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10-15-2008, 01:52 PM
Hello. Sorry I haven't been on here in enons. Things have been crazy. (long post)

Still working at the same place. Still the same office "stuff".

We are settled into our new home. Met quite a few of the neighbors. Been to a few functions. DH & I are on the Board of the HOA. Our dog has adjusted quite well to the new house. She loves it and stays in shape with all the stairs we have. There are 13 that go from the 1st to 2nd floor. There are 17 that go from the basement to the 1st floor, and 4 that go from the bonus room to another bedroom. For a grand total of 34 stairs. I've been getting my exercise ;)

My step-daughter "H" has NOT improved. As some of you may remember, she is Anorexic. She went to a rehab center last year for 65 days. She came home in January. She weighed 79 pounds when she went away and weighed 99 pounds when she came back. Guess what? She still weighs 99 pounds she has not gained anything in 10 months. :shake:

She was eating what she was suppose to - but we don't know what kind (if any) exercise she has been doing. She's not suppose to be doing any. She was seeing a therapist, specialist, and nutritionist. After 10 months of getting no where with all 3 of them, we have stopped taking her. She's lying to all 3 of them and only telling them what they want to hear. I had spoken with her therapist. She was shocked at what I had to tell her. That confirmed that "H" was lying to her. 9 out of 10 times, everything everyone is telling her is going in one ear and out the other. We're paying almost $200 a month for that? :eek:

She's 15 yrs old and has the body of a 9 yr old. She still does not have her "woman hood". That stopped over a year ago. ALL of the doctors have told her that she is doing major damage to herself and there is an 80% chance that she will not be able to have children. She doesn't care.

She lies ALL the time and straight faced. Her mother caved in and let her get a Learners Permit to drive. Then her mother expects US to teach her how to drive. I don't think so I told DH that she would have to show considerable improvement, be more responsible and mature. Until then, she will NOT get behind either of our cars. I have a car and DH has a 4Runner. He doesn't want her driving a big vehicle. I can understand that (if we were talking about a normal child). I told DH that I do not want her driving my car period. Unfortunately I am out numbered in that department (because I am not a "parent"). DH said I can tell "H" that she will not drive my car until she is more responsible & mature. We'll see what is more important to her.

DH & I have gotten into a few fights about her. I try to avoid it (b/c I don't want to fight about it). A few weeks ago, both girls were over our house. For dinner one night we all just fended - got whatever we wanted. "H" had only a bagel and some cottage cheese. I said something to DH and asked if he was going to say anything to her. He called his ex- and she said for him not to say anything. (I bet you can see where this is going). Yes, DH & I got into this HUGE screaming fight about it. Apparently DH & his ex have decided to leave her alone. She has all the "tools" she needs to get better, she just doesn't want to. I couldn't talk or even look at "H" all weekend. It would upset me too much. Sad thing, she is doing it on purpose - hoping to cause problems. Because that way she is getting attention, granted it's negative attention, but attention none the less.

So I asked DH if he was prepared to burry his first child? I will be surprised if she makes it through high school.

She is saving every single dime she can get her hands on. She will do almost anything for money. I said jokingly to her that our neighbor needs someone to clean up her dog's "mess". She volunteered (b/c she would get paid). My neighbor, of course, was not serious. But "H" took it seriously.

I did talk to DH to see if he thought "H" would get into selling drugs to get more money. He doesn't think she will. I think he's more hoping she won't.

She will not spend a single penny on anything. No clothes, shoes, purse, etc. NOTHING. She is saving it all for the day she graduates HS and moves out. Whether she goes to college or just moves out. She said she is counting the days.

10-15-2008, 02:30 PM
Sorry to hear about what you're going thru with your step daughter. I think until she realizes she needs help you're just talking to a brick wall.
By the way, your house sounds really nice.

10-15-2008, 09:01 PM
Hi. I am so sorry that things have not improved with "H". I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for all of you involved. Congratulations on the new house!!

10-15-2008, 09:54 PM
Sorry for what you are going through with your stepdaughter. I sure hope things get better for all of you.

10-16-2008, 09:50 AM
I'm so sorry that "H" hasn't gotten any better. Too bad there isn't a support group that your family could go to that would help you all deal with her. My heart breaks for this girl, (most likely becuase I don't have to live with her;)).

How is her younger sister doing?

Glad you are enjoying your new home.

Marilyn Michetti
10-16-2008, 10:20 AM
Whoa, this sounds like the Civil War. This poor child has a life threatening disease, and could possibly die, yet her chief goal seems to be getting away from everyone involved. You mentioned her "doing this for attention". NO, anorexia is an addiction no less powerful than drugs or alcohol. You all need someone to talk to - someplace to Al Anon (for drinking), because she's going to run, the "ex" will blame you, and DH, and the two of you will keep fighting over her. Do you love her? (If that sounds harsh, I'm sorry, but it's normal). Love is hard to communicate, at best, in a step mom/ step daughter relationship, and it doesn't sound like you're getting any support from either of her parents.

I have no advice, really, because I've never been through this situation, but I know it's not a behavior issue that can be solved by not letting her drive. She won't "grow out of it", and it could kill her.

God bless all of you, and please, please, get some support for you and your DH. I hope this goes well - keep us posted.

10-17-2008, 02:41 AM
Whoa, this sounds like the Civil War. This poor child has a life threatening disease, and could possibly die, yet her chief goal seems to be getting away from everyone involved. You mentioned her "doing this for attention". NO, anorexia is an addiction no less powerful than drugs or alcohol. You all need someone to talk to - someplace to Al Anon (for drinking), because she's going to run, the "ex" will blame you, and DH, and the two of you will keep fighting over her. Do you love her? (If that sounds harsh, I'm sorry, but it's normal). Love is hard to communicate, at best, in a step mom/ step daughter relationship, and it doesn't sound like you're getting any support from either of her parents.

I have no advice, really, because I've never been through this situation, but I know it's not a behavior issue that can be solved by not letting her drive. She won't "grow out of it", and it could kill her.

God bless all of you, and please, please, get some support for you and your DH. I hope this goes well - keep us posted.

I could not possibly have said it any better. I have known some people who were anorexic. A friend from high school died from it. This was 20 years ago before there was much spotlight on anorexia and none of us really knew what to make of it, what she was doing to herself. She literally starved herself to death and from what I could see, it was a horrible, agonizing death. This girl was unhappy with herself on a level that I still to this day cannot comprehend. And I'll never know why. To the outside world, she was beautiful(this was before she got so thin), funny, smart. She could probably have been and done anything she wanted with her life. But her self-image was so skewed.

Another close friend also was anorexic but would never admit it to anyone. She lost all of her hair. It just fell out in clumps. But she lied to her doctors about her diet so they were clueless as to what caused it.

Like Marilyn said, I really can't give you any advice. I wouldn't even know how. But I do know with all certainty that this is not a "behavioral" issue. It's sooo much deeper than that.

I hope you don't feel that I have been judgmental or preachy or anything. This has just been my personal experience with anorexia. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

10-18-2008, 06:19 AM
DH took "H" to the doctor's this past week. She has gained 3 pounds. He told her he wants her to gain another 3 lbs by next month. She did not like that.

She has told me that she was doing this to make her mom mad. Exactly "she's making my life miserable, so I'm making her's miserable". "H" has never liked her mother. I've known "H" since she was 5 yrs old. Even then she did not like her or get along with her. She was disrespectfull, disobeident (sp?), agruged all the time. One time I was talking to the mother (H was 6) on the phone. I heard "H" ask if she could go to the park behind their house. Mom said no. Next thing I hear is their front door slam shut and "mom" yelling at "H" to get back in the house. Mom said no, she decided to go anyways.

As "H" got older, it got worse. She is currently 15, will be 16 in Feb.

She told DH the other day that she's happy that she doesn't have her "cycle".

According to her mother (that she knows of) "H" only has 2 friends at school. She doesn't "go out there" and make any. Maybe she feels that the less friends she has - they won't ask about her appearance?

Her sister is 13. She is getting tired of everyone "catering" to her sister and ignorning her. Now "H" is in a phase where she's afraid to do anything by herself. One weekend she couldn't even read a book alone. She had asked if she could read her book in my room. I asked her what was wrong with hers. She said she didn't want to. I asked what was wrong with the living room - it's quieter and comfortable. Her response "I'm afraid to be alone" I was shocked by that answer. All she ever says is "just leave me alone" - so we do. She got what she's been asking for, when she got it, she didn't want it. So, "H" begged her sister to just sit with her in their room while she reads. Her sister did.

10-18-2008, 09:23 AM
Please don't take this the wrong way,but it sounds like you all could benefit from some family therapy.You sound really angry at your step-daughter.It's causing you and your DH to fight,and it sounds like your other step daughter is suffering as well.It's got to be difficult living with all this stress.Get some help so your whole family can get well.

Marilyn Michetti
10-18-2008, 11:58 AM
None of my business, but who has legal custody of this child? If it's you and DH, I'd stop talking to the mom as much. Don't know what the laws are in your place, but at 15, this girl, should be able to say, "I don't want my mom right now," and that should be it.

Hang in there. One day, she might get well with the proper help and motivation. You can't grow when you're in the middle of a storm though, so put the love gloves on - they're for fragile, precious things.:thumbsup:

10-18-2008, 02:11 PM
Her mother has full custody of both girls. We only see them 2 weekends a month.

10-18-2008, 05:30 PM
Her mother has full custody of both girls. We only see them 2 weekends a month.

It must be so hard for you. I really feel for you. You could not be stuck between a harder rock and hard place.

I do wish you the best, and maybe one day you dear SD will look back and realize how much you loved her and tried to do you best without much help from Mom and Dad. So many people hope that if they ignore a situation it will go away.

Would your DH go to family therapy? If not go without him! At least you will know how to deal. And poor younger sister. I hope she doesn't start acting out for attention.

Best wishes - stay strong and loving!

P.S. in a weird way I like that she doesn't want to be alone and is looking to spend time with you. Let her be your shadow, it may just end up saving her!