View Full Version : Easter crowds

12-17-2008, 10:24 AM
We just booked for April 11 - 17th - we were able to get two premium sites in the campground. I was really surprised and now I am wondering whether the eonomy is catching up to disney - maybe (should I hope too much) the crowds will be more managable than usual for that time of year - any thoughts?:secret:

12-17-2008, 10:43 AM
In some years, Easter doesn't fall during the spring break for much of the country and in those years, it's a little less crowded in the weeks surrounding Easter. In 2009, our schools (Northeast) break later than Easter, closer to the end of the month. So that could play a part, or it could be the economy, too.

12-17-2008, 12:27 PM
Many of the schools near us are closed the week prior to Easter this year. I know quite a few families that are going down then.

The economy and airfares are more than likely starting to show an effect though, too. Spring is more new bookings as opposed to Christmas where people had been booked prior to the downturn.