View Full Version : Some New Year...

01-05-2009, 08:58 PM
...at least so far!
3 days before Christmas I broke my big toe trying to extricate el grande gato from under the Disney tree in our foyer... Tomorrow I return for X-Rays to see how it all is and should be getting my Post-Op shoe off - inconvenient, but not so much of a problem.

Tomorrow, Christy was going to fly with her Mom to California to take her Grandma (who came here 3 years ago to be taken care of while a son out there tried to get paperwork done to have her put in a Nursing Home because of advancing Alzhiemers.) They were driving to come send the night in our guest-house so I could drop everyone off at the airport at 4 am, when we got the call that they had been in a head-on accident.
We're sitting and waiting for news, but it doesn't look like anyone was hurt seriously (Mom has been examined and nothing broken - but some bruising - G-Ma is still waiting to be checked over.)

She's 82 years old, so we're more worried about her...so keep her in your thoughts (and my wife who busy pulling her hair out - she's NOT good atwaiting.)

01-06-2009, 10:23 AM
12:30 am everyone made it to our house -
Their van is probably totalled.
Mom-in-Law & Grandmom were bruised and some pulled muscles, but nothing broken.
Unfortunately, CT Scan on Grandmom showed spots on her brain, and she has had a history a Stage 4 Melanoma - so on top of Alzhiemer's it looks like the cancer has matastisized and spread to her brain.
Did get them all to airport at 5 am but so far have had no sleep - spent what little time I was in bed staring at the cielling running through remembering going through all of this just a few years ago with my own Mother...

01-06-2009, 11:12 PM
Oh no Ice, that's terrible :( Lots and lots of pixie dust, I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts. I hope everything turns out alright, hang in there! :pixie: :pixie: :pixie: :pixie:

01-07-2009, 11:56 AM
Well, Ice let's hope our troubles for 2009 are now behind us. We just had to put our dog of 11 1/2 years down. Buster had been battling cancer since September.:tink:

01-07-2009, 06:10 PM
So sorry to hear this dude. :(

01-08-2009, 05:35 AM
Oh Ice, I'm so sorry. Glad no bad injuries on that car accident for them. :pixie::pixie::pixie:

Were you using power tools again? Tell us the true! :thedolls:

01-08-2009, 08:43 AM
Oh no! I'm so glad they weren't seriously hurt! How scary!! Much :pixie: to you and your family. Hope the toe heals quickly.


01-08-2009, 10:03 PM
Were you using power tools again? Tell us the true!
For once, and despite rumours to the contrary, no power tools were involved in the injury of my toe... Only a cat tangled in a Christmas Tree and a half awake Ice running at my best version of full steam into a door frame.
The boot is off - he says it only looks like a little fracture but is healing very well. Must stay on what he has prescribed and BE CAREFUL! I had to tell my back doctor about it today... he kinda laughed. I was still nursing wrenching my back trying to body surf at Waimea Bay so thanks to both incidents I've had to undergo a few intramuscular back-shots since getting back from Hawaii.

Tink I am so sorry to hear about your dog... they re like family members, especially after that long. When my wife lost both of her cat's that she'd had for 13 years it broke my heart to see how much it hurt her... and now these new kitties do nothing but cause trouble (and me to break my toe!!!) But, they are our babies!

Christy called me lat night to say her Grandmom had been checked by a doctor since getting her to California and says she has pretty bad whiplash (duh, I'm not a doctor and I could have diagnosed that!) She see's her regular doctor (I guess?) on Monday and they'll run more tests concerning the spots on her brain and see where else it is. She's been visiting family with her Mom, and she says it seems to be cheering her up a bit to see family.

Insurance company accidentally called me to discuss the van... Christy's Mom had tried to give them Christy's cell number so they could contact her during the trip, but our cell numbers are only 1 digit away and she confuses so easily, so they called me. Gave them the right number... dunno what the sitch was tho'.


01-08-2009, 11:09 PM
Best wishes to all of you for the rest of the year. Sounds like you and Marla have had quite a rough start.

In the past...when things have started off badly I just convince myself that I'm just getting all the bad stuff out of the way EARLY!

Hopefully ya'll remembered to eat your black-eyed peas and/or your 12 grapes at midnight.

01-09-2009, 07:21 AM
Ok, my curiosity is piqued -
I've always heard of the whole black eyed peas, cabbage and ham for the 1st meal of the New Year, but what does the 12 grapes represent?