View Full Version : Another Month without VMK

Blue Genie
09-21-2008, 08:40 PM
Well if I'm right this makes today 4 months send VMK when off the air or off the internet. So how is everyone still taking the lost.

09-21-2008, 08:56 PM
I would give anything to have it back. :( ANYTHING. I miss vmk like crazy. Disney is cruel and hateful to end a game that we all loved and spent most of our time on. I wish they would bring it back. Why couldn't they have kept vmk online? They should take into account that they had more people on vmk then any other game they had. We ought to keep writing to them and ask them to bring vmk back. I stopped playing pirates. :ack: I was getting boring. VMK was a whole lot better.

09-21-2008, 09:58 PM
I still miss it and would love to see it back. I miss everyone being in one place.

09-21-2008, 11:00 PM
I was getting boring.

Wow! Not many people would admit that!

I miss vmk...there just isn't anything that comes close to replacing it!

09-21-2008, 11:10 PM
Looking kinda unanimous, eh?
VMK was such a unifying force for people of all walks of life and ages... Maybe someday somebody will come to their senses and realize the wrong they've done and figure out some way to bring it back while saving face for themselves (that's probably a big issue now - not wanting to admit or appear to have made a wrong decision in closing VMK.)
Until then, we'll always have ICot!!!!

09-22-2008, 10:20 AM
I voted all of the above.

I'm SAD that VMK is gone, and I do miss it very much.
:)I'm HAPPY that we're still in touch. It's been fun sitting on the virtual couch with some of you once a week watching old WDW stuff on Small Worlds.
I STILL PLAY VMK IN MY MIND when I'm bored or feeling nostalgic.
Ok, I'll admit I'm not OVER IT. How about 3 out of 4?

09-22-2008, 04:16 PM
I miss everything about VMK - hanging out with friends, playing Haunted Mansion, creating rooms, going to WDW to get pins / quests, etc.

I don't think Disney will admit they made a mistake in pulling the plug.

Yes, the game was initially created to be used as a promotional tool. If the game was used just as a 'promotional tool,' answer me this - why didn't they pull the plug at the end of the 50 Years of Disney Parks celebration?

If Disney had allocated proceeds from the VMK related merchandise (eg pins) and from anything that had to with VMK (eg attractions that issued VMK cards with photo purchases, # of people redeeming quests at VMK Central (they paid to get into the parks to redeem the quests), etc.).

Yes, players did get upset with the massive quest that was released earlier this year, but it should not have been used as bait for negative comments that would fuel the 'VMK is closing' announcement. Many players were willing to help others and work as teams for the PotC task, and a number of players who were fortunate to complete the quest were very willing to share some of the prizes with friends - why didn't Disney Online focus on teamwork and sharing?? Those are great qualities!

Anyhoo... just my :twocents:

Blue Genie
09-22-2008, 08:23 PM
OK here is my story on VMK. I put up sad because I do miss VMK this was the only place where all my friends where at and was there almost every night unlike how we are with Small World or that other fack VMK place that we all know about. Send them it seems like we all have disaper from this computer. I don't see on here to much any more.

Green Cat
Varcity (even though at the end he wasn't on that much.)
My Rockdoctor a.k.a. RainyDaisy

and alot more. That is what I miss about not having VMK anymore.:(

09-23-2008, 08:16 PM
One word: Magic-chasing. :P

I really do miss VMK. Now when I get on the computer, I get really excited (leftover feelings), then I stop because I know that there will be no VMK to visit. VMK was always a magical place to me. I guess I took it for granted at first and didn't get to go on that much, but I wish I did. I'm not so happy with Disney right now :I They made a bad mistake in taking it away from the community of friends and family who chose that place as the best hangout on the internet.

09-23-2008, 08:47 PM
I put all of the above, since I think about the times on VMK and also do miss it. Since VMK ended, my real life has gotten in the way of my play time. Only reason I can still play pirates is I play in the wee hours of the morning just to forget the bad stuff going on and can't sleep (hacking and shooting really helps get anger out) :blush:

I'm trying hard to get on Small Worlds on Friday nights, but missed a few the last couple of weeks. I'm hoping in the next few weeks I can get back to a normal schedule.

I miss all you guys. I am still in touch with Varcity. He's working hard at school again. Saw him in Aug I think it was at DLR for a couple hours around his birthday. He doesn't have much time to even think. Hoping to see Monkey soon and need to talk to Rock Doctor. I know things were crazy with her with her job and such.

I miss you Genie. One of these days need to meet at the park again. Problem is I can't set a time until things calm down with my mom. :(

Blue Genie
09-23-2008, 09:35 PM
Well this month hasn't been good for me with Disney. Don't have the money to go with working only 1 day and having only 4 hours. I had to go for unpolment [ms] to help me pay some bills still haven't got my first check from them (should get it this friday.) So I see where your at CAt.

09-25-2008, 09:47 AM
I still wake up Friday mornings and wonder what is new today, then it hits me...

I thought it would get easier but I miss it more every day, especially when I need an escape from the real world.

I wish they would open it again and market it like Webkinz. Can you imagine having a stuffed version of your vmk character?? Or gator waiter?Or shrunken Ned? Man I'd be broke!

09-25-2008, 11:56 AM
Heh Tea.. a stuffed gator, is that politically correct? I agree, there is money to be made (with a driven creative force behind it) on an improved VMK. Maybe even advertise it.. treat it like a real game and not just the advergaming it was.

I do miss my VMK friends. :(

Just two days ago I over heard one daycare kid telling a new daycare kid all about VMK. He told her that she missed the best game for their age group. They both declared Club Penguin lame... Webkins a once a month stop.. and Pirates out of their league (though he still plays on a basic account now and then.) He added he give anything to play a game of VMK Pirates with her. :pirate:

09-25-2008, 12:31 PM
There are times when I miss the game more then others. That happens when I'm on Smallworlds and there isn't anybody on. Which is sad because I know that if it was VMK there would almost certainly be somebody on.

That is probably what I miss the most being able to find everybody when VMK closed it seems people went to all different games.

09-25-2008, 08:54 PM
Are we going to try to meet up tomorrow night (Fri Sep 26th) on SmallWorlds? I will be home tomorrow night. I can't do it until about 8:00 pacific time.

09-25-2008, 10:25 PM
Yes, I plan on being on SW from 9:30 onwards.

Hopefully, there'll be a few of us around, especially with the new stuff, etc.

09-25-2008, 11:42 PM
Rats, guess I'm gonna miss another Friday... maybe.
We were asked earlier this week if we'd consider playing at a party at Louisiana College (called "Friday Night Fever"). The time has changed several times, but as of tonight, it sounds like we'll get there at 6 and play a total of 3 sets lasting 30 minutes each starting at 7:30. This is a pretty big hall with a state of the art sound system and lighting set up (even fog machines apparently!) so we'll be travelling light... and someone else will actually set up and run sound for us from the A/V department there! We're still bringing half of our lighting and our own fog machine as well as our banner and the show will be taped....
But I've gotten off track... if y'all are on late, I may get home in time to catch a few minutes on Smallworlds! Hope I can catch y'all!

09-26-2008, 12:59 AM
I end up going on that vmk revisited a lot these days. :crying: I miss it terribly and i wish they would turn it back on. Turning off vmk was one of the biggest mistakes disney could have ever made IMO. If they could see how many people who played and miss it to this day i bet they would change their minds. But they would have to really really care first....which they don't.