as much, but always good to see you my old Survivor buddy! I haven't seen this one yet, has he not settled on anyone??

01-25-2009, 07:13 PM
The season has really just started... tonight will only be the third or fourth episode. The great thing about this show is that you can come into it at any point and not feel like you've really missed anything.

Beverly is my chosen chick for this season. She seems like she has a good head on her shoulders, though, so it may not be a good choice for Brett!

01-25-2009, 07:14 PM
Oh yeah, Murphy1, Survivor starts up again February 12!

01-26-2009, 07:21 AM
I am not really into Beverly. I was in the beginning, but not now. I kind of like Taya. I think she seems ok. They are all a little wacky. I really cant stand that Ashley chick....

01-26-2009, 12:47 PM
I was adamantly not going to watch this, but I ended up watching anyway. Ashley's deadpan camera confessions crack me up. I don't like her, but like laughing when she comes on. I like Beverly, too, but I don't see her ending up with Brett. I think the one with the pierced dimples might be the one for him this time. Is it Natalaya? I'm not sure of names.

Brett is such a hypocrit! First, he had to talk with Beverly because she wasn't into the whole "date in a strip club scene." Ick. Who would be? And he told her he wanted her to loosen up and "be herself" when she just explained to him that she was being herself- not loving the strip scene and she has kids at home. Brett observed that the kids weren't there-- well, duh, Brett, but the show's on TV. Then last night, he was miffed at Beverly for kissing the drummer. Maybe he should a) talk to his drummer and b) look in the mirror. What was with his whole "I wouldn't go to your party and make out with your friends?" Oh really, Brett? You do it every day of filming Rock of Love! I would have told him that I would be exclusive when he was ready to be exclusive, too. But Beverly just happily moved on. I like that won't tramp it up just to appeal to him. He really is a pig.

01-26-2009, 02:11 PM
Wow, Sherri, now I really can't wait to see last night's episode! I hadn't seen it yet! I'm intrigued!

01-26-2009, 03:19 PM
Sherri, hahhaha!!!!! Leave it to you to tell it, that was hilarious!

01-26-2009, 04:32 PM
Sorry, Sonja, I hope I didn't spoil anything for you. I didn't mention who got booted after all, so it is still worth watching.

I heard they're casting for Daisy of Love next. I can't believe they are giving her a show of her own.

01-26-2009, 09:15 PM
Oh, don't worry, you didn't spoil anything! I watched it tonight and I still enjoyed every trashy minute! I have to say, though, that as much as I liked Beverly, I was really disappointed that she would kiss that guy!

I was watching the show tonight and watching all the girls run around in their very skimpy outfits and wonder why the only Intercotees that 'fess up to watching this show are us girls?! Don't guys watch it? Don't they know what they're missing? ;)

01-26-2009, 10:09 PM
I finally drew the line with this show. I tried to watch the first episode and it was just horrid and I just can't watch anymore.

01-26-2009, 10:58 PM
I was adamantly not going to watch this, but I ended up watching anyway. Ashley's deadpan camera confessions crack me up. I don't like her, but like laughing when she comes on. I like Beverly, too, but I don't see her ending up with Brett. I think the one with the pierced dimples might be the one for him this time. Is it Natalaya? I'm not sure of names.

Brett is such a hypocrit! First, he had to talk with Beverly because she wasn't into the whole "date in a strip club scene." Ick. Who would be? And he told her he wanted her to loosen up and "be herself" when she just explained to him that she was being herself- not loving the strip scene and she has kids at home. Brett observed that the kids weren't there-- well, duh, Brett, but the show's on TV. Then last night, he was miffed at Beverly for kissing the drummer. Maybe he should a) talk to his drummer and b) look in the mirror. What was with his whole "I wouldn't go to your party and make out with your friends?" Oh really, Brett? You do it every day of filming Rock of Love! I would have told him that I would be exclusive when he was ready to be exclusive, too. But Beverly just happily moved on. I like that won't tramp it up just to appeal to him. He really is a pig.

I dont think I could have said it any better! You rock girl!

01-28-2009, 12:17 AM
I'm right there with you all, guiltily setting my DVR so I don't miss an episode! :thedolls: